Publication | Type | Download | Year | Abstract: |
Kanel, D., Morales, S., Altman, K., Richards, J. E., Winkler, A. M., Pine, D. S., Fox, N. A., & Filippi, C. A. (2025). Infants’ resting-state functional connectivity and event-related potentials: A multimodal approach to investigating the neural basis of infant novelty detection.Developmental Psychology. Advance online publication. | journal | Kanel et al., 2026 | 2025 | Individual differences in how the brain responds to novelty are present from infancy. A common method of studying novelty processing is through event-related potentials (ERPs). While ERPs possess millisecond precision, spatial resolution remains poor, especially in infancy. This study aimed to balance spatial and temporal precision by combining ERP data with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data. Twenty-nine infants (15 female) underwent resting-state fMRI (Mage = 4.73 months) and electroencephalography (EEG) during a three-stimulus auditory oddball task (Mage = 5.19 months). The mismatch response (MMR) and P3 were computed from ERP data, and resting-state functional connectivity (rs-FC) was computed from fMRI data. We first source localized the MMR and P3 responses to five regions-of-interest (ROIs), based on prior literature. We then performed network-level enrichment analyses to identify associations between rs-FC and MMR and P3, at each of the five ROIs. In line with prior work, source-localized EEG analyses implicated the bilateral auditory cortices, posterior cingulate cortex, and superior parietal cortex in the generation of MMR and P3 responses. The MMR and P3 related to functional connectivity within the somatomotor network as well as between the somatomotor and the dorsal and ventral attention networks (DAN/VAN). This was especially true for novelty response ERPs recorded at superior parietal lobule, known for its implications in initial reorienting to novel stimuli. The DAN, known for its implication in initial reorienting to support novelty detection, was implicated for the MMR. In contrast, the VAN, known for its support of later-stage, complex adjustments in attention, related to the later P3. This work further solidifies our understanding of the underlying networks implicated in the development of immediate responses to stimuli. Altered configurations of such networks may increase the risk for heightened sensitivity to novelty in certain individuals, which could have behavioral and clinical significance. |
Kelsey, C., Kamenetsky, A., Mulligan, K, Tras, C., Kent, M., Bayet, L., Richards, J.E., Enlow, M.B., & Nelson, C.A. (2024). Forming connections: Functional brain connectivity is associated with executive functioning abilities in early childhood. Developmental Science. | journal | 2024 | Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies with adults provide evidence that functional brain networks, including the default mode network and frontoparietal network, underlie executive functioning (EF). However, given the challenges of using fMRI with infants and young children, little work has assessed the developmental trajectories of these networks or their associations with EF at key developmental stages. More recently, functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) has emerged as a promising neuroimaging tool which can provide information on cortical functional networks and can be more easily implemented with young children. Children (N = 207; n = 116 male; n = 167 White) had fNIRS data recorded at infancy, 3 years, 5 years, and 7 years of age while watching a 2-minute nonsocial video. At 3, 5, and 7 years, children completed behavioral assessments and parents completed questionnaires to assess child EF abilities. Results showed that, although most autoregressive paths for functional brain network connectivity were not significant, EF was concurrently and longitudinally associated with functional connectivity levels in both networks. Overall, these results inform the understanding of early emerging neural underpinnings of regulatory abilities and point to considerable change in composition of functional brain networks and a conservation of function across development. Key words: default mode network, executive functioning, frontoparietal network, fNIRS, functional connectivity. |
Sullivan, E. F., Pirazzoli, L., Richards, J. E., Shama, T., Chaumette, A., Haque, R., Petri, W. A., & Nelson, C. A. (2024). Exploration of auditory statistical learning, socioeconomic status, and language outcomes in Bangladeshi children: A functional near-infrared spectroscopy study.. Developmental Psychology. | journal | Sullivan et al., 2024 | 2024 | Auditory statistical learning is thought to be one element that underlies language acquisition. Prior studies have uncovered behavioral and neural correlates of statistical learning, yet further research is needed to illuminate how statistical learning processes may relate to early environmental factors and language outcomes in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). In the current study, we used functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) to investigate auditory statistical learning in 102 two-year-old and 125 five-year-old children living in Dhaka, Bangladesh. We also collected measures of early environmental exposures and language outcomes. Both two- and five-year-olds showed evidence of statistical learning abilities, with two-year-olds exhibiting a higher response to predictable auditory sequences and five-year-olds exhibiting higher responses to unpredictable auditory sequences. We found no significant associations between fNIRS correlates of statistical learning and language outcomes. A number of measures of the early environment were associated with fNIRS correlates of statistical learning at five but not two years of age. This study demonstrates the feasibility of using fNIRS to study the neural correlates of statistical learning in LMICs, and highlights areas for future inquiry into how the early environment may impact statistical learning to inform early interventions. Public Significance Statement: Two- and five-year-old-children living in profound poverty in Dhaka, Bangladesh showed different brain responses to familiar and novel auditory patterns. These brain responses were not associated with language outcomes in either age group but, for five-year-olds only, were related to certain adverse experiences. These results show the utility of brain imaging techniques in uncovering how early adversity may impact auditory processing during different periods of childhood. |
Bradshaw, J., Richards, J.E., McLaughlin, E., Yurkovic-Harding, J., & Harding, S. (2024). Heart rate measures of attention and RSA in infants at an elevated genetic likelihood for ASD. Paper presented at the International Congress for Infants Studies Biennial Meeting, Glasgow, Scotland, July 2024. | conference | 2024 | Infant sustained attention can be characterized by a deceleration in heart rate that occurs during episodes of looking. More heart rate change during a look has been linked to more active attention and enhanced cognitive processing (Richards, 2010). Respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) is a measure of how respiratory centers modulate the vagal control of the heart, with high RSA reflecting healthy integration of cardiorespiratory systems. Individual differences in RSA are associated with heart rate changes during episodes of sustained attention, suggesting that RSA may also be important for active attention and cognitive processing. For infants at an elevated likelihood (EL) of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), reduced RSA and/or blunted attention-based heart rate changes may be an indicator of the infant's limited capacity to sustain attention to the environment, possibly limiting early social learning opportunities. In a prospective, longitudinal study of infants at EL (N=43) and low likelihood (LL; N=51) for ASD, we examine resting RSA and heart rate changes during attention from 1-36 months of age. Heart rate was recorded while infants watched videos and interacted with caregivers and objects. Heart rate data was cleaned for noise and periods in between experiments were extracted to obtain an overall measure of resting RSA. To calculate RSA, a continuous wavelet transformation (CWT) from 0.5-1.5 hz was conducted and inverse CWT was calculated as log(var(iCWT)). All experiments were filmed and coded for infant attention. The first 20 seconds after each look were used to calculate heart rate changes during attention. General linear models were used to evaluate resting RSA and heart rate responses across age and between EL and LL groups. Results show that heart rate significantly decreased and RSA significantly increased with age from 1-36 months (ps<.0001). For both models, there was no significant main effect of group (EL vs. LL) and no significant group x age interaction. When EL and LL infants were split into respective “high” and “low” resting RSA groups, general linear models showed a significant likelihood group x RSA group interaction for the effect on heart rate responses (F=5.22, p=0.024). Specifically, LL infants with high RSA showed more heart rate change (more deceleration) during attention (F=8.64; p=0.005), but LL infants with low RSA showed very little heart rate response during attention. Thus, as previous studies have shown, infants with higher RSA show more heart rate deceleration during attention compared to those with low RSA. Critically, our results show that this was only the case for LL infants. For EL infants, both high-RSA and low-RSA infants showed minimal heart rate responses during attention. These findings point to a disrupted integration of cardiorespiratory and attention systems in EL infants. Previous work has shown that both RSA and heart rate changes during attention are important for the development of social communication (Bradshaw & Abney, 2021) and this study shows that for EL infants, who are already at a greater likelihood of ASD and social-communicative challenges, there may be a maladaptive disconnect between cardiorespiratory and attentional systems early in development. |
Yurkovic-Harding, J., Richards, J.E., Harding, S.M., & Bradshaw, J. (2024) Dynamics of RSA reveal differences in physiology surrounding social smiles for infants at elevated- and low-likelhood for ASD. Paper presented at the International Congress for Infants Studies Biennial Meeting, Glasgow, Scotland, July 2024. | conference | 2024 | Introduction. Respiratory sinus arrythmia (RSA) is an index of physiological regulation that measures fluctuation in heart rate as a function of breathing rate (Richards, 1985, 1987). High RSA supports concurrent stimulus engagement (Richards & Casey, 1992) and is predictive of later social abilities (Mateus et al., 2018). Evidence suggests that RSA in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is atypical and precedes the social difficulties that characterize the disorder (Patriquin et al., 2013). Despite its potential as an early mechanism of social development, RSA has not been studied in young infants with ASD. We therefore aim to understand changes in RSA surrounding social smiling, the first social behavior to emerge in infancy (Lavelli & Fogel, 2005). Infants smile in response to their parent and elicit further social behaviors from the parent (Symons & Moran, 1994), thereby laying the foundation for reciprocal social communication. Participants and Study. Participants are 81 infants at elevated likelihood (EL, n=28) or low likelihood (LL, n=53) for ASD who were part of a longitudinal study. Data from 3- and 4-month visits (n=113) were included. Dyads engaged in face-to-face play for 5 minutes while infants wore heart rate monitors. Moments of social smiling were identified by the infant both looking to and smiling at the parent. Interbeat intervals (IBIs) were identified from the raw heart rate data. RSA Analysis. Predominant theories of RSA differ in their interpretation of RSA as either a tonic phenomenon that should be evaluated over long timescales or a phasic phenomenon that should be evaluated at the same timescale as respiration. Extant measures built on tonic theories are only validated for dynamics occurring across ³15s windows (Abney et al., 2021). However, these windows of time may be too coarse to capture RSA related to social smiles, which are ~3.5s long and temporally coupled with looks at ~4s latencies (Yurkovic-Harding & Bradshaw, Under Review). The current study therefore leverages continuous wavelet transforms to calculate RSA, which are valid for dynamics at 2s, thereby coordinating with the phase of infant respiration. (Richards et al., In Prep). A significant portion of this talk will validate this innovative analysis. Results. RSA across the full session did not differ as a function of age, group, or age´group (all p>.09). We next calculated change in RSA preceding and following social smiles. We fit a linear model to the age´group means and used a bootstrap analysis to compare intercepts and slopes (Figure 1a). 3mo LL infants had a significantly lower levels of RSA before smile onset compared to 4mo LL infants (p<.05). Additionally, 3mo LL infant RSA increased more quickly than both 3mo EL infants (p<.05) and 4mo LL infants (p=.01). There were no differences in RSA during smiles (all p>0.07) or in the dynamics of RSA following smile offset (all p>.07). Discussion. The physiological systems of 3mo LL infants appear to coordinate with and support the onset of social behaviors. This was not the case for 3mo EL infants or 4mo infants. Increased physiological regulation in 3mo LL infants may reflect engagement with the parent and may lead to deeper processing of the social interaction (Richards & Casey, 1992). An absence of this effect in EL infants may suggest that, while they are able to engage in social interactions, they may not be as fully physiologically engaged with them. This coincides with recent findings that the temporal dynamics of looking and smiling differ in EL relative to LL infants (Yurkovic-Harding & Bradshaw, Under Review). Future work will aim to predict social communication outcomes from the relationship between RSA and smiling in both groups. |
Clayton, K.R.H., Slivka, L., Richards, J.E., Conte, S. , & Reynolds, G.D. (2024). Cortical sources of categorization of other-species faces for 6- and 12-month-old infants. . Paper presented at the International Congress for Infants Studies Biennial Meeting, Glasgow, Scotland, July 2024 | conference | 2024 | Perceptual narrowing is characterized by shift from broad sensitivity in early development to a narrower range of stimuli commonly encountered in the native environment (Maurer & Werker, 2014). 6-month-olds can discriminate between novel and “familiar” monkey faces but no longer demonstrate this ability at 9 months (Pascalis, deHaan,& Nelson, 2002), possibly due to categorizing non-native stimuli rather than processing at the individual level (Nelson, 2001). Exposure to multiple exemplars during initial learning has been shown to facilitate subordinate categorization of other-species faces (Dixon et al. ,2019). Studies utilizing event-related potentials (ERPs) have identified the Nc component as a neural correlate of attentional engagement (Richards, 2003). Mature category learning is proposed to be selection-based, characterized by a narrow focus of attention to relevant features (Deng & Sloutsky, 2015). However, infant category learning may be compression-based, driven by a bottom-up process detecting redundancies in visual input. Selection-based category learning may be associated with areas of prefrontal cortex, and compression-based category learning may be associated with inferotemporal cortex and basal ganglia (Ashby et al. ,1998; Best et al.,2013). Cortical source analysis of infant ERP data has identified inferotemporal areas as showing significant effects of attention during Nc response to face stimuli (Conte et al., 2020). We utilized cortical source analysis to identify the neural generator(s) of the Nc component for 6 - (n=24) and 12-month-old infants (n=22) during multiple (n=19) or single (n=26) exemplar learning conditions of monkey faces. The single exemplar learning condition consisted of 20 1000ms presentations of a single monkey face while the multiple exemplar condition consisted of 10 different monkey faces presented twice. High-density EEG was measured while infants were shown novel faces from other monkey species, novel faces from the same monkey species, and familiar monkey faces. Realistic head models were generated for each participant based on head measurements. Structural MRIs from the Neurodevelopmental MRI Database were used from infants close in head size to each participant (Richards et al.,2015). A finite element method head model was generated with source dipoles restricted to gray matter in Regions of Interest (ROI). Current density amplitude in source locations was estimated with the CDR technique and exact-LORETA (Pascual-Marqui et al.,2011). The ERP data were used to estimate the CDR amplitudes for each ROI. Results were analyzed using a mixed effects model with fixed effects of age, condition (Novel-Other, Novel-Same, Familiar), learning exemplar (Multiple, Single) and ROI (Anterior Fusiform Gyrus (AFG), Posterior Fusiform Gyrus, Middle Temporal Gyrus, and Posterior Inferior Temporal Gyrus ).There was a main effect of ROI (F(3,675.93) 4.08, p=.007) and a three-way interaction of age, exemplar, and ROI that approached significance (F(3,675.93) 2.54, p =.06). CDR amplitude was greatest in the AFG across age and exemplar. 12-month-olds showed greater CDR amplitude in AFG in the multiple exemplar group over single exemplar. 6-month-olds showed no significant difference between exemplar group. This may indicate that 12-month-old infant attention to other species faces may recruit brain areas outside the inferotemporal cortex potentially due to a development of selection-based category learning. | |
Bradshaw, J., Fu, X., & Richards, J.E. (2024). Infant sustained attention differs by context and social content in the first two years of life. Developmental Science | journal | Bradshaw et al., 2024 | 2024 | Sustained attention (SA) is an endogenous form of attention that emerges in infancy and reflects cognitive engagement and processing. SA is critical for learning and has been measured using different methods during screen-based and interactive contexts involving social and nonsocial stimuli. How SA differs by measurement method, context, and stimuli across development in infancy is not fully understood. This 2-year longitudinal study examines attention using one measure of overall looking behavior and three measures of SA—mean look duration, percent time in heart rate-defined SA, and heart rate change during SA—in N = 53 infants from 1 to 24 months across four unique task conditions: social videos, nonsocial videos, social interactions (face-to-face play), and nonsocial interactions (toy engagement). Results suggest that developmental changes in attention differ by measurement method, task context (screen or interaction), and task stimulus (social or nonsocial). During social interactions, overall looking and look durations declined after age 3–4 months, whereas heart rate-defined attention measures remained stable. All SA measures were greater for videos than for live interaction conditions throughout the first 6 months, but SA to social and nonsocial stimuli within each task context were equivalent. In the second year of life, SA measured with look durations was greater for social videos compared to other conditions, heart rate-defined SA was greater for social videos compared to nonsocial interactions, and heart rate change during SA was similar across conditions. Together, these results suggest that different measures of attention to social and nonsocial stimuli may reflect unique developmental processes and are important to compare and consider together, particularly when using infant attention as a marker of typical or atypical development. Research Highlights Attention measure, context, and social content uniquely differentiate developmental trajectories of attention in the first 2 years of life. Overall looking to caregivers during dyadic social interactions declines significantly from 4 to 6 months of age while sustained attention (SA) to caregivers remains stable. Heart rate-defined SA generally differentiates stimulus context where infants show greater SA while watching videos than while engaging with toys. |
Richards, J.E., Conte, S., Guy, M., & Zieber, N. (2024). Development of face-specific ERP processing in infants from 3 to 12 months of age. Paper presented at the International Congress for Infants Studies Biennial Meeting, Glasgow, Scotland, July 2024. | conference | 2024 | The face inversion effect has been considered the marker for expert perceptual processing. It affects face-specific components of event-related brain potentials (ERPs). In adults, the N170 component shows larger amplitude and delayed latency to inverted than upright faces. Such inversion effect does not occur for non-face stimuli. The face inversion effect occurs in infants at 12 months of age on the N290 and P400 ERP components, but this has not been systematically studied in infants at younger ages. The neural generator of the N290 component has been localized in the middle and posterior fusiform gyri. The present study investigated the effect of face inversion on face-selective ERP components in infants from 3 to 12 months of age. We expected that upright face stimuli would elicit larger responses than other stimuli in face-selective ERP components (N290, P400) but not in non-specific ERP components (P1). There also should be a change from 3 to 12 months in the specificity and amplitude of the face-selective components and changes in the response to inverted face stimuli. Infants were tested at ages 3, 4.5, 6, 7.5, 9 or 12 months of age. Upright and inverted faces and upright and inverted houses were presented while EEG was recorded. The “event-related-potential” (ERP) to the stimulus onset was quantified for P1, N290, and P400 ERP components. Cortical source analysis was used to estimate the cortical areas generating the ERPs and responsive to the face inversion. The N290 in response to upright faces increased in amplitude from 3 to 12 months. The N290 in response to inverted faces was smaller at 3 mo. than to upright faces, but increased in amplitude from 3 to 12 months. At 12 months the N290 to inverted faces was slightly larger than the N290 to upright faces. The P400 was larger to upright faces than inverted faces at ages but 3 months. The N290 and P400 were larger to faces than to houses; these components do not differ between upright and inverted houses. The source activity of the N290 in the right middle fusiform gyrus showed a linear increase across age for upright faces; both left anterior and middle fusiform gyri showed a quadratic increase over this age range to upright and inverted faces, but not to houses. These results show changes over age in the ERP responses to inverted faces was different than the changes to upright faces, whereas the changes in the ERP to upright and inverted houses did not differ. At 12 months the N290 to inverted faces was slightly larger than upright faces, whereas the P400 to upright faces was larger than to inverted faces. These results do not unambiguously support the ERP to inverted faces as an indicator of expert face perceptual processing in infants. However, they show that infants distinguish between upright and inverted faces and that source generators for upright faces closely follow the ERP responses and by 12 months are similar to adult generators. |
Conte S, Zimmerman D, Richards JE (2024) White matter trajectories over the lifespan. PLOS ONE 19(5): e0301520. | journal | Conte et al., 2024 | 2024 | White matter (WM) changes occur throughout the lifespan at a different rate for each developmental period. We aggregated 10879 structural MRIs and 6186 diffusion-weighted MRIs from participants between 2 weeks to 100 years of age. Age-related changes in gray matter and WM partial volumes and microstructural WM properties, both brain-wide and on 29 reconstructed tracts, were investigated as a function of biological sex and hemisphere, when appropriate. We investigated the curve fit that would best explain age-related differences by fitting linear, cubic, quadratic, and exponential models to macro and microstructural WM properties. Following the first steep increase in WM volume during infancy and childhood, the rate of development slows down in adulthood and decreases with aging. Similarly, microstructural properties of WM, particularly fractional anisotropy (FA) and mean diffusivity (MD), follow independent rates of change across the lifespan. The overall increase in FA and decrease in MD are modulated by demographic factors, such as the participant’s age, and show different hemispheric asymmetries in some association tracts reconstructed via probabilistic tractography. All changes in WM macro and microstructure seem to follow nonlinear trajectories, which also differ based on the considered metric. Exponential changes occurred for the WM volume and FA, whereas the MD values in the first five years of life changed following a quadratic trend. Collectively, these results provide novel insight into how changes in different metrics of WM occur when a lifespan approach is considered. Keywords Brain development, lifespan, white matter, probabilistic tractography |
Kelsey, C., Modico, M.., Richards, J., Bosquet Enlow, M., & Nelson, C. (2023). Infant frontal asymmetry responses to emotional faces are associated with mental health outcomes at five years of age. Poster presented to the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Salt Lake City, Utah. | conference | 2023 | ||
McSweeney, M., Richards, J. E., Conte, S., Valadez, E. A., Buzzell, G. A., Tan, E., Morales, S., Pine, D. S., Winkler, A. M., Liuzzi, L., Chronis-Tuscano, A., Fox, N. A. (2023). Associations between the Development of Error Monitoring, Temperament and Anxiety: A Longitudinal Multimodal Study. Poster presented to the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Salt Lake City, Utah. | conference | 2023 | ||
Guy, M.W., Conte, S., Hogan, A.L., Bursalioglu, A., Richards, J.E., & Roberts, J.E. (2023). Neural Responses and Sensory Responsivity in Infants with Fragile X Syndrome and Familial Autism Risk. Talk presented at the Society for Research in Child Development, March, 2023, Salt Lake City, UT. | conference | 2023 | ||
Guy, M. W., Richards, J.E., Hogan, A., & Roberts, J.E. (2022). Neural Correlates of Face Processing in Children with Fragile X Syndrome and Autism Spectrum Disorder. Talk presented at the Society for Research in Child Development, March, 2023, Salt Lake City, UT. | conference | 2023 | ||
Magee, A.L., Pirazzoli, L., Sanchez-Alonso, S., Sullivan, E.F., Perdue, K.L., Zinszer, B., Bejjanki, V.R., Richards, J.E., Culver, J.P., Aslin, R.N., Emberseon, L.L., Egbrecht, A.T. (2023). Scalp-based parcellation for longitudinal fNIRS studies’. Proc. SPIE 12628, Diffuse Optical Spectroscopy and Imaging IX, 126280K (9 August 2023); | journal | Magee et al. 2023 | 2023 | |
Lei, Y., Richards, J.E., Geng, F., & Riggins, T. (2023). Multimodal analysis of neural signals related to source memory in young children. FLUX Conference, 2023 | conference | Lei et al., 2023 | 2023 | Both EEG and fMRI studies showed neural signals linking to the performance of source memory (e.g. Ghetti & Bunge, 2012). • Connections between findings from the two approaches remain unclear. • The P2 and the late slow wave component (LSW) have been found to be associated with episodic memory, yet their sources and exact functionality is not fully understood. • We applied source localization to bring the two modalities together. This study sought to understand whether P2 and LSW are localized to to fMRI ROIs obtained from the same children during the same task one week apart (Geng, Redcay, Riggins, 2019). • Additionally, we predict that sources are significantly different in the medial temporal lobe (MTL) and the surrounding areas, a region long associated with memory feature binding, between source memory correct and source memory incorrect trials. |
Clayton, K., Conte, S., Slivka, L., Roth, K., Richards, J.E., & Reynolds, G. (2023). Cortical sources of own-and other-species face processing. Poster presented to the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Salt Lake City, Utah. | conference | Guy, Richards, & Roberts, 2022 | 2023 | Perceptual narrowing is characterized by a narrowing of sensitivity from a broad range of stimuli in early development to a narrower range of stimuli commonly encountered in the native environment in later development (Maurer & Werker, 2014). § Six-month-old infants are able to discriminate between monkey faces at the individual level. By 9 months of age, infants no longer demonstrate this ability, but they retain the ability to discriminate between individual human faces (Pascalis, de Haan, & Nelson, 2002). § Studies utilizing ERPs have identified the P1 and N290 components as ERP components associated with face processing in infancy. The P1 is associated with low-level visual processing and categorization of faces and objects (Pekarjou et al., 2014), and the N290 is associated with more specialized face processing (de Haan, 2007). § Work utilizing cortical source analysis on infant ERP data in response to human faces indicates that the P1 is generated in the lingual and parahippocampal gyri and the N290 is generated in the fusiform gyrus (Conte, Richards, Guy, Xie, & Roberts, 2020). § The current study utilized cortical source analysis to identify the neural generator(s) of the P1 and N290 components for infants of 10 to 12 months of age during initial exposure to either human or monkey faces. |
Conte, S., Richards, J.E., Fox, N.A., Valadez, E.A., McSweeney, M., Tan, E., Pine, D.S., Winkler, A.M., Liuzzi, L., Cardinale, E.M, White, L.K., & Buzzell, G.A. (2023). Multimodal study of the neural sources of error monitoring in adolescents and adults. Psychophysiology, | journal | Conte, Richards, et al., 2023 | 2023 | The ability to monitor performance during a goal-directed behavior differs among children and adults in ways that can be measured with several tasks and techniques. As well, recent work has shown that individual differences in error monitoring moderate temperamental risk for anxiety and that this moderation changes with age. We investigated age differences in neural responses linked to performance monitoring using a multimodal approach. The approach combined functional MRI and source localization of event-related potentials (ERPs) in 12-year-old, 15-year-old, and adult participants. Neural generators of two components related to performance and error monitoring, the N2 and ERN, lay within specific areas of fMRI clusters. Whereas correlates of the N2 component appeared similar across age groups, age-related differences manifested in the location of the generators of the ERN component. The dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (dACC) was the predominant source location for the 12-year-old group; this area manifested posteriorly for the 15-year-old and adult groups. A fMRI-based ROI analysis confirmed this pattern of activity. These results suggest that changes in the underlying neural mechanisms are related to developmental changes in performance monitoring. |
Richards, J.E., Guy, M.W., Hogan, A.L., & Roberts, J.E. (2023). Neural correlates of face processing among preschoolers with fragile X syndrome, autism spectrum disorder, autism siblings, and typical development. Autism Research. | journal | Richards et al., 2023 | 2023 | The current study examined patterns of event-related potential (ERP) responses during a face processing task in groups of preschoolers uniquely impacted by autism spectrum disorder (ASD), including (1) children with ASD; (2) children with fragile X syndrome (FXS); (3) children with familial risk for ASD, but without a diagnosis (i.e., ASIBs); and (4) a low-risk control (LRC) group. Children with FXS have a high incidence of ASD diagnoses, but there have been no studies of the ERP response to faces in children with FXS and little work focused on children with ASD who have cognitive impairment. The current study examined children's ERP responses to faces and houses in four groups: LRC (N = 28, age = 5.2 years), ASIB (N = 23, age = 5.5 years), FXS (N = 19, age = 5.82 years), and ASD (N = 23, age = 5.5 years). The FXS and ASD groups were characterized by the presence of cognitive impairment. Pictures of upright and inverted faces and houses were presented while recording EEG with a 128-channel system. The N170 occurred at about 200 ms post stimulus onset, was largest on the posterior-lateral electrodes, and was larger for faces than houses. The P1 and N170 ERP components were larger for the FXS group than for the other three groups. The N170 ERP amplitude for the ASD and ASIB groups was smaller than both the LRC and FXS groups, and the LRC and FXS groups had the largest N170 responses on the right side. No difference was found in N170 latency between groups. The similarity of the ASD and ASIB responses suggest a common genetic or environmental origin of the reduced response. Although children with FXS have a high incidence of ASD outcomes, they differed from ASD and ASIB children in this study. Specifically, the children with FXS were hyperresponsive to all stimulus types while the ASD and ASIB groups showed attenuated responses for specific stimuli. |
Fu, X, & Richards J.E. (2022). Age-related changes in diffuse optical tomography sensitivity profiles from infancy to adulthood. Paper presented at the fNIRS2022 annual meeting, Boston, MA. | conference | 2022 | ||
Kelsey, C., Modico, M.., Richards, J., Bosquet Enlow, M., & Nelson, C. (2022). Frontal asymmetry assessed using functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy is associated with later emotional and behavioral problems. Paper presented at the fNIRS2022 annual conference, Boston MA | conference | 2022 | ||
Conte, S., Zimmerman, D., Richards, J.E. (2022). White matter changes from infancy to adulthood. Paper presented at the International Congress for Infants Studies Biennial Meeting, Ottawa, Canada | conference | Conte, Zimmerman, & Richards ,2022 | 2022 | Diffusion MRI is well suited to track the development of white matter (WM) across the lifespan. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) provides in vivo indices of WM structure and tractography analyses can help to further investigate the major WM connections. In the current study, we used DTI to investigate developmental trajectories of WM fractional anisotropy (FA) and mean diffusivity (MD) in typically developing subjects across the lifespan. Probabilistic tractography algorithms were applied to reconstruct and analyze 16 major fiber bundles |
Richards, J.E., Conte, S, Fox, N.A., Valadez, E.A., McSweeney, M., Tan, E., Pine, D.S., Winkler, A.M., Liuzzi, L., & Buzzell, G.A. (2022). Location of the cortical source of the "Error-related negativity" in adolescents and adults; A multimodal ERP/fMRI study. Paper presented at the Society for Psychophysiological Research annual meeting, Vancouver, CA | conference | 2022 | ||
Richards, J.E., Guy, M.W., Hogan, A.L., & Roberts. J.E. (2022). Event-related potentials in childrne with fragile X syndrome and autism spectrum disorder. Paper presented at the Society for Psychophysiological Research annual meeting, Vancouver, CA | conference | 2022 | ||
Guy, M.W., Conte, S., Bursalıoğlu, A., & Richards, J.E. (2022). Peak selection and latency jitter correction in infant event-related potentials. Paper presented at the International Congress for Infants Studies Biennial Meeting, Ottawa, Canada | conference | 2022 | ||
Kelsey, C., Modico, M.., Richards, J., Bosquet Enlow, M., & Nelson, C. (2022). Frontal asymmetry assessed using functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy is associated with later emotional and behavioral problems. Poster to be presented at the International Congress for Infants Studies Biennial Meeting, Ottawa, Canada. | conference | 2022 | ||
Guy, M.W., Conte, S., Hogan, A.L., Bursalıoğlu, A., Richards, J.E., & Roberts, J.E. (2022). The P1 event-related potential response and sensory responsivity in infants with fragile X syndrome and high familial risk for autism Paper presented at the International Congress for Infants Studies Biennial Meeting, Ottawa, Canada | conference | 2022 | ||
Fu, X., & Richards, J.E. (2022) Age-related changes in diffuse optical tomography sensitivity profiles from childhood to adulthood, J. Biomed. Opt. 27(8), 083004 (2022), doi: 10.1117/1.JBO.27.8.083004. | journal | Fu & Richards, 2022 | 2022 | |
Conte, S., & Richards, J.E. (2022). Cortical source analysis of event-related potentials: A developmental approach. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 54, | journal | Conte & Richards, 2022 | 2022 | Cortical source analysis of electroencephalographic (EEG) signals has become an important tool in the analysis of brain activity. The aim of source analysis is to reconstruct the cortical generators (sources) of the EEG signal recorded on the scalp. The quality of the source reconstruction relies on the accuracy of the forward problem, and consequently the inverse problem. An accurate forward solution is obtained when an appropriate imaging modality (i.e., structural magnetic resonance imaging – MRI) is used to describe the head geometry, precise electrode locations are identified with 3D maps of the sensor positions on the scalp, and realistic conductivity values are determined for each tissue type of the head model. Together these parameters contribute to the definition of realistic head models. Here, we describe the steps necessary to reconstruct the cortical generators of the EEG signal recorded on the scalp. We provide an example of source reconstruction of event-related potentials (ERPs) during a face-processing task performed by a 6-month-old infant. We discuss the adjustments necessary to perform source analysis with measures different from the ERPs. The proposed pipeline can be applied to the investigation of different cognitive tasks in both younger and older participants. |
Sullivan, E.F., Xie, W., Conte, S., Richards, J.E., Shama, T., Haque, R., Petri, W.A., & Nelson, C.A. (2022). Neural correlates of inhibitory control and associations with cognitive outcomes in Bangladeshi children exposed to early adversities. Developmental Science | journal | Sullivan et al., 2022 | 2022 | There is strong support for the view that children growing up in low-income homes typically evince poorer performance on tests of inhibitory control compared to those growing up in higher income homes. Unfortunately, the vast majority of the work documenting this association has been conducted in high-income countries. It is not yet known whether the mechanisms found to mediate this association would generalize to children in low- and middle-income countries, where the risks of exposure to extreme poverty and a wide range of both biological and psychosocial hazards may be greater. We examined relations among early adversity, neural correlates of inhibitory control, and cognitive outcomes in 154 5-year-old children living in Dhaka, Bangladesh, an area with a high prevalence of poverty. Participants completed a go/no-go task assessing inhibitory control and their behavioral and event-related potential responses were assessed. Cortical source analysis was performed. We collected measures of poverty, malnutrition, maternal mental health, psychosocial adversity, and cognitive skills. Supporting studies in high-income countries, children in this sample exhibited a longer N2 latency and higher P3 amplitude to the no-go versus go condition. Unexpectedly, children had a more pronounced N2 amplitude during go trials than no-go trials. The N2 latency was related to their behavioral accuracy on the go/no-go task. The P3 mean amplitude, behavioral accuracy, and reaction time during the task were all associated with intelligence-quotient (IQ) scores. Children who experienced higher levels of psychosocial adversity had lower accuracy on the task and lower IQ scores. |
Laura Pirazzoli, Eileen Sullivan, Wanze Xie, John Richards, Chiara Bulgarelli, Sarah Lloyd-Fox, Talat Shama, Shahria H. Kakon, Rashidul Haque, William A. Jr. Petri and Charles A. Nelson, Association of psychosocial adversity and social information processing in children raised in a low-resource setting: a fNIRS study, Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, (2021) doi: | journal | Pirazzoli et al., 2022 | 2022 | Abstract Social cognition skills and socioemotional development are compromised in children growing up in low SES contexts, however, the mechanisms underlying this association remain unknown. Exposure to psychosocial risk factors early in life alters the child’s social milieu and in turn, could lead to atypical processing of social stimuli. In this study, we used functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) to measure cortical responses to a social discrimination task in children raised in a low-resource setting at 6, 24, and 36 months. In addition, we assessed the relation between cortical responses to social and non-social information with psychosocial risk factors assessed using the Childhood Psychosocial Adversity Scale (CPAS). In line with previous findings, we observed specialization to social stimuli in cortical regions in all age groups. In addition, we found that risk factors were associated with social discrimination at 24 months (intimate partner violence and verbal abuse and family conflict) and 36 months (verbal abuse and family conflict and maternal depression) but not at 6 months. Overall, the results show that exposure to psychosocial adversity has more impact on social information processing in toddlerhood than earlier in infancy |
Guy, M.W., Richards, J.E., & Roberts, J.E. (2022). Head model selection and cortical source analysis of the N290 ERP component in infants at high risk for autism. Brain Sciences | journal | Guy, Richards, & Roberts, 2022 | 2022 | Abstract: Appropriate head models for cortical source analysis were investigated and applied to source analyses examining the neural bases of the face-sensitive N290 event-related potential (ERP) component in infants at high risk for autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This included infant siblings of children with ASD (ASIBs) and infants with fragile X syndrome (FXS). First, alternative head models for use with ASIBs and FXS were investigated. Head models created from the infant’s own MRI were examined in relation to five head models based on average MRI templates. The results of the head model comparison identified group-specific (i.e., ASIB or FXS) head models created from a large collection of structural MRIs as the best substitution for the head model created from the participant’s own structural MRI. Second, the cortical source analysis was completed on N290 data collected from a previous study to investigate brain areas associated with face sensitive ERP responses. Participants’ own MRIs were used for head models when available, and the group-specific head model was used when the participants’ own MRIs were not available. The results provide evidence for unique patterns of neural activation during face processing across infants at high and low risk for ASD and across etiologically distinct high-risk groups. All infants demonstrated greater activation to faces than toys in brain areas most associated with specialized face processing. Infants with FXS displayed higher levels of activation to faces across all areas analyzed, while ASIBs show more muted levels of activation. Overall, the results of the current study demonstrate the importance of group-specific head models for accurate cortical source analysis in infants at high risk for ASD. This also allows for further research on early distinctions in brain function based on risk status. Keywords: autism spectrum disorder; cortical source analysis; event-related potentials; face processing |
Fu, X., & Richards, J.E. (2022). Evaluating Head Models for Cortical Source Localization of the Face-Sensitive N290 Component in Infants. Brain Topography, doi: 10.1007/s10548-022-00899-9 | journal | Fu & Richards, 2022 | 2022 | Accurate cortical source localization of event-related potentials (ERPs) requires using realistic head models constructed from the participant’s structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). A challenge in developmental studies is the limited accessibility of participant-specific MRIs. The present study compared source localization of infants’ N290 ERP activities estimated using participant-specific head models with a series of substitute head models. The N290 responses to faces relative to toys were measured in 36 infants aged at 4.5, 7.5, 9, and 12 months. The substitutes were individual-based head models constructed from age-matched MRIs with closely matched (“close”) or different (“far”) head measures with the participants, age-appropriate average template, and age-inappropriate average templates. The greater source responses to faces than toys at the middle fusiform gyrus (mFG) estimated using participant-specific head models were preserved in individual-based head models, but not average templates. The “close” head models yielded the best fit with the participant-specific head models in source activities at the mFG and across face-processing-related regions of interest (ROIs). The age-appropriate average template showed mixed results, not supporting the stimulus effect but showed topographical distributions across the ROIs like the participant-specific head models. The “close” head models are the most optimal substitute for participant-specific MRIs. |
Kelsey, C., Modico, M.., Richards, J., Bosquet Enlow, M., & Nelson, C. (2022). Frontal asymmetry assessed using functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy is associated with later emotional and behavioral problems. Child Development. | journal | Kelsey et al., 2022 | 2022 | Frontal asymmetry (FA), the difference in brain activity between the left versus right frontal areas, is thought to reflect approach versus avoidance motivation. This study (2012– 2021) used functional near- infrared spectroscopy to investigate if infant (Mage = 7.63 months; N = 90; n = 48 male; n = 75 White) FA in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex relates to psychopathology in later childhood (Mage = 62.05 months). Greater right FA to happy faces was associated with increased internalizing (η2 = .09) and externalizing (η2 = .06) problems at age 5 years. Greater right FA to both happy and fearful faces was associated with an increased likelihood of a lifetime anxiety diagnosis (R2 > .13). FA may be an informative and early- emerging marker for psychopathology. |
Xie, W., & Richards, J.E. (2022). Cortical source localization in EEG frequency analysis. , in Philip A. Gable, Matthew W. Miller, and Edward M. Bernat (eds), The Oxford Handbook of EEG Frequency, Oxford Library of Psychology (2022; online edn, Oxford Academic, 21 Sept. 2022), | chapter | Xie & Richards, 2022 | 2022 | Source localization of EEG signals identies the loci of neural activity that generates the EEG voltage or power distribution on the scalp. This chapter provides a practical guide to source localization and its usage in EEG analysis in the frequency domain. Techniques proposed to overcome the inverse problem of source localization have progressed from equivalent dipole modeling to distributed source modeling, such as sLORETA and eLORETA. This chapter discusses the rationale behind these techniques, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of using dierent techniques for source localization. Recent advances in high-resolution structural MRI make it possible to accurately delineate and model the tissues inside the head. This chapter discusses the importance of using realistic head models constructed with anatomical MRIs for EEG source localization. Finally, it reviews the applications of source localization as a neuroimaging tool in EEG frequency analysis |
Conte, S., & Richards. J.E. (2021). Attention in early development. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Psychology. | chapter | Conte_Richards_2021 | 2021 | Attention is a complex construct that shows development throughout the life span and undergoes significant changes over the first years of life. The complexity of attentional processes is described by the different systems and brain network theorized to describe the construct (i.e., alerting, orienting, executive attention, and sustained attention). Evidence of the development of attention in infancy comes from several behavioral paradigms—primarily focused on the analysis of infants’ eye gaze—physiological measures, and neuroimaging techniques. Many of the changes in attention rely upon the structural and functional development of brain areas involved in attention processes. Behavioral and physiological signs mark the development of attention and are identifiable very early in life. The investigation of the typical development of attention is pivotal for the understanding of atypical trajectories that characterize many neurodevelopmental disorders. The individuation of alterations in early visual attention processes may be utilized to guide intervention programs aimed at improving attention and other cognitive domains. |
Fu, X, & Richards, J.E. (2021) devfOLD.: A age-specific toolbox for optimizing fNIRS channel arrangement in developmental samples. Flash talk presented at the Society for Research in Child Development, April, 2021 | conference | FlashTalk | 2021 | |
Xiaoxue Fu, John E. Richards, "devfOLD: a toolbox for designing age-specific fNIRS channel placement," Neurophoton. 8(4), 045003 (2021), doi: 10.1117/1.NPh.8.4.045003. | journal | Fu & Richards, 2021 | 2021 | Significance: Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) is a noninvasive technique that uses scalp-placed sensors to measure cerebral hemoglobin concentration. Commercial NIRS instruments do not allow for whole-head coverage and do not intrinsically indicate which brain areas generate the NIRS signal. Hence, the challenge is to design source–detector channel arrangement that maximizes sensitivity to a given brain region of interest (ROI). Existing methods for optimizing channel placement design have been developed using adult head models. Thus, they have limited utility for developmental research. Aim: We aim to build an application from an existing toolbox (fOLD) that guides NIRS channel configuration based on age group, stereotaxic atlas, and ROI (devfOLD). Approach: The devfOLD provides NIRS channel-to-ROI specificity computed using photon propagation simulation with realistic head models from infant, child, and adult age groups. Results: Cortical locations and user-specified specificity cut-off values influence the between-age consistency and differences in the ROI-to-channel correspondence among the example infant and adult age groups. Conclusions: The study highlights the importance of incorporating age-specific head models for optimizing NIRS channel configurations. The devfOLD toolbox is publicly shared and compatible with multiple operating systems. |
Guy, M. W., Richards, J. E., Hogan, A. L., & Roberts, J. E. (2021, 2021-November-24). Neural Correlates of Infant Face Processing and Later Emerging Autism Symptoms in Fragile X Syndrome [Original Research]. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 12(2019). | journal | Guy_Richards_Hogan_Roberts_2021 | 2021 | Fragile X syndrome (FXS) is the leading known genetic causeofautismspectrumdisorder (ASD) with 60–74% of males with FXS meeting diagnostic criteria for ASD. Infants with FXShavedemonstratedatypicalneuralresponsesduringfaceprocessingthatareunique from both typically developing, low-risk infants and infants at high familial risk for ASD (i.e., infants siblings of children with ASD). In the current study, event-related potential (ERP) responses during face processing measured at 12 months of age were examined in relation to ASD symptoms measuredat∼48monthsofageinparticipantswithFXS, as well as siblings of children with ASD and low-risk control participants. Results revealed that greater amplitude N290 responses in infancy were associated with more severe ASD symptoms in childhood in FXS and in siblings of children with ASD. This pattern of results was not observed for low-risk control participants. Reduced Nc amplitude was associated with more severe ASD symptoms in participants with FXS but was not observed in the other groups. This is the first study to examine ASD symptoms in childhood in relation to infant ERP responses in FXS. Results indicate that infant ERP responses may be predictive of later symptoms of ASD in FXS and the presence of both common and unique pathways to ASD in etiologically-distinct high-risk groups is supported (i.e., syndromic risk vs. familial risk). |
Conte, S., & Richards, J.E. (2021). Cortical source analysis of event-related potentials: A developmental approach. PsyArXiv, | journal | Preprint | 2021 | Cortical source analysis of electroencephalographic (EEG) signals has become animportant tool in the analysis of brain activity. The aim of source analysis is to reconstructthe cortical generators (sources) of the EEG signal recorded on the scalp. The quality of thesource reconstruction relies on the accuracy of the forward problem, and consequently theinverse problem. An accurate forward solution is obtained when an appropriate imagingmodality (i.e., structural magnetic resonance imaging – MRI) is used to describe the headgeometry, precise electrode locations are identified with 3D maps of the sensor positions onthe scalp, and realistic conductivity values are determined for each tissue type of the headmodel. Together these parameters contribute to the definition of realistic head models. Here,we describe the steps necessary to reconstruct the cortical generators of the EEG signalrecorded on the scalp. We provide an example of source reconstruction of event-relatedpotentials (ERPs) during a face-processing task performed by a 6-month-old infant. Wediscuss the adjustments necessary to perform source analysis with measures different fromthe ERPs. The proposed pipeline can be applied to the investigation of different cognitivetasks in both younger and older participants |
Guy, M.W., Black, C.J., Hogan, A.L., Coyle, R.E., Richards, J.E., & Roberts, J.E. (2021). A single-session behavioral protocol for successful ERP recording in children with neurodevelopmental disorders. Developmental Psychbiology. DOI: 10.1002/dev.22194 | journal | Guy_et_al_2021 | 2021 | Event-related potentials (ERPs) are an ideal tool for measuring neural responses in a wide range of participants, including children diagnosed with neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs). However, due to perceived barriers regarding participant compliance, much of this work has excluded children with low IQ and/or reduced adaptive functioning, significant anxiety symptoms, and/or sensory processing difficulties, including heterogeneous samples of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and children with fragile X syndrome (FXS). We have developed a behavioral support protocol designed to obtain high-quality ERP data from children in a single session. Using this approach, ERP data were successfully collected from participants with ASD, FXS, and typical development (TD). Higher success rates were observed for children with ASD and TD than children with FXS. Unique clinical–behavioral characteristics were associated with successful data collection across these groups. Higher chronological age, nonverbal mental age, and receptive language skills were associated with a greater number of valid trials completed in children with ASD. In contrast, higher language ability, lower autism severity, increased anxiety, and increased sensory hyperresponsivity were associated with a greater number of valid trials completed in children with FXS. This work indicates that a “one-size-fits-all” approach cannot be taken to ERP research on children with NDDs, but that a single-session paradigm is feasible and is intended to promote increased representation of children with NDDs in neuroscience research through development of ERP methods that support inclusion of diverse and representative samples. |
Guy, M.W., Conte, S., Bursalıoğlu, A., & Richards, J.E. (2021). Peak selection and latency jitter correction in developmental event-related potentials. Developmental Psychobiology, DOI: 10.1002/dev.22193 | journal | Guy_et_al_2021 | 2021 | Event-related potentials (ERPs) provide great insight into neural responses, yet developmental ERP work is plagued with inconsistent approaches to identifying and quantifying component latency. In this analytical review, we describe popular conventions for the selection of time windows for ERP analysis and assert that a data-driven strategy should be applied to the identification of component latency within individual participants’ data. This may overcome weaknesses of more general approaches to peak selection; however, it does not account for trial-by-trial variability within a participant. This issue, known as ERP latency jitter, may blur the average ERP, misleading the interpretation of neural mechanisms. Recently, the ReSync MATLAB toolbox has been made available for correction of latency jitter. Although not created specifically for pediatric ERP data, this approach can be adapted for developmental researchers. We have demonstrated the use of the ReSync toolbox with individual infant and child datasets to illustrate its utility. Details about our peak detection script and the ReSync toolbox are provided. The adoption of data processing procedures that allow for accurate, study-specific component selection and reduce trial-by-trial asynchrony strengthens developmental ERP research by decreasing noise included in ERP analyses and improving the representation of the neural response. |
Conte, S., & Richards, J.E. (2021). The influence of the head model conductor on the source localization of auditory evoked potentials. Brain Topography, 10.1007/s10548-021-00871-z | journal | Conte & Richards, 2021 | 2021 | The accuracy of EEG source analysis reconstruction improves when a realistic head volume conductor is modeled. In this study we investigated how the progressively more complex head representations influence the spatial localization of auditoryevoked potentials (AEPs). Fourteen young-adult participants with normal hearing performed the AEP task. Individualized head models were obtained from structural MRI and diffusion-weighted imaging scans collected in a separate session. AEPs were elicited by 1 k Hz and 4 k Hz tone bursts during a passive-listening tetanizing paradigm. We compared the amplitude of the N1 and P2 components before and after 4 min of tetanic-stimulation with 1 k Hz sounds. Current density reconstruction values of both components were investigated in the primary auditory cortex and adjacent areas. Furthermore, we compared the signal topography and magnitude obtained with 10 different head models on the EEG forward solution. Starting from the simplest model (scalp, skull, brain), we investigated the influence of modeling the CSF, distinguishing between GM and WM conductors, and including anisotropic WM values. We localized the activity of AEPs within the primary auditory cortex, but not in adjacent areas. The inclusion of the CSF compartment had the strongest influence on the source reconstruction, whereas white matter anisotropy led to a smaller improvement. We conclude that individualized realistic head models provide the best solution for the forward solution when modeling the CSF conductor. |
Fu, X. & Richards, J.E. (2021). Investigating developmental changes in scalp-to-cortex correspondence using diffuse optical tomography sensitivity in infancy. Neurophotonics. 8(3), 035003, doi: 10.1117/1.NPh.8.3.035003. | journal | Fu_Richards_2021 | 2021 | Significance: Diffuse optical tomography (DOT) uses near-infrared light spectroscopy (NIRS) to measure changes in cerebral hemoglobin concentration. Anatomical interpretations of NIRS data require accurate descriptions of the cranio-cerebral relations and DOT sensitivity to the underlying cortical structures. Such information is limited for pediatric populations because they undergo rapid head and brain development. Aim: We aim to investigate age-related differences in scalp-to-cortex distance and mapping between scalp locations and cortical regions of interest (ROIs) among infants (2 weeks to 24 months with narrow age bins), children (4 and 12 years), and adults (20 to 24 years). Approach: We used spatial scalp projection and photon propagation simulation methods with age-matched realistic head models based on MRIs. Results: There were age-group differences in the scalp-to-cortex distances in infancy. The developmental increase was magnified in children and adults. There were systematic age-related differences in the probabilistic mappings between scalp locations and cortical ROIs. Conclusions: Our findings have important implications in the design of sensor placement and making anatomical interpretations in NIRS and fNIRS research. Age-appropriate, realistic head models should be used to provide anatomical guidance for standalone DOT data in infants. |
Fu, X., & Richards, J.E. (2021). Age-related changes in diffuse optical tomography sensitivity profiles in infancy. PLoS ONE 16(6): e0252036. | journal | Fu_Richards_2021 | 2021 | Diffuse optical tomography uses near-infrared light spectroscopy to measure changes in cerebral hemoglobin concentration. Anatomical interpretations of the location that generates the hemodynamic signal requires accurate descriptions of diffuse optical tomography sensitivity to the underlying cortical structures. Such information is limited for pediatric populations because they undergo rapid head and brain development. The present study used photon propagation simulation methods to examine diffuse optical tomography sensitivity profiles in realistic head models among infants ranging from 2 weeks to 24 months with narrow agebins, children (4 and 12 years) and adults (20 to 24 years). The sensitivity profiles changed systematically with the source-detector separation distance. The peak of the sensitivity function in the head was largest at the smallest separation distance and decreased as separation distance increased. The fluence value dissipated more quickly with sampling depth at the shorter source-detector separations than the longer separation distances. There were age-related differences in the shape and variance of sensitivity profiles across a wide range of source-detector separation distances. Our findings have important implications in the design of sensor placement and diffuse optical tomography image reconstruction in (functional) near-infrared light spectroscopy research. Age-appropriate realistic head models should be usedto provide anatomical guidance for standalone near-infrared light spectroscopy data in infants |
Reynolds GD, Richards JE, Conte S, Roth KC. Attention and Early Brain Development. In: Tremblay RE, Boivin M, Peters RDeV, eds. Encyclopedia on Early Childhood Development [online]. Updated September 2020. Accessed September 8, 2020. | chapter | online | 2020 | Attention serves several functions related to information processing. It selects certain events or objects in the environment to focus on and maintains focus on the object of interest while information provided by that object is processed. Additionally, while attention is focused on one object, shifts in attention to distractors are inhibited. These aspects of attention show major developmental change throughout infancy. |
Bayet, L., Perdue, K.L., Behrendt, H.F., Richards, J.E., Westerlund, A., Cataldo, J.K., & Nelson, C.A. (2020). Neural responses to happy, fearful and angry faces of varying identities in 5- and 7-month-old infants. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, | journal | final ms | 2020 | The processing of facial emotion is an important social skill that develops throughout infancy and early childhood. Here we investigate the neural underpinnings of the ability to process facial emotion across changes in facial identity in cross-sectional groups of 5- and 7-month-old infants. We simultaneously measured neural metabolic, behavioral, and autonomic responses to happy, fearful, and angry faces of different female models using functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS), eye-tracking, and heart rate measures. We observed significant neural activation to these facial emotions in a distributed set of frontal and temporal brain regions, and longer looking to the mouth region of angry faces compared to happy and fearful faces. No differences in looking behavior or neural activations were observed between 5- and 7-month-olds, although several exploratory, age-independent associations between neural activations and looking behavior were noted. Overall, these findings suggest more developmental stability than previously thought in responses to emotional facial expressions of varying identities between 5- and 7-months of age |
O'Reilly, C., Larson, E., Richards, J. E., & Elsabbagh, M. (2020). Structural templates for imaging EEG cortical sources in infants. Neuroimage, 227, | journal | finalversion | 2020 | Electroencephalographic (EEG) source reconstruction is a powerful approach that allows anatomical localization of electrophysiological brain activity. Algorithms used to estimate cortical sources require an anatomical model of the head and the brain, generally reconstructed using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). When such scans are unavailable, a population average can be used for adults, but no average surface template is available for cortical source imaging in infants. To address this issue, we introduce a new series of 13 anatomical models for subjects between zero and 24 months of age. These templates are built from MRI averages and boundary element method (BEM) segmentation of head tissues available as part of the Neurodevelopmental MRI Database. Surfaces separating the pia mater, the gray matter, and the white matter were estimated using the Infant FreeSurfer pipeline. The surface of the skin as well as the outer and inner skull surfaces were extracted using a cube marching algorithm followed by Laplacian smoothing and mesh decimation. We post-processed these meshes to correct topological errors and ensure watertight meshes. Source reconstruction with these templates is demonstrated and validated using 100 high-density EEG recordings from 7-month-old infants. Hopefully, these templates will support future studies on EEG-based neuroimaging and functional connectivity in healthy infants as well as in clinical pediatric populations |
Conte, S., Richards, J.E., Guy, M.W., Xie, W., & Roberts, J.E. (2020). Face-sensitive brain responses in the first year of life. Neuroimage | journal | Neuroimage Proof | 2020 | Cortical areas in the ventral visual pathway become selectively tuned towards the processing of faces compared to non-face stimuli beginning around 3 months of age and continuing over the first year. Studies using event-related potentials in the EEG (ERPs) have found an ERP component, the N290, that displays specificity for human faces. Other components, such as the P1, P400, and Nc have been studied to a lesser degree in their responsiveness to human faces. However, little is known about the systematic changes in the neural responses to faces during the first year of life, and the localization of these responses in infants’ brain. We examined ERP responses to pictures of faces and objects in infants from 4.5 months through 12 months in a cross-sectional study. We investigated the activity of all the components reported to be involved in infant face processing, with particular interest to their amplitude variation and cortical localization. We identified neural regions responsible for the component through the application of cortical source localization methods. We found larger P1 and N290 responses to faces than objects, and these components were localized in the lingual and middle / posterior fusiform gyri, respectively. The amplitude of the P400 was not differentially sensitive to faces over objects. The Nc component was different for faces and objects, was influenced by the infant’s attentional state, and localized in medial-anterior brain areas. The implications of these results are discussed in the identification of developmental ERP precursors to face processing |
O'Reilly, C., Larson, E., Richards, J. E., & Elsabbagh, M. (2020). Structural templates for imaging EEG cortical sources in infants. bioRxiv, 2020.2006.2020.162131. doi:10.1101/2020.06.20.162131 | journal | preprint | 2020 | Electroencephalographic (EEG) source reconstruction is a powerful approach that helps to unmix scalp signals, mitigates volume conduction issues, and allows anatomical localization of brain activity. Algorithms used to estimate cortical sources require an anatomical model of the head and the brain, generally reconstructed using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). When such scans are unavailable, a population average can be used for adults, but no average surface template is available for cortical source imaging in infants. To address this issue, this paper introduces a new series of 12 anatomical models for subjects between zero and 24 months of age. These templates are built from MRI averages and volumetric boundary element (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. It is made available under a CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license. bioRxiv preprint doi: this version posted June 22, 2020. The copyright holder for this preprint method segmentation of head tissues available as part of the Neurodevelopmental MRI Database. Surfaces separating the pia mater, the gray matter, and the white matter were estimated using the Infant FreeSurfer pipeline. The surface of the skin as well as the outer and inner skull surfaces were extracted using a cube marching algorithm followed by Laplacian smoothing and mesh decimation. We post-processed these meshes to correct topological errors and ensure watertight meshes. The use of these templates for source reconstruction is demonstrated and validated using 100 high-density EEG recordings in 7-month-old infants. Hopefully, these templates will support future studies based on EEG source reconstruction and functional connectivity in healthy infants as well as in clinical pediatric populations. Particularly, they should make EEG-based neuroimaging more feasible in longitudinal neurodevelopmental studies where it may not be possible to scan infants at multiple time points. |
Porto, J.A., Bick, J., Perdue, K.L., Richards, J.E., Nunes, M.L., & Nelson, C.A. (2020). The influence of maternal anxiety and depression symptoms on fNIRS brain responses to emotional faces in 5- and 7-month-old infants. Infant Behavior and Development. | journal | Final ms | 2020 | Greater relative right (versus left) frontal cortical activation to emotional faces as measured with alpha power in the electroencephalogram (EEG), has been considered a promising neural marker of increased vulnerability to psychopathology and emotional disorders. We set out to explore multichannel fNIRS as a tool to investigate infants’ frontal asymmetry responses (hypothesizing greater right versus left frontal cortex activation) to emotional faces as influenced by maternal anxiety and depression symptoms during the postnatal period. We also explored activation differences in fronto-temporal regions associated with facial emotion processing. Ninety-one typically developing 5- and 7-month-old infants were shown photographs of women portraying happy, fearful and angry expressions. Hemodynamic brain responses were analyzed over two frontopolar and seven bilateral cortical regions subdivided into frontal, temporal and parietal areas, defined by age-appropriate MRI templates. Infants of mothers reporting higher negative affect had greater oxyhemoglobin (oxyHb) activation across all emotions over the left inferior frontal gyrus, a region implicated in emotional communication. Follow-up analyses indicated that associations were driven by maternal depression, but not anxiety symptoms. Overall, we found no support for greater right versus left frontal cortex activation in association with maternal negative affect. Findings point to the potential utility of fNIRS as a method for identifying altered neural substrates associated with exposure to maternal depression in infancy. Keywords: fNIRS, maternal depression, emotion processing, infants, cortical activation |
Conte, S., & Richards, J.E. (2020). The role of low-level visual dues on the neural response to faces in infants. International Conference on Infant Studies, Glasgow, Scotland, July, 2020. | conference | Poster Presentatio | 2020 | Several behavioral and neural evidence suggest that visual images of faces are processed by specialized neural and cognitive mechanisms. Event-related potentials (ERPs) recorded from adults have shown that faces elicit larger and quicker N170 responses when compared to non-faces stimuli (Yovel, 2016). The P1 component has also been reported to be sensitive to faces (Goffaux, Gauthier, & Rossion, 2003; Itier & Taylor, 2004). In adults, the P1 face effect seems to be less consistent than the N170 face effect. Low-level visual cues (e.g., luminance, global contrast) drive the P1 face-sensitivity, while the N170 seems to reflect the actual perception of a face (Rossion & Caharel, 2011). Two ERP components, the N209 and P400, are sensitive to face manipulations over the first year of life (Halit, de Haan, & Johnson, 2003). The amplitude of the N290 component showed larger response to faces when compared to ideally-matched control stimuli (i.e., phase-scrambled faces) in 3-month-old infants. No difference was found in the amplitude of the P400 component (Halit, Csibra, Volein, & Johnson, 2004). We investigated infants’ P1, N290, and P400 responses to faces and houses and their phase-scrambled versions at 6 and 12 months of age. Scrambled stimuli were created using a Fourier phase randomization procedure. This procedure keeps the global low-level properties of the original images while degrading the texture. We predicted that the P1 responses would be accounted for by low-level visual cue. N290 and P400 responses should not be accounted for by low-level visual cues. Developmental changes could occur on the responses of the P400 component. Ten 6-month-old infants (mean age XXX days) and 8 12-month-old infants (mean age XXX days) were presented with intact and scrambled faces and houses. Amplitude values around the peak of the P1 (Oz, O1-2, Iz, and I1-2), N290 (TP7-10, P7-10, and PO7-10), and P400 (P7-10, PO7-10, Iz, I1-2, Oz, O1-2) were analysed as a function of Stumilus Type (face vs. house) and Texture (intact vs. scrambled) as within-subject factors and Age (6 vs. 12) as a between-subject factor. Figure 1A depicts grand average ERPs for faces and houses as a function of Stimulus Texture and Age. The P1 amplitude was of larger amplitude for scrambled than intact stimuli at 12 (p < .001) but not at 6 (p = .619) months of age (Texture x Age: F (1,3) = 4.96, p = .026). Figure 1B shows the scalp maps at the peak of the N290 ERP component as a function of Stimulus Type, Texture, and Age. The amplitude of the N290 was larger for 12- than 6-month-old infants (F (1,16) = 4.54, p = .033), for faces than houses (F (1,16) = 11.99, p = .005), and for scrambled than intact stimuli (F (1,16) = 4.24, p = .040). Lastly, there was a significant three-way interaction on the P400 amplitude (F (1,16) = 119.64, p < .001). Simple effects showed a different interaction of Stimulus Type and Texture at the two ages (Figure 2). The P400 amplitude was larger for scrambled faces than both intact faces and scrambled faces (ps < .001). Intact faces elicited larger P400 response than scrambled faces and intact houses (ps < .009) at 12 months of age. These preliminary results suggest that, similarly to adults, the P1 responses at 12 months are sensitive to the low-level properties of the stimuli. The N290 showed face-sensitive responses at both ages. The same effect was evident on the P400 only at 12 months. |
Conte, S., & Richards, J.E. (2020). The influence of the head model conductor on the source localization of auditory evoked potentials. Society for Psychophysiological Research, October, 2020. | conference | 2020 | The accuracy of EEG source analysis reconstruction improves when a realistic head volume conductor is modeled. We investigated how the progressively more complex head representations influence the spatial localization of auditory-evoked potentials (AEPs). Fourteen young-adult participants with normal hearing performed the AEP task. Individualized head models were obtained from structural MRI and diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) scans. AEPs were elicited by 1k Hz and 4k Hz tone bursts during a passive-listening tetanizing paradigm. We compared the amplitude of the N1 and P2 components before and after a tetanic-stimulation with 1k Hz sounds. Current density reconstruction (CDR) values of both components were investigated in the primary auditory cortex and adjacent areas. We compared the source reconstruction obtained with 10 different head models on the EEG forward solution. Starting from the simplest model (skill, skull, brain), we investigated the influence of modeling or not the CSF, distinguishing between GM and WM conductors, and including anisotropy WM values. Topographic error (RDM) and magnitude (lnMAG) from the most complex solution were used to quantify the model comparisons. Results showed a change in the neural response within the primary auditory cortex, but not in adjacent areas. The inclusion of the CSF compartment had the strongest influence on the source reconstruction, while the WM anisotropy led to a smaller improvement. We conclude that individualized realistic head models provide the best solution for the forward solution when modeling the CSF conductor. |
Bulgarelli, C, de Klerk, CCJM, Richards, JE, Southgate, V, Hamilton, A, Blasi, A. The developmental trajectory of fronto‐temporoparietal connectivity as a proxy of the default mode network: a longitudinal fNIRS investigation. Hum Brain Mapp. 2020; 41: 2717– 2740. | journal | Final ms | 2020 | The default mode network (DMN) is a network of brain regions that is activated while we are not engaged in any particular task. While there is a large volume of research documenting functional connectivity within the DMN in adults, knowledge of the development of this network is still limited. There is some evidence for a gradual increase in the functional connections within the DMN during the first two years of life, in contrast to other functional resting-state networks that support primary sensorimotor functions, which are online from very early in life. Previous studies that investigated the development of the DMN acquired data from sleeping infants using fMRI. However, sleep stages are known to affect functional connectivity. In the current longitudinal study, fNIRS was used to measure spontaneous fluctuations in connectivity within fronto-temporoparietal areas – as a proxy for the DMN – in awake participants every six months from 11 months till 36 months. This study validates a method for recording resting-state data from awake infants, and presents a data analysis pipeline for the investigation of functional connections with infant fNIRS data, which will be beneficial for researchers in this field. A gradual development of fronto-temporoparietal connectivity was found, supporting the idea that the DMN develops over the first years of life. Functional connectivity reached its maximum peak at about 24 months, which is consistent with previous findings showing that, by 2 years of age, DMN connectivity is similar to that observed in adults. Keywords: functional connectivity, fNIRS, infants, resting-state, developmental trajectory, default mode network, fronto-temporoparietal connectivity |
Conte, S., & Richards, J.E. (2020). The face inversion effect: Cortical responses during the first year of life. International Conference on Infant Studies, Glasgow, Scotland, July, 2020. | conference | Poster Presentatio | 2020 | The face inversion effect has been considered the marker for expert perceptual processing (Valentine, 1988). It affects face-specific components of event-related brain potentials (ERPs). In adults, the N170 component shows larger amplitude and delayed latency to inverted than upright faces (Rossion et al. 1999). Such inversion effect does not occur for non-face stimuli (Eimer 2000; Rossion et al. 1999). Two distinct ERP components, the N290 and the P400, become increasingly sensitive to upright human faces between 3 and 12 months of age (De Haan, Johnson, & Halit, 2002; Guy, Richards, Tonnesen, & Roberts, 2018; Guy, Zieber, & Richards, 2016). An inversion effect for human faces has been reported to modulate the amplitude of the N290 in 3- month-old infants (Peykarjou and Hoehl, 2013). We systematically investigated the development of the inversion effect on the N290 and P400 responses to faces and houses during the first year of life. We hypothesized that faces would elicit larger N290 and P400 responses compared to houses. An inversion effect on N290 amplitude would be elicited by faces but not houses. Developmental change could influence the characteristics of this inversion effect. We examined infants’ neural responses to upright and inverted faces and houses in a cross-sectional study with infants at 3 (n = 6, mean age = 103 days), 4.5 (n=9, mean age=143 days), 6 (n=7, mean age=191 days), 7.5 (n=5, mean age=235 days), and 12 (n=12, mean age=379 days) months of age. Amplitude values around the N290 peak over left and right posterior-lateral channels (TP7-10, P7-10, and PO7-10) and the P400 peak over medial posterior channels (P7-10, PO7-10, Iz, I1-2, Oz, O1-2) were analysed as a function Stimulus Type and Orienatation as within-subject factors and Age as a between-subject factor. Results showed significant interactions between Stimulus Type, Orientation and Age for both ERP components (N290: F(1,4) = 13.16, p < .001; P400: F(1,34) = 3.17, p = .013). Univariate ANOVAs were conducted at each age group to further explore these interactions. Figure 1a shows the scalp maps for the N290 response to faces as a function of Stimulus Orientation across ages. Starting at 6 months of age, the N290 responses were larger for inverted than upright faces. Infants at 3 and 4.5 months of age showed a larger negativity in response to faces than houses (main effect of Stimulus Type: ps < .001). There we significant Type x Orientation interaction effects at later ages (ps < .006). Figure 1b depicts the amplitude at the peak of the N290 as a function of Stimulus Type and Orientation across ages. Six- and 7.5-month-old infants showed larger N290 amplitudes in response to inverted than upright faces, and upright than inverted houses (ps < .037). At 12 months of age, there was a significant inversion effect for faces (p = .007), but not for houses (p = .179). Figure 2 shows the amplitude around the P400 peak as a function of Stimulus Type and Orientation across ages. For all age groups the P400 showed a larger amplitude in response to faces than houses (ps < .001). Starting at 6 months of age, the P400 was also larger in response to inverted than upright stimuli (ps < .0001). These results suggest that both N290 and P400 show a stimulus inversion effect in the second half of the first year of life. Interestingly, only the N290 shows a specific inverion effect for faces in 12-month-old infants. |
Conte, S., & Richards, J.E. (2020). The development of neural responses to faces in infancy. Cognitive Neurosciences Society, Boston, March, 2020. | conference | 2020 | We examined the development of the N290 and P400 event-related potentials (ERPs) during the first year of life by comparing upright vs. inverted (Experiment 1) and intact vs. phase-scrambled (Experiment 2) faces and houses. We predicted that developmental changes would occur in the inversion effect for faces for both ERP components. Infants should exhibit larger N290 and P400 responses to intact faces than houses by 12 months of age. In Experiment 1, N290 and P400 amplitude values were analysed as a function Stimulus Type (face, house), Orienatation (upright, inverted) and Age (3, 4.5, 6, 7.5, 12). Six- and 7.5-month-old infants showed larger N290 amplitudes in response to inverted than upright faces, and upright than inverted houses (ps < .037). At 12 months of age, there was a significant inversion effect for faces (p = .007), but not for houses (p = .179). Starting at 6 months of age, the P400 was larger in response to inverted than upright stimuli (ps < .001). In Experiment 2, peak amplitude of the N290 and P400 were analysed as a function of Stumilus Type (face vs. house), Texture (intact, scrambled), and Age (6, 12). Only at 12 months of age both the N290 and P400 were larger for intact faces than intact houses (ps<.001). The same comparisons were nonsignificant for scrambled stimuli (ps > .372). Overall, these results revealed developmental changes in face-sensitive ERP responses. Infants showed adult-like neural responses to faces by the end of the first year of life |
Perdue, K., Jensen, S., Kumar, S., Richards, J.E., Kakon, S., Haque, R., Petri, W., Lloyd-Fox, S., Elwell, C., & Nelson, C.A. Using fNIRS to assess cognition in urban Bangladeshi infants and toddlers. Paper presented at the Society for Research in Child Development biennial meeting, Baltimore, MD, March, 2019. | conference | 2019 | ||
Guy, M., Hogan, A. Richards J.E., and Roberts, J.E. Infant ERP Responses and Later Emerging Symptoms of ASD in Etiologically-Distinct High-Risk Groups. Paper presented at INSAR mtg, Montreal, CA, May 2019 | conference | 2019 | Background: Past research has shown that etiologically-distinct groups of 12-month-old infants at high-risk of autism spectrum disorders (ASD), including infant siblings of children with autism (ASIBs) and infants diagnosed with fragile X syndrome (FXS), demonstrate differences in event-related potential (ERP) responses to social and non-social stimuli (Guy, Richards, Tonnsen, & Roberts, 2018). Additionally, ERPs measured in 9-month-old ASIBs in response to faces have been associated with continuous measures of behavioral symptom severity at 36 months of age (Elsabbagh et al., 2011). Objectives: This study aimed to increase understanding of how ERP responses in ASIBs and infants diagnosed with FXS are associated with ASD outcomes in early childhood, as indicated by continuous scores of symptom severity. Methods: Fifty participants completed the study. At 12 months of age, 18 ASIBs (15 M), 14 infants with FXS (7 M), and 18 low-risk control (LRC) infants (14 M) viewed photographs of faces and toys while EEG was recorded. At approximately 36 months of age, the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule-2nd Edition (ADOS-2) was assessed. In replication and extension of methods utilized in past research (Elsabbagh et al., 2011; Guy et al., 2018), amplitude of the N290, P400, and Nc ERP components were examined in association with Overall, Social Affect (SA), and Repetitive Behavior (RB) calibrated severity scores using ANCOVAs and regressions. Results: Analyses revealed significant effects of infant risk group and ADOS-2 scores for the N290 and P400 ERP components. There was a significant interaction between group, stimulus type, and Overall score, F(2, 4680) = 11.02, p < 0.0001, as well as SA score, F(2, 4680) = 13.45, p < 0.0001, on N290 amplitude. For ASIBs, more negative amplitude N290 was associated with higher Overall scores and higher SA scores. Participants with FXS showed more negative amplitude N290 to faces associated with higher Overall scores. Participants in the LRC group showed the opposite pattern of results. There was also a significant interaction between participant group, stimulus type, and Overall score, F(2, 3898) = 5.64, p = 0.0036, as well as SA score, F(2, 3898) = 3.57, p = 0.0282, on P400 amplitude. Participants with FXS showed greater P400 responses associated with higher Overall scores and higher SA scores. For ASIBs, decreased P400 responses to toys were associated with higher Overall scores and higher SA scores. In LRC participants, decreased P400 to faces was associated with higher Overall scores. Conclusions: Results revealed relations between ERP responses at 12 months of age and ADOS-2 scores in early childhood, which differed across groups based on ASD risk as determined in infancy. Research has indicated that infants with FXS show enhanced ERP activity to faces relative to ASIB and LRC groups, while ASIBs showed more muted responses (Guy et al., 2018). The current study reveals that increased ERP amplitude exhibited in infants with FXS may be associated with later emerging ASD symptoms. The relations between infant ASIBs’ ERP responses and later ASD symptoms are less straightforward and do not show the face specificity of the FXS group |
Perdue, K.L., Jensen, K.L., Kumar, S., Richards, J.E., Kakon, S.H., Haque, R., Petri, W.A., Lloyd-Fox, S., Elwell, C, & Nelson, C.A. (2018). Using functional near-infrared spectroscopy to assess social cognition in urban Bangladeshi infants and toddlers. Developmental Science, 25. DOI: 10.1111/desc.12839 | journal | Download | 2019 | Children living in low resource settings are at risk for failing to reach their developmental potential. While the behavioral outcomes of growing up in such settings are well-known, the neural mechanisms underpinning poor outcomes have not been well elucidated, particularly in the context of low- and middle-income countries. In this study, we measure brain metabolic responses to social and non-social stimuli in a cohort of 6- and 36-month-old Bangladeshi children. Study participants in both cohorts lived in an urban slum and were exposed to a broad range of adversity early in life including poverty, malnourishment, recurrent infections, and low maternal education. We observed brain regions that responded selectively to social stimuli in both ages indicating that these specialized brain responses are online from an early age. We additionally show that the magnitude of the socially selective response is related to maternal education, maternal stress, and the caregiving environment. Ultimately our results suggest that a variety of psychosocial hazards have a measurable relationship with the developing social brain. |
Bayet, L., Perdue, K., Behrendt, H., Cataldo, J., Almanza, R., Richards, J.E., & Nelson, C.A. (2019). Perception of facial emotions of varying intensities in 3-year-olds. Paper presented at the Society for Research in Child Development biennial meeting, Baltimore, MD, March, 2019. | conference | Download | 2019 | Facial emotion recognition emerges early in life and is considered a critical building block to social-emotional development. Notably, infants differentiate happy from angry and fearful expressions from 5-7 months and exhibit behavioral and neural biases towards these expressions (Leppanen & Nelson, 2009). However, little is known about facial emotion recognition between 2-4 years of age, particularly regarding subtle facial emotions. Here, we combined an explicit behavioral task with neuroimaging measures to investigate the neural and behavioral responses to facial emotions of varying intensities in 3-year-olds. A relatively large sample of typically-developing 3-year-olds completed a behavioral task of facial emotion recognition (N = 208, mean age 38 months, range 36-45). Children were presented with happy, angry, and fearful faces at 7 levels of intensity (20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70% and 100%), and 1 neutral face, in random order; children sorted these faces into four distinct houses representing these four emotions (Gao & Maurer, 2009, 2010; Moulson et al., 2015). Critically, the task required an overt, explicit response but did not require verbal labelling. A subsample of these children (N = 125) also completed a functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS, 46-channels Hitachi) assessment during which hemodynamic responses to dynamic neutral, happy (100%), fearful (40%, 100%), and angry (40%, 100%) facial expressions were measured in the bilateral frontal and temporal regions of the superficial cortex. Behavioral intensity thresholds (i.e., inflexion points of the observed psychometric curves) for facial emotion recognition were consistent across emotions at about 35% intensity, with no significant differences between expressions (nonlinear least-square models, non-parametric 95% confidence intervals obtained from N=10,000 bootstrap samples). Behavioral accuracy in response to maximal intensity expressions (i.e., the upper asymptote of the fitted psychometric curves) was highest for happy (89.85%) followed by angry (80.03%) and fear (61.30%) expressions. Accuracy for fear was significantly lower than for happy and angry, but only marginally lower for angry than for happy (non-parametric 95% confidence intervals obtained from N=10,000 bootstrap samples). High-intensity fear and angry expressions were significantly more confused with one another than with the happy or neutral expressions. Neutral faces were categorized as emotional (i.e., non-neutral) 62.02% of the time and were interpreted as happy more often than as angry (χ2[1] = 22.51, p < .001) or fearful (χ2[1] = 11.67, p < .001). A total of 47 out of 125 children who completed the fNIRS assessment contributed valid fNIRS data, the planned analysis of which is ongoing. Briefly, fNIRS channels will be grouped into regions of interest defined anatomically based on their most probable cortical source (Perdue et al, in prep.), and average increases in oxy-hemoglobin concentration in each ROI during the hemodynamic response compared to baseline will be derived for each condition and compared between conditions. Finally, the relation between neural and behavioral indices of facial emotion processing will be formally tested by regressing oxyhemoglobin activation in each ROI against the average behavioral accuracy, controlling for child age, child gender, and fNIRS data quality indices, and correcting for multiple comparisons. |
Bulgarelli, C., Blasi, A., de Klerk, C.C.J.M, Richards, J.E., Hamilton, A., & Southgate, V. Fronto-temporoparietal connectivity and self-awareness in 18-month-olds: A resting state fNIRS study. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 38, 100676,ISSN 1878-9293, | journal | DOI-Download | 2019 | How and when a concept of the ‘self’ emerges has been the topic of much interest in developmental psychology. Self-awareness has been proposed to emerge at around 18 months, when toddlers start to show evidence of physical self-recognition. However, to what extent physical self-recognition is a valid indicator of being able to think about oneself, is debated. Research in adult cognitive neuroscience has suggested that a common network of brain regions called Default Mode Network (DMN), including the temporo-parietal junction (TPJ) and the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), is recruited when we are reflecting on the self. We hypothesized that if mirror self-recognition involves self-awareness, toddlers who exhibit mirror self-recognition might show increased functional connectivity between frontal and temporoparietal regions of the brain, relative to those toddlers who do not yet show mirror self-recognition. Using fNIRS, we collected resting-state data from 18 Recognizers and 22 Non-Recognizers at 18 months of age. We found significantly stronger fronto-temporoparietal connectivity in Recognizers compared to Non-Recognizers, a finding which might support the hypothesized relationship between mirror-self recognition and self-awareness in infancy. Keywords: Self-awareness; fNIRS; Functional connectivity; Resting-state; Toddler development; Default mode network |
Conte, S., & Richards J.E. (2019). The development of face-sensitive cortical processing in early infancy. Paper presented at the Cognitive Neuroscience Society meeting, San Francisco, CA, March, 2019. | conference | Download | 2019 | Human faces have unique biological structures that convey a variety of complex social messages. Multiple lines of research suggest that, in adults, faces are a class of stimuli that receives high priority from attention (for review, see Palermo & Rhodes, 2007). Information concerning the time course of neural mechanisms for face processing has been provided by electrophysiological studies through the analyses of Event Related Potentials (ERPs). The N290 has been identified as a face-sensitive ERP component in infancy. Its activity is systematically modulated by faces and not by non-face objects (De Haan, Johnson, & Halit, 2002). Greater N290 amplitudes have been reported in response to faces than toys in 4.5-, 6-, 7.5- and 12-month old infants (Guy, Richards, Tonnesen, & Roberts, 2018; Guy, Zieber, & Richards, 2016). The face inversion effect occurs when faces are presented vertically inverted. It has been considered a marker for expert perceptual processing, since results in an impairment in perceptual recognition of the inverted face stimuli (Valentine, 1988). A selective inversion effect for human faces has been reported to modulate the amplitude of the N290 in 12-month-old infants (Halit, de Haan, & Johnson, 2003). We hypothesized that faces would elicit larger N290 responses compared to houses and that a possible delveopmental change would occur in the scalp distribution of the N290 responses to faces. Moreover, an inversion effect on N290 amplitude would be elicited by faces but not houses. We examined the N290 responses to faces and houses, presented with upright and inverted orientation, in a cross-sectional study with infants at 4.5 (n=7, mean age =144 days) and 12 months (n=10, mean age=379 days) of age. N290 amplitude values over left and right posterior-lateral channels were analysed as a function Stimulus Type, Stimulus Orienatation and Hemisphere. Separate univariate ANOVAs were performed for the two age groups, considering Type (Face, House), Orientation (Upright, Inverted), Hemisphere (Left, Right) and Electrode (Parietal (P7/P9/P8/P10), Parietal-Occipital (PO7/PO9/PO8/PO10), Temporo-Parietal (TP7/TP9/TP8/TP10) electrodes) as within-subjects factors. Results showed a significant interaction between Type and Electrode in both 4.5- (F (5,30) = 7.38, p = .0001) and 12-month-old group of participants (F (5,45) = 3.18, p = .0152). Figure 1a displays the results of the 4.5 month old group. There was a larger N290 amplitude for faces than houses over PO8 (p = .043), and for houses than faces over TP7 (p = .040), TP9 (p = .023), and TP8 (p = .050). Figure 1b displays the results of 12-month-old participants. There was a larger N290 amplitude for faces than houses in the right hemisphere over PO8 (p = .027), PO10 (p = .005), P8 (p = .012), P10 (p = .011), and TP10 (p = .001) electrodes. Overall at 12 months, the N290 was larger to faces and showed face-specific activity in the right hemisphere. These results suggest that the N290 component becomes more sensitive to faces and shows right lateralized responses in 12-month old infants. However, we did not find a significant inversion effect expected from prior work. |
Conte, S., & Richards J.E. (2019). The development of face-sensitive cortical processing in early infancy. Paper presented at the Society for Research in Child Development biennial meeting, Baltimore, MD, March, 2019. | conference | Download | 2019 | Human faces have unique biological structures that convey a variety of complex social messages. Multiple lines of research suggest that, in adults, faces are a class of stimuli that receives high priority from attention (for review, see Palermo & Rhodes, 2007). Information concerning the time course of neural mechanisms for face processing has been provided by electrophysiological studies through the analyses of Event Related Potentials (ERPs). The N290 has been identified as a face-sensitive ERP component in infancy. Its activity is systematically modulated by faces and not by non-face objects (De Haan, Johnson, & Halit, 2002). Greater N290 amplitudes have been reported in response to faces than toys in 4.5-, 6-, 7.5- and 12-month old infants (Guy, Richards, Tonnesen, & Roberts, 2018; Guy, Zieber, & Richards, 2016). The face inversion effect occurs when faces are presented vertically inverted. It has been considered a marker for expert perceptual processing, since results in an impairment in perceptual recognition of the inverted face stimuli (Valentine, 1988). A selective inversion effect for human faces has been reported to modulate the amplitude of the N290 in 12-month-old infants (Halit, de Haan, & Johnson, 2003). We hypothesized that faces would elicit larger N290 responses compared to houses and that a possible delveopmental change would occur in the scalp distribution of the N290 responses to faces. Moreover, an inversion effect on N290 amplitude would be elicited by faces but not houses. We examined the N290 responses to faces and houses, presented with upright and inverted orientation, in a cross-sectional study with infants at 4.5 (n=7, mean age =144 days) and 12 months (n=10, mean age=379 days) of age. N290 amplitude values over left and right posterior-lateral channels were analysed as a function Stimulus Type, Stimulus Orienatation and Hemisphere. Separate univariate ANOVAs were performed for the two age groups, considering Type (Face, House), Orientation (Upright, Inverted), Hemisphere (Left, Right) and Electrode (Parietal (P7/P9/P8/P10), Parietal-Occipital (PO7/PO9/PO8/PO10), Temporo-Parietal (TP7/TP9/TP8/TP10) electrodes) as within-subjects factors. Results showed a significant interaction between Type and Electrode in both 4.5- (F (5,30) = 7.38, p = .0001) and 12-month-old group of participants (F (5,45) = 3.18, p = .0152). Figure 1a displays the results of the 4.5 month old group. There was a larger N290 amplitude for faces than houses over PO8 (p = .043), and for houses than faces over TP7 (p = .040), TP9 (p = .023), and TP8 (p = .050). Figure 1b displays the results of 12-month-old participants. There was a larger N290 amplitude for faces than houses in the right hemisphere over PO8 (p = .027), PO10 (p = .005), P8 (p = .012), P10 (p = .011), and TP10 (p = .001) electrodes. Overall at 12 months, the N290 was larger to faces and showed face-specific activity in the right hemisphere. These results suggest that the N290 component becomes more sensitive to faces and shows right lateralized responses in 12-month old infants. However, we did not find a significant inversion effect expected from prior work. |
Xie, W, Mallin, B, and Richards, J.E. (2019). Infant sustained attention and brain functional connectivity. Paper presented at the Society for Research in Child Development biennial meeting, Baltimore, MD, March, 2019. | conference | 2019 | Introduction: Infant sustained attention is characterized by a deceleration in heart rate (HR) and an increase in brain arousal (Richards, 2008). Increased brain arousal facilitates visual perception and memory encoding (Colombo, 2001). Infant EEG studies have reported alpha suppression/desynchronization in frontal electrodes during memory encoding (Bell, 2002) and in central electrodes (Mu rhythm) during action perception (Marshall et al., 2011). Infant theta synchronization was found in frontal channels during anticipatory attention (Orekhova et al., 1999). Alpha desynchronization is a robust electrical index of brain arousal in adulthood (Sadaghiani et al., 2010). Adult alpha activity has been correlated to activity in the default mode network (DMN; Knyzazev et al., 2011). The DMN shows deactivation when brain alertness increases (Mantini et al., 2007). The current study examined the potential relation between infant sustained attention (brain alertness) and alpha and theta activities using EEG and cortical source analysis. Method: Fifty-nine infants were tested at 6 (N=15), 8 (N=17), 10 (N=14), and 12 (N=13) months of age. Participants watched Sesame Street videos that elicited different attention phases (Richards, 2010). Three attention phases were defined based on HR changes during infants’ looking. They were stimulus orienting (before HR deceleration), sustained attention (HR deceleration), and attention termination (HR acceleration). Fast Fourier Transform was applied on EEG segments (1s) and power spectrum was calculated for theta (2 – 5 Hz) and alpha (6 – 9 Hz) bands. Cortical source analysis was conducted with realistic infant MRI models and current density reconstruction (CDR) technique. Results: Theta band: Infants at 8, 10, and 12 months showed greater theta power during sustained attention than attention termination and stimulus orienting in the frontal-pole (FP1, FP2) and occipital (O1, O2) electrodes. Cortical source analysis showed greater CDR amplitude for sustained attention in the inferior and middle temporal gyri and the orbitofrontal gyrus. Alpha band: Infants at 10 and 12 months showed lower alpha power during sustained attention in the frontal (F3, F4), central (C3, C4), and parietal (P3, P4) electrodes. Cortical source analysis showed the alpha activity was widely spread in the brain with high CDR amplitude in the occipital lobe. However, difference between attention phases (alpha suppression) was found in the posterior cingulate cortex, precuneus, and pre- and post-central gyri. Discussion: The current study demonstrates a link between infant sustained attention and EEG oscillatory activities. The finding of alpha desynchronization during sustained attention is consistent with the alpha desynchronization found during tonic alertness in adulthood. Two cortical sources of this effect, the posterior cingulate cortex and precuneus, are major components of the adult DMN. These findings support the idea that infant sustained attention is accompanied by an increase in brain arousal. The finding of alpha suppression in the precentral gyrus suggests distinct infant Mu activity might occur during sustained attention because infants were watching videos with characters dancing. Infant theta synchronization during sustained attention is comparable to the report of theta synchronization during anticipatory attention. Theta synchronization in the orbitofrontal gyrus may reflect the activation of the anterior attention system subserving executive control. |
Lunghi, M., Piccardi, E.S., Richards, J.E., & Simion, F. (2019). The neural correlates of orienting to walking direction in 6-Month-old Infants: an ERP study. Developmental Science. Developmental Science 22(6). ARTN e12811 10.1111/desc.12811 | journal | Download | 2019 | The ability to detect social signals represents a first step to enter our social world. Behavioral evidence has demonstrated that 6-month-old infants are able to orient their attention towards the position indicated by walking direction, showing faster orienting responses towards stimuli cued by the direction of motion than towards uncued stimuli. The present study investigated the neural mechanisms underpinning this attentional priming effect by using a spatial cueing paradigm and recording EEG (Geodesic System 128 channels) from 6-month-old infants. Infants were presented with a central point-light walker followed by a single peripheral target. The target appeared randomly at a position either congruent or incongruent with the walking direction of the cue. We examined infants’ target-locked ERP responses and we used cortical source analysis to explore which brain regions give rise to the ERP responses. Results revealed that the P1 component and saccade latencies towards the peripheral target were modulated by the congruency between the walking direction of the cue and the position of the target. Specifically, the P1 component was larger in response to congruent than to incongruent targets and the parahippocampal gyrus and the anterior fusiform gyrus were mainly involved as cortical sources of this component. Overall, these findings suggest that a type of biological motion like the one of a vertebrate walking on the legs can trigger covert orienting of attention in 6-month-old infants, enabling enhancement of neural activity related to visual processing of potentially relevant information as well as a facilitation of oculomotor responses to stimuli appearing at the attended location. Keywords: Social stimuli; biological motion; visuo-spatial orienting; ERPs; cortical source analysis |
Gao, C, Conte, S., Richards, J.E., Xie, W., & Hanayik, T. (2019). The neural sources of N170: Understanding timing of activation in face-selective areas. Paper presented at the Cognitive Neurosciences Society annual conference, March 2019. | conference | Download | 2019 | The N170 ERP component has been widely identified as a face-sensitive neural marker. Despite extensive investigations conducted to examine the neural sources of N170, there are two issues in prior literature: 1) few studies used individualized anatomy as head model for the cortical source analysis of the N170; 2) the relationship between the N170 and face-selective regions from functional MRI (fMRI) studies is unclear. Here we addressed these questions by presenting pictures of faces and houses to the same group of healthy adults and recording structural MRI, fMRI and high-density ERPs in separate sessions. Source analysis based on the participant’s anatomy showed that the middle and posterior fusiform gyri were the primary neural sources for the face-sensitive aspects of the N170. Source analysis based on regions of interest from the fMRI revealed that the fMRI-defined fusiform face area was the major contributor to the N170. The current study suggests that the fusiform gyrus is a major neural contributor to the N170 ERP component and provides further insights about the spatiotemporal characteristics of face processing. Keywords: Face processing, fusiform gyrus, ERP, fMRI, N170, cortical source analysis |
Gao, C, Conte, S., Richards, J.E., Xie, W., & Hanayik, T. (2019). The neural sources of N170: Understanding timing of activation in face-selective areas. Psychophysiology, 56 DOI:10.1111/psyp.13336 | journal | Download | 2019 | The N170 ERP component has been widely identified as a face-sensitive neural marker. Despite extensive investigations conducted to examine the neural sources of N170, there are two issues in prior literature: 1) few studies used individualized anatomy as head model for the cortical source analysis of the N170; 2) the relationship between the N170 and face-selective regions from functional MRI (fMRI) studies is unclear. Here we addressed these questions by presenting pictures of faces and houses to the same group of healthy adults and recording structural MRI, fMRI and high-density ERPs in separate sessions. Source analysis based on the participant’s anatomy showed that the middle and posterior fusiform gyri were the primary neural sources for the face-sensitive aspects of the N170. Source analysis based on regions of interest from the fMRI revealed that the fMRI-defined fusiform face area was the major contributor to the N170. The current study suggests that the fusiform gyrus is a major neural contributor to the N170 ERP component and provides further insights about the spatiotemporal characteristics of face processing. Keywords: Face processing, fusiform gyrus, ERP, fMRI, N170, cortical source analysis |
Brito, N.H., Fifer, W.P., Amso, D., Barr, R., Bell, M.A., Calkins, S., Flynn, A., Montgomery-Downs H.E., Oakes, L.M., Richards, J.E., Samuelson, L.M., & Colombo, J. (2019) Beyond the Bayley: Neurocognitive Assessments of Development During Infancy and Toddlerhood, Developmental Neuropsychology, DOI: 10.1080/87565641.2018.15643 | journal | Download | 2019 | The use of global, standardized instruments is conventional among clinicians and researchers interested in assessing neurocognitive development. Exclusively relying on these tests for evaluating effects may underestimate or miss specific effects on early cognition. The goal of this review is to identify alternative measures for possible inclusion in future clinical trials and interventions evaluating early neurocognitive development. The domains included for consideration are attention, memory, executive function, language, and socioemotional development. Although domain-based tests are limited, as psychometric properties have not yet been well-established, this review includes tasks and paradigms that have been reliably used across various developmental psychology laboratories. |
Guy. M., Richards, J.E. & Roberts, J.E. (2018). Accurate head models for cortical source analysis in infants at high risk of autism spectrum disorders. International Conference on Infant Studies, Philadelphia, July, 2018. | conference | Download | 2018 | The aim of this study was to develop the first realistic head models for use with infants at high risk of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and to test these head models in the source analysis of electrophysiological data collected during face processing. The optimal approach for source analysis involves using realistic head models based upon individual participants’ structural MRIs, however, this is not always feasible. Careful selection of alternative head models is important to accurate source localization, and may be critical when examining infants at high-risk of neurodevelopmental disorders. Twelve-month-old participants included two high-risk groups, 21 infant siblings of children with ASD (ASIBs) and 15 infants diagnosed with fragile X syndrome (FXS), and 21 typically developing, low-risk control (LRC) infants. All participants completed a face processing ERP experiment. Structural MRIs were collected from a subset of the participants. Realistic head models were created from the MRIs; materials within the head were identified, segmented, and assigned a relative conductivity. Current density reconstruction (CDR) of the N290 ERP component was done with head models created from participants’ own MRIs to examine activation in regions of interest (ROIs) believed to be highly relevant to face processing. CDR activity was analyzed in an ANOVA including participant group, stimulus type, and ROI. There were main effects of stimulus type, F(1, 38) = 17.01, p = 0.0002, reflecting greater activation to faces than toys, and of ROI, F(17, 646) = 20.43, p < 0.0001, reflecting high levels of activation in the middle fusiform gyrus and anterior temporal brains areas. Subsequent source analyses were completed with ASIB and FXS groups to determine the impact of head model on CDR activation. We tested head models created from infants’ own MRIs against those created from the average of study- and group-specific MRIs, group-specific MRIs obtained from the Infant Brain Imaging Study (IBIS; 25 FXS MRIs, 53 ASIB MRIs), and MRIs collected from TD infants. An ANOVA tested effects of head model, participant group, and ROI on CDR activity. There was a significant effect of head model, F(3, 51) = 13.30, p < 0.0001, reflecting similar CDR across own-MRI and IBIS head models, but not study-specific and TD head models. There was an interaction of head model and stimulus type, F(3,51) = 3.88, p = 0.0141, reflecting similar differentiation of responses to faces and toys in the own-MRI and IBIS head models, and less differentiation in study-specific and TD head models. An interaction of head model and ROI, F(51, 867) = 6.23, p < 0.0001, indicated that while the IBIS head model was the best alternative to infants’ own MRIs, the quality of fit varied across ROI. Results indicate that head model selection is important to accurate source analysis and may be complex in high risk groups. IBIS head models proved the best match to infants’ own MRIs, possibly due to greater heterogeneity in the brains of infants at high risk of ASD that was better accounted for in a model created from a large collection of group-specific MRIs. |
Richards, J.E. (2018). Development of Diffuse Optical Tomography sensitivity in infants: Brain localization of NIRS activity. Sackler Developental Psychobiology Meeting, Hawaii, January 2018 | conference | Download | 2018 | ‘Near-Infrared-Optical-Spectroscopy’ (NIRS) is a tool for neuroimaging in infant participants. NIRS measurement works by source/detector optodes placed on the scalp that measure reflected light from oxygenated / deoxygenated hemoglobin. Diffuse optical tomography (DOT) is used to describe the scattering of light through the interior of the head. The sensitivity profile derived from DOT may be used to identify the underlying cortical anatomy that is reflected to the detector optodes and the relative contributions of anatomical regions. The current study uses simulated photon migration programs to map the DOT sensitivity of infants in the first year. The results map the sensitivity of the infant head to light propagation. The DOT sensitivity profiles for individual infants is used to complement spatial projection methods and adds to a comprehensive database of scalp-location-to-cortical-anatomy for infants. These results were also compared to results for older age participants, and the sensitivity profiles for an age may be used in quantitative methods that use inverse modeling to show NIRS activity in the brain. |
Tonnsen, B., Richards, J.E., & Roberts, J.E. (2018). Heart Rate-Defined Sustained Attention in Infants at Risk for Autism. Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders, 10:7, doi: 10.1186/s11689-018-9224-2 | journal | Download | 2018 | Although aberrant visual attention has been identified in infants at high familial risk for autism, the developmental emergence of atypical attention remains unclear. Integrating biological measures of attention into prospective high-risk infant studies may inform more nuanced developmental trajectories, clarifying the onset and course of atypical attention and potentially advancing early screening or treatment protocols. Heart rate-defined sustained attention (HRDSA) is a well-validated biological measure of attentional engagement that, in non-clinical infant populations, provides incremental information about attentional engagement beyond looking behaviors alone. The present study aimed to examine the characteristics and clinical correlates of HRDSA in high-risk infants, informing whether HRDSA may operate as a promising biological measure of attention and clinical symptoms in this population. |
Guy. M., Richards, J.E. & Roberts, J.E. (2018). Cortical Source Analysis of ERP Responses to Faces in Etiologically Distinct Groups of Infants at High-Risk for ASD. INSAR, Rotterdam, Netherlands, May 2018. | conference | Download | 2018 | Background: The aim of this study was to examine cortical sources active during face processing in two groups of infants at high-risk of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Event-related potentials (ERPs) associated with specialized face processing (i.e., N290) were measured in response to faces and toys across high-risk groups, including infant siblings of children with ASD (ASIBs) and infants diagnosed with fragile X syndrome (FXS), as well as low-risk control (LRC) infants (Guy, Richards, Tonnsen, & Roberts, 2017). All groups demonstrated greater amplitude N290 responses to faces than toys. Infants with FXS displayed the greatest amplitude N290 and most differentiated responses to faces and toys. Objectives: Cortical source analysis was utilized to investigate whether group differences in ERP responses corresponded to different levels of activation in brain regions most closely linked to specialized face processing or differences in areas active during face processing. Methods: Twelve-month-olds were recruited for this study, including 21 ASIBs, 15 infants diagnosed with FXS, and 21 LRC infants. All participants completed an ERP experiment including face and toy stimuli. Structural MRIs were collected from a subset of the participants and a group-specific (ASIB, FXS, or LRC) average head model was used to complete source analysis in infants that did not contribute their own MRI (Guy, Richards, & Roberts, 2017). Realistic head models were created from the MRIs. Current density reconstruction (CDR) of the N290 was calculated to examine activation in regions of interest (ROIs) believed to be relevant to face processing. CDR activity was analyzed in an ANOVA including the factors of participant group, stimulus type, and ROI. Results: There was a significant main effect of stimulus type, F(1, 55) = 21.47, p < .0001, reflecting greater activation to faces than toys. There was a stimulus type by ROI interaction, F(17, 935) = 4.91, p < .0001, due to higher levels of activation in response to faces than toys in the middle fusiform gyrus and nearby temporal and occipital brain areas. Additionally, an interaction of group, stimulus type, and ROI was observed, F(34, 935) = 1.45, p = .0465. As shown in Figure 1, LRC infants demonstrated greatest levels of activation in response to faces in brain areas most closely linked to specialized face processing (i.e., middle fusiform gyrus, anterior fusiform gyrus, parahippocampal gyrus, lingual gyrus), but infants with FXS were the only participant group to display higher levels of activation to faces than toys across all ROIs examined. Conclusions: The results provide evidence for unique patterns of neural activation during face processing across infants at high- and low-risk for ASD, and across distinct high-risk groups. All infants demonstrated greater activation to faces than toys in brain areas most associated with specialized face processing, but only infants with FXS consistently displayed higher levels of activation to faces across a broad range of areas analyzed. These results indicate that greater amplitude N290 responses observed in infants with FXS are due to an increased area of activation during face processing, rather than greater activation in specialized face processing areas. |
Richards, J.E. (2018). Media effects on young children: An attention development perspective. Media Exposure and Child Development, NIH, January 2018. | conference | Download | 2018 | Conclusions: From age 3 mo to about 12 mo, minor effects of video program on extended fixations. Neural development of several “core attention systems” affecting fixation and attention. Development of brain systems for attending to the environment and likely social brain development. Synchronized audio-visual stimuli elicit most attention 18 and 24 months--Comprehensible and age-appropriate stimuli elicit extended fixations and hear rate indicating attention engagement. |
Richards, J.E. (2018). Development of diffuse optical tomography sensitivity in infants. International Conference on Infant Studies, Philadelphia, July, 2018. | conference | Download | 2018 | Development of diffuse optical tomography sensitivity in infants. ‘Near-Infrared-Optical-Spectroscopy’ (NIRS) is a tool for neuroimaging in infant participants. NIRS measurement works by emitter/detector optodes placed on the scalp that measure reflected light from oxygenated / deoxygenated hemoglobin. Diffuse optical tomography (DOT) describes the scattering of light through the interior of the head. The sensitivity profile derived from DOT may be used to identify the underlying cortical anatomy that is reflected to the detector optodes. The current study used simulated photon migration methods to map the DOT sensitivity of infants in the first year. The DOT sensitivity profiles were used to complement spatial projection methods for a comprehensive database of scalp-location-to-cortical-anatomy for infants. The DOT sensitivity volumes may be used for inverse modeling of cortical activity from NIRS recordings (e.g., Homer2 and AtlasViewer) for either individuals or average MRI templates from the Neurodevelopmental MRI Database. The structural MRI volumes came from individual infants and average templates (3, 4.5, 6, 7.5, 9, and 12 months; also 2, 4, 12, and 20-24 years) from the “Neurodevelopmental MRI Database”. The DOT sensitivity was estimated on each MRI with photon migration simulation programs (e.g. MCX; tMCimg; MMC) by projecting 100M photons from scalp locations into a segmented MRI volume and recording the flux from the projection at each voxel in the MRI. The scalp locations were scattered semi-uniformly on the scalp (10-5 EEG placements). These locations were used as emitter/detector DOT channels centered on the 81 locations of the 10-10 EEG placement system. Figure 1 shows the fluence (summed flux) as a function of the distance from the 10-10 locations for a 6-month-old participant and for the average over all participants for this age. The peak, slope derivative location, and half-height-half-width location are marked on the graphs. These results imply that about 15-22 mm is the maximum depth sensitivity for NIRS recording (bottom panel); though this differs across the head (top panel). The fluence level was smaller and the sensitivity profile was flatter for emitter/detector distances from 30 to 40 mm, than from 15 to 29 mm. Figure 2 shows the avg peak depth for the MCX DOT sensitivity profile over age. There was a decrease in the depth of the peak location from 3 to 12 months, and this increased from 2 years through adults. The DOT sensitivity profiles were used to estimate the contribution of cortical ROIs to the NIRS signal recorded on the scalp. Stereotaxic atlas volumes were used to define the cortical ROIs. Several methods for detecting the ROI contribution were compared (location of max DOT. average DOT in 3 mm sphere, distribution of DOT sensitivity across ROIs). ‘Lookup tables’ were constructed that have anatomical locations from three stereotaxic atlases separated by each 10-10 location, age, average or aggregated individuals. There was good consistency for the ROis across the photon simulation methods, and DOT sensitivity locations. The DOT sensitivity profiles provided a quantitative measure of the photon sensitivity across the multiple ROIs for a single emitter/detector channel. |
Richards, J.E., & Stevens, M.L. (2018). Television program comprehensibility and distractibility in 24-month children. International Conference on Infant Studies, Philadelphia, July, 2018. | conference | Download | 2018 | Distractibility during television viewing may be used to examine children’s attention. There is increasing cognitive engagement that holds fixation towards the television as long as attention is engaged by the program content. The program comprehensibility or age-appropriateness are determinants of attention engagement. The present study examined the effect of program comprehensibility on distractibility in 24-month-old children by using a variety of audio-visual television programs. The ages of the children were 24 months. There were 7 conditions of 15 participants each (N = 105). The conditions were the presentation for 6 min of a known comprehensible and age-appropriate Sesame Street program (FTB: “Follow that Bird”), and the presentation for 6 min of one of several audio-visual stimuli that varied in language and format. These include programs such as: Backward speech FTB; Spanish-language FTB; English-Elmo; Mandarin-Elmo; Richard Scarry; Blues Clues; synchronized geometric patterns and audio wave file sounds. Distractors were presented on an adjacent TV screen at irregular intervals for 5 s. Distraction latency, distraction probability, and signal detection parameters were dependent variables. The independent variables were the type of foreground stimulus and the duration of the look at the occurrence of distractor onset. First, there was a main effect of foreground stimulus type on distraction latency and probability. Figure 1 shows the average distraction RT and probability as a function of stimulus type. The “Follow that Bird” had the longer RTs and smaller distraction probability than the “Geometry-Waves”, Richard Scarry, or Backward-FTB. The larger RT and smaller distraction probability indicate more attention engagement to the FTB. Somewhat surprising, both the Elmo-English and Elmo-Mandarin TV programs showed the most attention engagement for all stimuli. The FTB program showed more attention engagement than the less comprehensible program for all but the Elmo video. Second, for all stimuli types, the longer the look was in progress before distractor onset, the less likely the infants were distracted by the peripheral presentation. Figure 2 shows distraction probability as a function of the duration of the look at distractor onset, separately for the comprehensible FTB and the other stimuli. The pattern of lower probability with increasing look duration was similar for both stimulus types. Figure 2 also shows the signal detection parameter, c, as a function of the duration of the look. The decreasing negative values across look durations indicate a bias against responding. The bias against responding (?, c) increased as a function of look length, whereas measures of sensitivity (d') were not different across prior look duration or comprehensibility conditions. These results confirm the relation between distractibility and comprehensibility. The more comprehensible and age-appropriate stimulus, “Follow that Bird”, elicited enhanced attention (distraction latency and probability) compared with the other stimuli. The exception to this were the “Elmo” videos. Perhaps these videos are especially age-appropriate, even so far as to over-ride the mismatch between the child’s language and the Mandarin language. Signal detection analysis revealed an increasing bias against responding accounted for the look duration effect. |
Xie, W., & Richards. J.E. (2018). Development of Brain Functional Connectivity and Its Relation to Infant Sustained Attention in the First Year of Life. International Conference on Infant Studies, Philadelphia, July, 2018. | conference | 2018 | Introduction: Infant sustained attention is a type of endogenous attention that is characterized by a deceleration in heart rate (HR) and represents the arousal state of infants (Colombo, 2001; Richards, 1989). The study of brain functional connectivity is crucial to understanding the neural mechanisms underlying the improved behavioral performance (Mallin & Richards, 2012) and amplified ERP responses (Xie & Richards, 2016a, b) observed during infant sustained attention. Previous investigations on the development of functional brain connectivity during infancy are primarily confined to the use of functional and structural MRI techniques. The current study examined the relation between infant sustained attention and brain functional connectivity and their development during infancy with high-density EEG recordings. Method: Fifty-nine infants were tested at six (N = 15), eight (N =14), ten (N = 17), and twelve (N = 13) months. Infant sustained attention was defined by measuring infant heart rate changes during infants’ looking. Functional connectivity was estimated with the weighted phase lag index (WPLI) between electrodes on the scalp and between reconstructed cortical source activities in brain regions for infant theta (2 – 6 Hz), alpha (6 – 9 Hz), and beta (9 – 13 Hz) frequency bands. Age-appropriate average MRI templates (Richards et al., 2015) were used to create head and brain models for cortical source reconstruction. Graph theory measures (e.g., path length and clustering coefficient) were used to capture the changes in the overall architecture of brain networks. Figure 1 demonstrates the pipeline for source-space functional connectivity analysis. Results: It was found that infant sustained attention was accompanied by attenuated functional connectivity in the dorsal attention and default mode networks in the alpha band. Figure 2 depicts the connectivity within these two networks and how it was different between sustained attention and inattention. Graph theory analyses showed that there was an increase in path length and a decrease in clustering coefficient during infant sustained attention compared to inattention. The functional connectivity within brain networks and the graph theory measures of path length and clustering coefficient were found to increase with age. The characteristic of small-worldness was found for infants at 6 and 8 months in the alpha and beta bands. Discussion: These findings suggest that infant sustained attention is accompanied by distinct patterns of brain functional connectivity. The attenuated within network connectivity in the alpha band for the dorsal attention and default mode networks might suggest the release of inhibition for these attention networks, which in turn influences infants’ behavioral and physiological activities. The current findings also provide convergent evidence for the rapid development of functional connectivity in brain networks during infancy. The methods used in the current study suggest that cortical source analysis with EEG data can be used with infant participants to study the functional connectivity in brain networks. |
Hanayik, T., & Richards, J.E. (2018). Preprocessing and processing pipeline for fMRI for faces and houses study. Unpublished study. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.36556.46722 | journal | Download | 2018 | The N170 ERP component has been widely identified as a face-sensitive neural marker. Despite extensive investigations conducted to examine the neural sources of N170, there are two issues in prior literature: 1) few studies used individualized anatomy as head model for the cortical source analysis of the N170; 2) the relationship between the N170 and face-selective regions from functional MRI (fMRI) studies is unclear. The current paper presents a preprocessing pipeline for the fMRI to pictures of faces and houses in a group of healthy adults. These results were used to analyze the BOLD response to faces and houses and to create subject-specific ROIs for the analysis (Gao, 2019; Richards, Gao, Conte, Guy, & Xie, 2018) Keywords: Face processing, fusiform gyrus, ERP, fMRI, N170, cortical source analysis |
Xie W, Mallin BM, Richards JE. Development of brain functional connectivity and its relation to infant sustained attention in the first year of life. Dev Sci. 2018;e12703. | journal | Download | 2018 | The study of brain functional connectivity is crucial to understanding the neural mechanisms underlying the improved behavioral performance and amplified ERP responses observed during infant sustained attention. Previous investigations on the development of functional brain connectivity during infancy are primarily confined to the use of functional and structural MRI techniques. The current study examined the relation between infant sustained attention and brain functional connectivity and their development during infancy with high-density EEG recordings. Fifty-nine infants were tested at six (N = 15), eight (N =14), ten (N = 17), and twelve (N = 13) months. Infant sustained attention was defined by measuring infant heart rate changes during infants’ looking. Functional connectivity was estimated from the electrodes on the scalp and with reconstructed cortical source activities in brain regions. It was found that infant sustained attention was accompanied by attenuated functional connectivity in the dorsal attention and default mode networks in the alpha band. Graph theory analyses showed that there was an increase in path length and a decrease in clustering coefficient during infant sustained attention. The functional connectivity within brain networks and the graph theory measures of path length and clustering coefficient were found to increase with age. The characteristic of small-worldness was found for infants at 6 and 8 months in the alpha and beta bands. These findings suggest that infant sustained attention is accompanied by distinct patterns of brain functional connectivity. The current findings also provide convergent evidence for the rapid development of functional connectivity in brain networks during infancy. |
Richards, J.E., Gao, C., Contes, S., Guy, M., and Xie, W. (2018). Supplemental information for the neural sources of N170: Understanding timing of activation in face-selective areas. Unpublished paper available at ResearchGate ( DOI: | journal | Download | 2018 | The understanding of the neural sources of the N170 is an important addition to studies of face processing using fMRI and ERP as neuroimaging tools. This issue was addressed in a recent paper submitted to Psychophysiology (Gao, under review). This article reported a study of the presentation of faces and houses to adults along with recording of structural MRI, fMRI, and high-density ERPs. The study showed that the middle and posterior fusiform gyrus were the primary locations of the neural sources for the face-sensitive aspects of the N170. The current paper is supplemental information supporting the results in that study. In this paper we review the locations of face sensitive areas found in the literature and provide tables of locations for the “fusiform face area”, studies of the N170 cortical sources, and other face sensitive areas. We present some methods of the study that were not included in the article. This includes a discussion of the methods used in prior studies for determine the “fusiform face area” with fMRI localizers and an analysis of three methods of error protection used for defining anatomical and functional ROIs for the analyses in the article. We report some analyses of data from that study not reported in the article, including an analysis of the reaction time and P1 ERP component. Finally we include some graphs and figures providing supporting information for analyses in the article and several supplementary analyses not reported in the article. A goal of this paper is to provide extra supplemental information and discussion not included in the article and methods and supplemental results specific to the article. |
Courage, M.L., Richards, J.E. Attention. In Reference Module in Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Psychology, Elsevier, 2017. ISBN 9780128093245 | chapter | Download | 2017 | |
Guy, M.W., Richards, J.E., Tonnsen, B., & Roberts, J.E. (2017). Neural correlates of face processing in etiologically-distinct 12-month-old infants at high-risk of autism spectrum disorder. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 29:61-71. doi: 10.1016/j.dcn.2017.03.002. Epub 2017 Mar 16. | journal | Download | 2017 | Neural correlates of face processing were examined in 12-month-olds at high-risk for autism spectrum disorder (ASD), including 21 siblings of children with ASD (ASIBs) and 15 infants with fragile X syndrome (FXS), as well as 21 typically developing (TD) controls. Event-related potentials were recorded to familiar and novel face and toy stimuli. All infants demonstrated greater N290 amplitude to faces than toys. At the Nc component, TD infants showed greater amplitude to novel stimuli than to their mother’s face and own toy, whereas infants with FXS showed the opposite pattern of responses and ASIBs did not differentiate based on familiarity. These results reflect developing face specialization across high-risk and TD infants and reveal neural patterns that distinguish between groups at high-risk for ASD. |
Buzzell, G. A., Richards, J. E., White, L. K., Barker, T. V., Pine, D. S., & Fox, N. A. (2017). Development of the error-monitoring system from ages 9–35: unique insight provided by MRI-constrained source localization of EEG. Neuroimage. doi: | journal | Download | 2017 | The ability to self-detect errors and dynamically adapt behavior is a cornerstone of higher-level cognition, requiring coordinated activity from a network of neural regions. However, disagreement exists over how the error-monitoring system develops throughout adolescence and early adulthood. The present report leveraged MRI-constrained EEG source localization to detail typical development of the error-monitoring system in a sample of 9-35 year-olds. Participants performed a flanker task while high-density EEG was recorded; structural MRIs were also acquired for all participants. Analysis of the scalp-recorded EEG data revealed a frontocentral negativity (error-related negativity; ERN) immediately following errors for all participants, although the topography of the ERN varied with age. Source localization of the ERN time range revealed maximal activity within the posterior cingulate cortex (PCC) for all ages, consistent with recent evidence that the PCC provides a substantial contribution to the scalp-recorded ERN. Activity within a network of brain regions, including dorsal anterior cingulate, PCC, and parietal cortex, was predictive of improved performance following errors, regardless of age. However, additional activity within insula, orbitofrontal cortex and inferior frontal gyrus linearly increased with age. Together, these data suggest that the core error-monitoring system is online by early adolescence and remains relatively stable into adulthood. However, additional brain regions become embedded within this core network with age. These results serve as a model of typical development of the error-monitoring system from early adolescence into adulthood. |
Buzzell, G. A., Richards, J. E., White, L. K., Barker, T. V., Pine, D. S., & Fox, N. A. (2017). Supplemental Information for Development of the error-monitoring system from ages 9–35: unique insight provided by MRI-constrained source localization of EEG. Neuroimage. doi: | journal | Download | 2017 | The ability to self-detect errors and dynamically adapt behavior is a cornerstone of higher-level cognition, requiring coordinated activity from a network of neural regions. However, disagreement exists over how the error-monitoring system develops throughout adolescence and early adulthood. The present report leveraged MRI-constrained EEG source localization to detail typical development of the error-monitoring system in a sample of 9-35 year-olds. Participants performed a flanker task while high-density EEG was recorded; structural MRIs were also acquired for all participants. Analysis of the scalp-recorded EEG data revealed a frontocentral negativity (error-related negativity; ERN) immediately following errors for all participants, although the topography of the ERN varied with age. Source localization of the ERN time range revealed maximal activity within the posterior cingulate cortex (PCC) for all ages, consistent with recent evidence that the PCC provides a substantial contribution to the scalp-recorded ERN. Activity within a network of brain regions, including dorsal anterior cingulate, PCC, and parietal cortex, was predictive of improved performance following errors, regardless of age. However, additional activity within insula, orbitofrontal cortex and inferior frontal gyrus linearly increased with age. Together, these data suggest that the core error-monitoring system is online by early adolescence and remains relatively stable into adulthood. However, additional brain regions become embedded within this core network with age. These results serve as a model of typical development of the error-monitoring system from early adolescence into adulthood. |
Xie, W., Mallin, B.A., & Richards, J.E. (2017). Development of infant sustained attention and its relation to EEG oscillations: An EEG and cortical source analysis study. Developmental Science, 21; e12562. | journal | Download | 2017 | The current study examined the relation between infant sustained attention and infant EEG oscillations. Fifty-nine infants were tested at six (N=15), eight (N=17), ten (N=14), and twelve (N=13) months. Three attention phases, stimulus orienting, sustained attention, and attention termination, were defined based on infants’ heart rate changes. Frequency analysis using simultaneously recorded EEG focused on infant theta (2 – 6 Hz), alpha (6 – 9 Hz), and beta (9 – 14 Hz) rhythms. Cortical source analysis of EEG oscillations was conducted with realistic infant MRI models. Theta synchronization was found over fontal pole, temporal, and parietal electrodes during infant sustained attention for 10- and 12-months. Alpha desynchronization was found over frontal, central and parietal electrodes during sustained attention. This alpha effect started to emerge at 10 months and became well established by 12 months. The theta synchronization effect was localized to the orbital frontal, temporal pole, and ventral temporal areas. The alpha desynchronization effect was localized to the brain regions composing the default mode network including the posterior cingulate cortex and precuneus, medial prefrontal cortex, and inferior parietal gyrus. The alpha desynchronization effect also was localized to the pre- and post-central gyri. The present study demonstrates a connection between infant sustained attention and EEG oscillatory activities. |
Reynolds, G. D. and Richards, J. E. (2017), Infant Visual Attention and Stimulus Repetition Effects on Object Recognition. Child Dev. . doi:10.1111/cdev.12982 | journal | Download | 2017 | This study examined behavioral, heart rate (HR), and event-related potential (ERP) correlates of attention and recognition memory for 4.5-, 6-, and 7.5-month-old infants during stimulus encoding. Attention was utilized as an independent variable using HR measures. The Nc ERP component associated with attention and the Late Slow Wave (LSW) associated with recognition memory were analyzed. 7.5-month-olds demonstrated a significant reduction in Nc amplitude with stimulus repetition and stimulus type. This reduction in Nc was not found for younger infants. Additionally, infants only demonstrated differential LSW amplitude based on stimulus type on attentive trials as defined by HR changes. These findings indicate that from 4.5 to 7.5 months, infants' attentional engagement is influenced by an increasingly broader range of stimulus characteristics. |
Emberson, L.E., Crosswhite, S., Richards, J.E., & Aslin, R.N. (2017). The lateral occipital cortex (LOC) is selective for object shape, not texture/color, at 6 months. Journal of Neuroscience, 37, 3698-3703; DOI: | journal | Download | 2017 | Understanding how the human visual system develops is crucial to understanding the nature and organization of our complex and varied visual representations. However, previous investigations of the development of the visual system using fMRI are largely confined to a subset of the visual system (high-level vision: faces, scenes) and relatively late in visual development (starting at 4-5 years of age). The current study extends our understanding of human visual development by presenting the first systematic investigation of a mid-level visual region (the LOC) in a population much younger than has been investigated in the past – 6 month olds. We use fNIRS, an emerging optical method for recording cortical hemodynamics, to perform neuroimaging with this very young population. While previous fNIRS studies have suffered from imprecise neuroanatomical localization, we rely on the most rigorous MR-coregistration of fNIRS data to date to image the infant LOC. We find surprising evidence that at 6 months the LOC has functional specialization that is highly similar to adults. Following Cant and Goodale (2007), we investigate whether the LOC tracks shape information and not other cues to object-identity (e.g., texture/material). This finding extends evidence of LOC specialization from early childhood into infancy and earlier than developmental trajectories of high-level visual regions. |
Emberson, L., Riccio, J., Richards, J.E., Guillet, R., & Aslin, R. (2016). Comparing How Statistical Learning Supports Perceptual Expectations in Infants at Low and High Risk for Developmental Delays. Poster presented at the International Conference on Infant Studies, New Orleans, LA, May, 2016. | conference | 2016 | ||
Richards, J.E., Guy, M., Zieber, N., Xie, W., & Roberts, J.E. (2017). Brain changes in response to faces in the first year. Paper presented at the Society for Research in Child Development, Austin, TX. April, 2017. | conference | Download | 2016 | Brain changes in response to faces in the first year Infant’s behavioral responses to faces changes over the first year. These changes often are hypothesized to result from experience-dependent changes in the brain areas that process faces. The course of development in those brain areas has not been directly studied over the first year. The current study examined the neural response of infants to pictures of faces and objects from 4.5 months through 12 months with event-related potentials (ERP) and cortical source analysis with realistic head models. Method: Infants were tested at 4.5 (N = 25), 6 (N = 26), 7.5 (N = 19), 9 (N = 10) or 12 (N = 24) months. The infants were presented with brief (500 ms) stimuli on a computer monitor. The stimuli were pictures of women’s faces, or infant-oriented toys. A 128-channel EEG recording system (EGI, Eugene, OR) was used for EEG recording. The ERPs in response to the faces were calculated for the P1, N290, P400, and Nc components. Cortical source analysis used the current density reconstruction (CDR) technique and realistic head models based on structural MRIs of the infant or an infant with a close-sized head. ERP Components: Figure 1 shows the ERP responses to faces and toys in the occipital, lateral parietal, and frontal central leads. The ERP components in response to faces and toys were examined separately for the ERP components. We found the P1 amplitude at about 100 ms post-stimulus-onset was larger for faces and toys overall, but the difference between faces and toys increased over age, especially from 6 to 12 months (Figure 2a). Similarly, the N290, a negative deflection in the ongoing ERP about 290 ms following stimulus onset, also showed this increasing differentiation in responses to faces and toys, becoming larger over age to the face stimuli (Figure 2b). The P400 and Nc components differed for faces and toys at the earliest ages, but by 12 months were at the same level. Cortical Sources: The neural sources of the ERP components were identified with cortical source analysis in “regions-of-interest” (ROIs) theoretically involved in face processing. The sources of the P1 component were generally found in the lateral occipital and posterior-lateral temporal areas (e.g., lateral inferior occipital gyrus; posterior portion of the inferior temporal gyrus). The activity of the CDR across the time interval of the P1 paralleled the P1 responses upon which the analysis was based, and showed the same increasing differentiation over age. The sources of the N290 were in the middle fusiform gyrus, anterior fusiform gyrus, parahippocampal gyrus, and temporal pole. The increase from 4.5 to 7.5 months of age in the ERP component showed an increasingly peaked response in the middle fusiform gyrus though the overall CDR amplitude to faces and toys were similar. By 9 and 12 months of age the CDR amplitude in this and adjacent neural areas differed for faces and toys, and also showed the enhanced peak around the time of the N290 peak amplitude. |
Emberson, L.E., Cannon, G., Palmeri, H., Richards, J.E., & Aslin, R.N. (2016). Using fNIRS to Examine Occipital and Temporal Responses to Stimulus Repetition in Young Infants: Evidence of Selective Frontal Cortex Involvement. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. | journal | Download | 2016 | How does the developing brain respond to recent experience? Repetition suppression (RS) is a robust and wellcharacterized response of to recent experience found, predominantly, in the perceptual cortices of the adult brain. We use functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) to investigate how perceptual (temporal and occipital) and frontal cortices in the infant brain respond to auditory and visual stimulus repetitions (spoken words and faces). In Experiment 1, we find strong evidence of repetition suppression in the frontal cortex but only for auditory stimuli. In perceptual cortices, we find only suggestive evidence of auditory RS in the temporal cortex and no evidence of visual RS in any ROI. In Experiments 2 and 3, we replicate and extend these findings. Overall, we provide the first evidence that infant and adult brains respond differently to stimulus repetition. We suggest that the frontal lobe may support the development of RS in perceptual cortices |
Xie, W., & Richards, J.E. (2017). The Relation between Infant Sustained Attention and EEG Oscillations: An EEG Power Spectrum and Cortical Source Analysis Study. | conference | Download | 2016 | Introduction: Infant sustained attention is characterized by a deceleration in heart rate (HR) and an increase in brain arousal (Richards, 2008). Increased brain arousal facilitates visual perception and memory encoding (Colombo, 2001). Infant EEG studies have reported alpha suppression/desynchronization in frontal electrodes during memory encoding (Bell, 2002) and in central electrodes (Mu rhythm) during action perception (Marshall et al., 2011). Infant theta synchronization was found in frontal channels during anticipatory attention (Orekhova et al., 1999). Alpha desynchronization is a robust electrical index of brain arousal in adulthood (Sadaghiani et al., 2010). Adult alpha activity has been correlated to activity in the default mode network (DMN; Knyzazev et al., 2011). The DMN shows deactivation when brain alertness increases (Mantini et al., 2007). The current study examined the potential relation between infant sustained attention (brain alertness) and alpha and theta activities using EEG and cortical source analysis. Method: Fifty-nine infants were tested at 6 (N=15), 8 (N=17), 10 (N=14), and 12 (N=13) months of age. Participants watched Sesame Street videos that elicited different attention phases (Richards, 2010). Three attention phases were defined based on HR changes during infants’ looking. They were stimulus orienting (before HR deceleration), sustained attention (HR deceleration), and attention termination (HR acceleration). Fast Fourier Transform was applied on EEG segments (1s) and power spectrum was calculated for theta (2 – 5 Hz) and alpha (6 – 9 Hz) bands. Cortical source analysis was conducted with realistic infant MRI models and current density reconstruction (CDR) technique. Results: Theta band: Infants at 8, 10, and 12 months showed greater theta power during sustained attention than attention termination and stimulus orienting in the frontal-pole (FP1, FP2) and occipital (O1, O2) electrodes. Cortical source analysis showed greater CDR amplitude for sustained attention in the inferior and middle temporal gyri and the orbitofrontal gyrus. Alpha band: Infants at 10 and 12 months showed lower alpha power during sustained attention in the frontal (F3, F4), central (C3, C4), and parietal (P3, P4) electrodes. Cortical source analysis showed the alpha activity was widely spread in the brain with high CDR amplitude in the occipital lobe. However, difference between attention phases (alpha suppression) was found in the posterior cingulate cortex, precuneus, and pre- and post-central gyri. Discussion: The current study demonstrates a link between infant sustained attention and EEG oscillatory activities. The finding of alpha desynchronization during sustained attention is consistent with the alpha desynchronization found during tonic alertness in adulthood. Two cortical sources of this effect, the posterior cingulate cortex and precuneus, are major components of the adult DMN. These findings support the idea that infant sustained attention is accompanied by an increase in brain arousal. The finding of alpha suppression in the precentral gyrus suggests distinct infant Mu activity might occur during sustained attention because infants were watching videos with characters dancing. Infant theta synchronization during sustained attention is comparable to the report of theta synchronization during anticipatory attention. Theta synchronization in the orbitofrontal gyrus may reflect the activation of the anterior attention system subserving executive control. |
Xie, W., & Richards, J. E. (2016). Effects of interstimulus intervals on behavioral, heart rate, and event-related potential indices of infant engagement and sustained attention. Psychophysiology, 53, 1128-1142. doi:10.1111/psyp.12670 | journal | Download | 2016 | Maximizing infant attention to stimulus presentation during an electroencephalogram (EEG) or event-related potential (ERP) experiment is important for making valid inferences about the neural correlates of infant cognition. The present study examined the effects of stimulus presentation interstimulus interval (ISI) on behavioral and physiological indices of infant attention including infants’ fixation to visual presentation, the amount of heart rate (HR) change during sustained attention, and ERP components. This study compared an ISI that is typically used in infant EEG/ERP studies (e.g., 1500 – 2000 ms) with two shorter durations (400 – 600 ms and 600 – 1000 ms). Thirty-six infants were tested cross-sectionally at 3, 4.5, and 6 months. It was found that using the short (400 – 600 ms) and medium (600 – 1000 ms) ISIs resulted in more visually fixated trials and reduced frequency of fixation disengagement per experimental block. We also found larger HR changes during sustained attention to both of the shorter ISIs compared with the long ISI, and larger ERP responses when using the medium ISI compared to using the short and long ISIs. These data suggest that utilizing an optimal ISI (e.g., 600 – 1000 ms), which increases the presentation complexity and provides sufficient time for information processing, can promote infant engagement and sustained attention during stimulus presentation. |
Guy, M., Richards, J.E., Tonnsen, B., & Roberts, J.E. (2016). Neural correlates of face processing associated with risk of autism spectrum disorders in infancy. Poster presented at the International Conference on Infant Studies, New Orleans, LA, May, 2016. | conference | Download | 2016 | Neural correlates of face processing were examined in two groups of 12-month-old infants at high-risk for autism spectrum disorders (ASD), infant siblings of children with ASD (ASIBs) and infants with fragile X syndrome (FXS), as well as a group of typically developing (TD) controls. Event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded to familiar and novel face and toy stimuli. Atypical processing of faces has been well documented in ASD1 and research suggests that ASIBs may display different ERP responses from TD infants in the first year of life2,3. Examination of the early emergence of ASD-associated features in FXS may inform early risk factors specific to FXS, as well as broader heterogeneous pathways of ASD emergence. Our expectation that distinct electrophysiological responses would differentiate the high-risk ASD groups from each other and the TD group was supported. The Nc response was significantly greater in TD and FXS groups than ASIBs. Different patterns of Nc responses to familiar and novel stimuli indicated ASIBs were less responsive to the stimuli than other groups and infants with FXS may show immature stimulus processing. Greater amplitude N290 in response to faces than toys across participant groups reflects the developing specialization of face processing despite risk factor. Despite shared risk for ASD, infants with FXS and ASIBs exhibit distinct patterns of attention and face processing, potentially reflecting syndrome-specific pathways to similar behavioral outcomes. |
Buzell, G.A., Richards, J.E., White, L.K., Pine, D.S., & Fox, N.A. (2017). Development of the error-monitoring system from ages 9-35: unique insight provided by MRI-constrained source localization of EEG. Poster presented at the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, San Francisco, CA, April, 2017. | conference | Download | 2016 | The ability to identify mistakes and dynamically adapt behavior is a cornerstone of higher-level cognition, requiring coordinated activity from a network of neural regions. However, a detailed account of how the error-monitoring system develops throughout adolescence and early adulthood remains absent from the literature. The present report leveraged MRI-constrained EEG source localization in order to detail the normative development of the error-monitoring system in a sample of 9-35 year-olds. In order to elicit errors, participants performed a flanker task while high-density EEG was recorded; structural MRIs were also acquired for all participants. Analysis of the scalp-recorded EEG data revealed a frontocentral negativity (error-related negativity; ERN) immediately following errors for all participants, although the topography of the ERN effect varied with age. Source localization of the ERN time range revealed maximal activity within the posterior cingulate cortex (PCC) for all ages, consistent with recent evidence that the PCC provides a substantial contribution to the scalp-recorded ERN. Activity within a network of brain regions, including dorsal anterior cingulate, PCC, and parietal cortex, were predictive of improved performance following errors, regardless of age. However, additional activity within insula, orbiotfronal cortex and inferior frontal gyrus linearly increased with age. Together, these data suggest that the core error-monitoring system is online by early adolescence and remains relatively stable throughout adolescence and early adulthood. However, maturity leads to additional brain regions becoming embedded within this core network. These results can serve as a model of neurotypical development of the error-monitoring system throughout adolescence and early adulthood. |
Guy, M., Zieber, N, & Richards, J.E. (2016). The cortical sources of face sensitive ERP components in infancy. Poster presented at the International Conference on Infant Studies, New Orleans, LA, May, 2016. | conference | Download | 2016 | The aim of the current study was to examine the neural development of face processing in infancy by recording event-related potentials (ERPs) and to determine the cortical sources of these neural signals. Developmental changes in the amplitude and latency of infant ERP components (i.e., N290, P400, Nc) were examined in response to faces and toys at 4.5, 6, and 7.5 months of age. ERP responses were greater in amplitude during heart rate (HR)-defined phases of attention than inattention at all components examined. The N290 was greater in amplitude to faces during attention than toys during attention. The P400 was greater in amplitude to toys than faces. The neural regions responsible for the ERP components’ activation were investigated through the application of current density reconstruction (CDR), realistic head models derived from individual infant MRIs, and age-appropriate infant head templates. Source analyses were restricted to specific cortical regions of interest (ROIs) theoretically expected to be sensitive to faces. The linear trend to both faces and toys during the time window of the N290 likely reflects the emerging P400 and Nc activity occurring after the N290 latency, whereas the quadratic trend to faces in the older participants reflects the cortical source of the N290 deflection in the ERP. Results indicate that brain areas associated with face specific processing show greater activation with age. The results of this study are included in the manuscript, “The cortical development of specialized face processing in infancy,” currently in press in Child Development. Additionally, the data are included in a broad analysis of the development of face processing across the first year of life |
Guy, M. W., Richards, J. E., & Roberts, J. E. (April, 2017). Accurate head models for cortical source analysis of face processing in infants at high risk of autism spectrum disorders. Poster to be presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Austin, Texas. | conference | Download | 2016 | The aim of this study was to develop the first realistic head models for use with infants at high risk of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and to test these head models in the source analysis of electrophysiological data collected during face processing. The optimal approach for source analysis involves using realistic head models based upon individual participants’ structural MRIs, however, this is not always feasible. Careful selection of alternative head models is important to accurate source localization, and may be critical when examining development in infants at high-risk of neurodevelopmental disorders due to the possibility of greater variability in brain structure. Participants included two groups of high risk 12-month-olds, including 21 infant siblings of children with ASD (ASIBs) and 15 infants diagnosed with fragile X syndrome (FXS), contrasted to 21 typically developing (TD) 12-month-old infants. All participants completed an ERP experiment including face and toy stimuli. Structural MRIs were collected from a subset of the participants. Realistic head models were created from the MRIs, in which materials within the head were identified, segmented, and assigned a relative conductivity. Current density reconstruction (CDR) of the N290 ERP component was done with head models created from participants’ own MRIs to examine activation in regions of interest (ROIs) believed to be highly relevant to face processing. CDR activity was analyzed in an ANOVA including the factors of participant group, stimulus type, and ROI. Results replicated previous findings (Guy et al., 2016; Richards et al., 2016). There was a main effect of stimulus type, F(1, 40) = 21.99, p < .0001, reflecting greater activation to faces than toys, and a main effect of ROI, F(13, 520) = 16.24, p < .0001, reflecting high levels of activation in the middle fusiform gyrus and anterior temporal brains areas. Subsequent source analyses were completed with ASIB and FXS groups to determine the impact of head model on CDR activation. We tested head models created from infants’ own MRIs against those created from the average of study- and group-specific MRIs, group-specific MRIs obtained from the Infant Brain Imaging Study (IBIS; 25 FXS MRIs, 53 ASIB MRIs), and MRIs collected from TD infants. An ANOVA tested effects of head model, participant group, and ROI on CDR activity. There was a significant effect of head model, F(3, 54) = 10.85, p < .0001. CDR was similar across own-MRI and IBIS head models, which differed from study-specific and TD head models. An interaction of head model and ROI, F(39, 702) = 4.14, p < .0001, indicated that while the IBIS head model was the best alternative to infants’ own MRIs, the quality of fit varied across ROI. Results indicate that head model selection is important to accurate source analysis and may be complex in high risk groups. IBIS head models proved the best match to infants’ own MRIs, possibly due to greater heterogeneity in the brains of infants at high risk of ASD that was better accounted for in a model created from a large collection of group-specific MRIs. |
Xie, W., & Richards, J.E. (2016).The Relation between Infant Covert Orienting, Sustained Attention and Brain Activity. Poster presented at the International Conference on Infant Studies, New Orleans, LA, May, 2016. | conference | Download | 2016 | The current study investigated the cortical activity involved in infant covert orienting, and how it would be affected by the stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA) duration. We measured infant ERPs and applied cortical source analysis to measure the current density amplitudes in brain ROIs that are likely involved in covert orienting 1,2. We used the spatial cueing paradigm and tested separate groups of infants in the short and long SOA conditions to increase the number of trials and presumably enhance the power for finding a significant difference between short and long SOA conditions. The current study also aimed to determine the effect of sustained attention on infant brain activity involved in covert orienting. We used ECG recording to define infant sustained attention and inattention periods3,4. The ECG recording was synchronized with EEG recording. We found the effect of cue-target validity on infant ERP responses differs with the SOA conditions. E.g., The P1 validity effect was only shown in the short SOA condition, which is consistent with behavioral and adult ERPs research2,5,6,7. Cortical source analysis showed that the (contralateral) inferior occipital and ventral temporal regions activated differently between the valid, invalid, and neutral conditions. Infant sustained attention was found to modulate infants’ brain responses in covert orienting by enhancing the P1 and N1 ERP responses and current density amplitude in their cortical sources during sustained attention. Conclusion: the neural mechanisms that underpin covert orienting already exist in 3- to 4.5-month-olds, and they could be facilitated by infant sustained attention. |
Xie, W., & Richards, J.E. (2017). The relation between infant covert orienting, sustained attention and brain activity. Brain Topography, 30, 198-219. DOI: 10.1007/s10548-016-0505-3 | journal | Download | 2016 | This study used measures of event-related potentials (ERPs) and cortical source analysis to examine the effect of covert orienting and sustained attention on 3- and 4.5-month-old infants’ brain activity in a spatial cueing paradigm. Cortical source analysis was conducted with current density reconstruction (CDR) using realistic head models created from age-appropriate infant MRIs. The validity effect was found in the P1 ERP component that was greater for valid than neutral trials in the electrodes contralateral to the visual targets when the stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA) was short. Cortical source analysis revealed greater current density amplitude in the primary visual cortex and ventral temporal regions for valid than neutral and invalid trials between the P1 and N1 peak latencies. The processing cost effect was found in the N1 component and current density amplitude in the extrastriate cortex, which were greater for neutral than invalid trials in the short SOA condition. Infant sustained attention was found to modulate the brain responses in covert orienting by enhancing the P1 and N1 ERP responses and current density amplitude in their cortical sources during sustained attention. These findings suggest that the neural mechanisms that underpin covert orienting already exist in 3- to 4.5-month-olds, and they could be facilitated by infant sustained attention. |
Richards, J.E., Guy, M., Zieber, N., Xie, W., & Roberts, J.E. (2016). Brain changes in response to faces in the first year. Poster presented at the International Conference on Infant Studies, New Orleans, LA, May, 2016. | conference | Download | 2016 | Young infants in the first year have dramatic changes in their processing of faces, going from simple perceptual sensitivity through recognition and preference for familiar faces. It is likely that these changes are caused by, or accompanied by, changes in the brain areas known in adults to be involved in face processing. We report data from infants from 3 through 12 months of age that shows the development of scalp-recorded event-related-potentials in response to faces and objects, in the brain areas supporting these ERP components, and in the effect of attention on the face processing / brain development. This work quantifies the specialization of brain areas for face processing in the infant. |
Ding, X.P., Richards, J.E., Xie, W., Fu, G., & Lee, K. (2015). Neurodevelopment of honesty and dishonesty: A functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) study. Paper presented at the Society for Research in Child Development conference, Philadelphia, PA. March, 2015. | conference | 2015 | ||
Richards, J.E. (2015). Scalp locations projected to cortical anatomy for infant NIRS. Paper presented at the Society for Research in Child Development conference, Philadelphia, PA. March, 2015. | conference | Download | 2015 | Introduction : 'Near-Infrared-Optical-Spectroscopy' (NIRS) has become a popular tool for neuroimaging in infant participants. NIRS measurement works by emitter/detector optodes placed on the scalp that measure reflected light from oxygenated / deoxygenated hemoglobin. The changes in oxygenated / deoxygenated hemoglobin reflect hemodynamic responses to changes in neural activity, and may be used as a functional neuroimaging tool. NIRS measurement occurs entirely on the scalp surface. The cortical anatomical areas generating the NIRS signal cannot be identified simply with external scalp measurements. Methods have been developed for adult participants that show the relation between external scalp locations and underlying cortical anatomy. The current study presents a comprehensive database of scalp-location-to-cortical-anatomy in infants from 3 to 12 months of age. The presentation also illustrates methods to identify cortical anatomical locations for NIRS optodes/channels in individual infant participants.
Roberts, J.E., Tonnsen, B., Guy, M., Hahn, L, & Richards, J.E. (2015). Biobehavioral correlates of Autism Spectrum Disorder in infants with Fragile X Syndrome. 48th Annual Gatlinburg Conference, Gatlinburg, TN, April, 2015 | conference | Download | 2015 | Introduction: Young males with fragile X syndrome (FXS) are at high risk for autism spectrum disorders (ASD) with up to 70% meeting diagnostic criteria. While early identification efforts in idiopathic non-fragile X ASD have accelerated given the known benefits of early treatment, relatively little work exists focused on early detection of autism in FXS. Identification of ASD in very young children, however, is fraught with challenges given the complexity of identifying ASD amidst the rapid developmental changes in social behavior, cognition and language that occur in early childhood. Consequently, consideration of prodromal and symptom level factors during infancy has increased as has recognition of the role of biomarkers in identifying putative mechanistic factors. The overarching aim of this presentation is to identify the relationship of multiple biomarkers to ASD features in infants with FXS contrasted to typically developing infants (TD) and infants with older siblings diagnosed with ASD (SIBS). We will present data reflecting neural correlates (event-related potentials) of face processing and baseline autonomic measures (heart activity) in relation to ASD features.
Fillmore, P.T., Richards, J.E., Phillips-Meek, M.C., Cryer, A., & Stevens, M. (2015) Stereotaxic MRI brain atlases for infants from 3 to 12 months. Developmental Neuroscience. DOI:10.1159/000438749 | journal | Download | 2015 | Accurate labeling of brain structures within an individual or group is a key issue in neuroimaging. Methods for labeling infant brains have depended on the labels done on adult brains or average MRI templates based on adult brains. However, the features of adult brains differ in several ways from infant brains, so the creation of a labeled stereotaxic atlas based on infants would be helpful. The current work builds on recent creation of age-appropriate average MRI templates during the first year (3, 4.5, 6, 7.5, 9, and 12 months), by creating anatomical label sets for each template. Methods: We created stereotaxic atlases for the age-specific average MRI templates. Manual delineation of cortical and subcortical areas was done on the average templates based on infants during the first year. We also applied a procedure for automatic computation of macroanatomical atlases for individual infant participants using two manually segmented adult atlases (Hammers, LPBA40). To evaluate our methods, we did manual delineation of several cortical areas on selected individuals from each age. Linear and nonlinear registration of the individual and average template was used to transform the average atlas into the individual participant’s space, and the average transformed atlas was compared to the individual manually delineated brain areas. We also applied these methods to an external dataset, not used in the atlas creation, to test generalizability of the atlases. Results: Age-appropriate manual atlases were the best fit to the individual manually delineated regions, with more error seen at greater age discrepancy. There was a close fit between the manually delineated and the automatically labeled regions for individual participants, and for the age-appropriate template based atlas transformed into participant space. There was close correspondence between automatic labeling of individual brain regions, and those from the age-appropriate template. Finally, these relationships held, even when tested on an external set of images. Conclusion: We have created age-appropriate labeled templates for use in the study of infant development at 6 ages (3, 4.5, 6, 7.5, 9, and 12 months). Comparison with manual methods was quite good. We developed three stereotaxic atlases (one manual, two automatic) for each infant age, which should allow fine-grained analysis of brain structure for these populations than was previously possible with existing tools. The template-based atlases constructed in the current study are available online ( Keywords: atlas, MRI, neurodevelopment, infant |
Lanfer, B., Spangler, R. Richards J.E., & Paul-Jordanov, I. (23015). Age-specific template head models for EEG source analysis. Paper presented at the Organization for Human Brain Mapping Meeting, Honolulu HA, June, 2015. | conference | Download | 2015 | Incorporating the realistic anatomy of the head into the solution of the EEG forward problem improves the accuracy and reliability of EEG source analysis [1]. Individual realistic head models can be derived from the subject's MRI. In infants and children MRI data are often difficult to collect. However, source analysis accuracy would particularly benefit from realistic head models in children, as head tissue structure differs vastly from adults. A solution might be to use age-specific template models representing the child-typical anatomy. In this work, we describe a pipeline for EEG source analysis with age-specific head model templates. In addition, a study is presented demonstrating the feasibility of the template models. |
Xie, W., & Richards, J.E. (2015). The effects of interstimulus interval on infant attention and face perception: An event-related potentials study. Poster presented at the Society for Research in Child Developmen conferencet, Philadelphia, PA. March, 2015. | conference | Download | 2015 | Introduction: Infant attention and face perception develop dramatically in the first 6 months. Electroencephalogram (EEG) and event-related potentials (ERPs) have been used as measurements of cortical responses in infant attention and face perception studies. Typical presentation sequences for infant ERP studies use interstimulus-intervals (ISI) of about 2 - 3 s; however, this presentation rate may be too long to sustain fixation and attention in young infants. Using shorter ISIs increases presentation rate and complexity may facilitate infant sustained attention and engagements in an EEG/ERP study. In this study, we examined 1) the effect of shorter ISIs on infant EEG/ERP studies; 2) infant face sensitive ERPs development from 3 to 6 months; 3) the effects of attention on infant face sensitive ERPs. Methods. Infants at 3 or 6 months of age (N = 23) were presented with brief (500 ms) stimuli on a computer monitor. The stimuli were adult female faces, male and female infant faces, and objects. The stimuli presentations were separated by ISIs of 400 to 600 ms, 600 to 1000 ms, and 1500 ms to 2000 ms. Electrocardiogram (ECG) and EEG data were recorded. A high-density, 128-channel EEG recording system (EGI, Eugene, OR) was used for EEG recording. The ERP averages were obtained from the EEG recordings. We quantified the components separately for the faces (female, infant) and toys, attention/inattention based on heart rate changes, and age. In addition, we measured infant behavior (fixation to presentation) and heart rate (ECG) data as indexes of their attention engagement. Results: a) behavioral results showed using shorter ISIs (shorter, medium) facilitated infant visual fixation to stimulus presentation in an EEG/ERP study. Significantly more trials were collected using shorter ISI than long ISI for all three age groups (Figure1). b) Heat rate results showed a main effect of age, that 3 mos sustained attention period was longer than older groups during an visual EEG study; the effect of ISI type is marginal. c) EEG/ERPs results showed clear development of N290 and P400 (amplitude and latency) from 3 to 6 months (Figure 2); infants at all three ages showed larger N290 and P400 responses to faces than toys; the short ISI condition resulted in more ambiguous face/toy N290 and P400 responses than longer ISI conditions for 3-month-olds; there was an interaction effect of attention and stimulus types; attention has a main effect on N290 amplitude. Discussion: Shorter ISIs (short and medium in current study) facilitates infant attention and engagement in an EEG/ERP study. The effect of ISI was minimal on the 6-month-old ERP responses, but had a large effect on 3-month-olds. This suggests that 3-month-olds may need longer intervals to fully process these types of brief stimuli, whereas older infants direct attention efficiently to the short ISI presentation rate. Comparison of the ERPs between 3 and 6 months indicates the development of infant face processing. Interaction effect of attention and stimulus implies that attention may affect face and object perception differently. |
Richards, J.E. & Xie, W. (2015). Brains for all the ages: Structural neurodevelopment in infants and children from a life-span perspective. In J. Benson (Ed.), Advances in Child Development and Behavior (Volume 48, chapter 1, pps 1-52). Philadephia, PA: Elsevier. DOI:10.1016/bs.acdb.2014.11.001 | chapter | Download | 2015 | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a non-invasive method to measure brain structure and function that may be applied to human participants of all ages. This chapter reviews our recent work creating a life-span neurodevelopmental MRI database. It provides age-specific reference data in fine-grained age-intervals from 2 weeks through 89 years. The reference data include average MRI templates, segmented tissue priors, and a common stereotaxic atlas for pediatric and adult participants. The database will be useful for neuroimaging research over a wide range of ages, and may be used to make lifespan comparisons. The chapter reviews the application of this database to the study of neurostructural development, including a new volumetric study of segmented brain tissue over the lifespan. We also show how this database could be used to create “study-specific” MRI templates for special groups and apply this to the MRIs of Chinese children. Finally we review recent use of the database in the study of brain activity in pediatric populations. Keywords: Structural MRI, Neurodevelopmental MRI Database, brain development, brain-behavior relation, neurostructural development (or, brain structure development, structural neurodevelopment). |
Xie, W., Richards, J.E., Lei, D., Lee, K., & Gong, Q. (2015). Comparison of brain development trajectory between Chinese and US children and adolescents. Poster presented at the Society for Research in Child Development conference, Philadelphia, PA. March, 2015. | conference | Download | 2015 | Over the past two decades, a many studies with structural MRI have contributed to our understanding of trajectories of brain development throughout childhood and early adulthood (e.g., Giedd et al., 1999; Lenroot et al., 2007). It should be noted, however, that these studies only included data from North American or Western European participants and thus it is unclear whether the current knowledge about brain structural development reflects a universal pattern of development or specific to one specific cultural-racial group. The latter possibility cannot be ruled out due to the fact that MRI studies with adults have found brain morphometric and volumetric differences between Asian and North American adults (Lee et al., 2005; Tang et al., 2010). No study has directly compared the brain development patterns and brain anatomical features between Asian and American child populations. To bridge this important gap in the literature, this project explored differences in brain development trajectories and anatomical features between Chinese and US children and adolescents. Our results revealed both regional and age differences in both brain/head morphological and tissue level development between Chinese and US children. Chinese children brain and head were shorter, wider, and higher than US children. There were significant differences in the gray matter (GM) and white matter (WM) intensity between the two nationalities. Chinese children were found to have higher GM intensity but lower WM intensity in general compared to age-related US cohorts. Development trajectories for cerebral volume, GM, and certain brain structures were also distinct between these two populations. These anatomical differences between Chinese and US children found in our study suggest the necessity for population-specific brain/head templates and atlas, and data processing and analyzing for neuroimaging research with Chinese/Asian children and adolescents. Therefore, this project also developed novel T1-weighted average brain and head templates for Chinese children from 7 to 16 years of age in two-year increments using high quality MR images and well-validated image analysis techniques. A total of 138 Chinese children (51 F/ 87 M) were included in this study. The internal validation registrations showed these Chinese age-specific templates fit Chinese children's MR images significantly better than age-appropriate templates based on US children, or adult templates based on either Chinese or US adults. An external validation confirmed the fit of the templates to Chinese children MRIs for a new set of children who were not included in the template construction. We found age-inappropriate brain templates (e.g. the Chinese56 template, the US20-24 template) or nationality- inappropriate templates (e.g. the US children templates, the US20-24 template) do not provide optimal reference MRIs for processing MR brain images for Chinese developmental cohorts. Thus, our age-specific MRI templates should be useful in neuroimaging studies with children from Chinese or other Asian populations. These templates are available for use on . |
Xie, W., Richards, J.E., Lei, D., Zhu, H., Lee, K., & Gong, Q. (2015). The construction of MRI brain / head templates for Chinese children from 7 - 16 years of age. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. | journal | Download | 2015 | Population-specific brain templates that provide detailed brain information are beneficial to both structural and functional neuroimaging research. However, age-specific MRI templates have not been constructed for Chinese or any Asian developmental populations. This study developed novel T1-weighted average brain and head templates for Chinese children from 7 to 16 years of age in two-year increments using high quality magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and well-validated image analysis techniques. A total of 138 Chinese children (51 F/ 87 M) were included in this study. The internally and externally validated registrations show that these Chinese age-specific templates fit Chinese children’s MR images significantly better than age-specific templates created from U.S. children, or adult templates based on either Chinese or North American adults. It implies that age-inappropriate (e.g., the Chinese56 template, the US20-24 template) and nationality-inappropriate brain templates (e.g., U.S. children’s templates, the US20-24 template) do not provide optimal reference MRIs for processing MR brain images of Chinese pediatric populations. Thus, our age-specific MRI templates are the first of the kind and should be useful in neuroimaging studies with children from Chinese or other Asian populations. These templates can also serve as the foundations for the construction of more comprehensive sets of nationality-specific templates for Asian developmental populations. These templates are available for use in our database. |
Emberson, L.E., Richards, J.E., & Aslin, R.N. (2015). Top-down modulation in the infant brain: Learning-induced expectations rapidly affect the sensory cortex at 6-months. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. | journal | Download | 2015 | Recent theoretical work emphasizes the role of expectation in neural processing, shifting the focus from feed-forward cortical hierarchies to models which include extensive feedback (e.g., predictive coding). Empirical support for expectation-related feedback is compelling but restricted to adult humans and non-human animals. Given the considerable differences in neural organization and efficiency between infant and adult brains, it is a crucial yet open question whether expectation-related feedback is an inherent property of the cortex (i.e., operational early in development) or whether expectation-related feedback develops with extensive experience and neural maturation. To determine whether an infant’s expectations about future sensory input modulates their sensory cortices without the confounds of stimulus novelty or repetition suppression, we employed a cross-modal (audiovisual) omission paradigm and used functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) to record hemodynamic responses in the infant cortex. We show that the occipital cortex of 6-month-old infants exhibits the signature of expectation-based feedback. |
Tonnsen, B., Richards, J.E., & Roberts, J.E. (2015). Heart-defined sustained attention in infant siblings of children with Autism. 48th Annual Gatlinburg Conference, Gatlinburg, TN, April, 2015. | conference | Download | 2015 | See PDF |
Richards, J.E., Guy, M.W., & Zieber, N. (2015). Cortical sources of the face-sensitive N290 component in infants. Paper presented at the Flux Conference, Leiden, Netherlands, September 2015. | conference | 2015 | Specialized processing of faces begins early in life, yet we are just beginning to understand the neural underpinnings of the development of face expertise in infancy. In infants, the N290, is a negative deflection over posterior regions peaking at 290ms that is greater in amplitude for faces than visual noise (Halit, Csibra, Volein, & Johnson, 2004). In the current study, infants’ ERPs were recorded while infants of three different ages (4.5, 6, and 7.5 months) passively viewed faces and objects (toys). Cortical source analysis with realistic head models was used to identify the location of the cortical sources of this component. Infants viewed a series of brief stimulus presentations (500 ms) of images of their own mother, another infant’s mother, their own toy, or another infant’s toy randomly interspersed across trials. High-density EEGs were recorded using an EGI 128-channel Geodesic Sensor Net. The N290 component increased in amplitude from 4.5 to 7.5 months, and was different to faces and toys. Current Density Reconstruction (CDR) with realistic head models and anatomically-defied ROIs were used to examine the sources of the component. There was a peak in the CDR at in the middle fusiform gyrus at the time of the N290; this peak was greater for faces than toys, and increased across age. There was a generalized response across several other lateral brain areas that did not show this N290 latency peak, and these appear to be precursors of ERP components occurring later in processing (i.e.g, P400, Nc) |
Guy, M. W., Zieber, N. and Richards, J. E. (2016), The Cortical Development of Specialized Face Processing in Infancy. Child Development. doi: 10.1111/cdev.12543 | journal | Download | 2015 | The aim of the current study was to expand knowledge of specialized face processing in 4.5- to 7.5-month-old infants by recording event-related potentials (ERPs) in response to faces and toys, and to determine the cortical sources of these signals using realistic, age-appropriate head models. All ERP components (i.e. N290, P400, Nc) showed greater amplitude during periods of attention than inattention. Amplitude was greater to faces than toys during attention at the N290 and Nc, and greater to toys at the P400. Cortical source analysis revealed activity in occipital-temporal brain areas as the source of the N290, particularly the middle fusiform gyrus. The Nc and P400 were the result of activation in midline frontal/parietal, anterior temporal, and posterior temporal/occipital brain areas. |
Guy, M. W., Zieber, N. and Richards, J. E. (2016; Supplemental Information), The Cortical Development of Specialized Face Processing in Infancy. Child Development. Doi: 10.1111/cdev.12543 | journal | Download | 2015 | The aim of the current study was to expand knowledge of specialized face processing in 4.5- to 7.5-month-old infants by recording event-related potentials (ERPs) in response to faces and toys, and to determine the cortical sources of these signals using realistic, age-appropriate head models. All ERP components (i.e. N290, P400, Nc) showed greater amplitude during periods of attention than inattention. Amplitude was greater to faces than toys during attention at the N290 and Nc, and greater to toys at the P400. Cortical source analysis revealed activity in occipital-temporal brain areas as the source of the N290, particularly the middle fusiform gyrus. The Nc and P400 were the result of activation in midline frontal/parietal, anterior temporal, and posterior temporal/occipital brain areas. |
Richards, J.E., Sanchez, C., Phillips-Meek, M., & Xie, W. (2015). A Neurodevelopmental MRI database for neuroimaging across the lifespan. Paper presented at the Flux Conference, Leiden, Netherlands, September 2015. | conference | Download | 2015 | The study of neurostructural development or neurofunctional development has been hampered by the lack of age-appropriate MRI reference volumes. Many of the procedures used to analyze pediatric MRIs are based on reference data derived from adults. However, the use of adult reference data for pediatric populations results in misclassification of brain tissue, misspecification of segmented atlas regions, and large variability between participants. This is true for young infants, children, and even for elderly adults. A solution to this problem has been the creation of reference MRI data based on age-segregated populations We have created the “Neurodevelopmental MRI Database” that provides age-specific reference data from 2 weeks through 89 years of age. The data are presented in fine-grained ages (e.g., 3 months intervals through 1 year; 6 months intervals through 19.5 years; 5 year intervals from 20 through 89 years). There are four types of MRI volumes at each age. These are 1) age-specific average MRI templates, 2) segmented partial volume estimates for segmenting priors, 3) a common stereotaxic atlas for infant, pediatric, and adult participants, and 4) tools for doing electrical source analysis (EEG, e.g., electrodes, head models) and for NIRS optode locations (e.g., scalp-to-cortex mapping). The database is available online ( |
Richards, J.E., Sanchez, C., Phillips-Meek, M., & Xie, W. (2015) A database of age-appropriate average MRI templates. Neuroimage, doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2015.04.055 | journal | Download | 2015 | This article summarizes a life-span neurodevelopmental MRI database. The study of neurostructural development or neurofunctional development has been hampered by the lack of age-appropriate MRI reference volumes. This causes misspecification of segmented data, irregular registrations, and the absence of appropriate stereotaxic volumes. We have created the “Neurodevelopmental MRI Database” that provides age-specific reference data from 2 weeks through 89 years of age. The data are presented in fine-grained ages (e.g., 3 months intervals through 1 year; 6 months intervals through 19.5 years; 5 year intervals from 20 through 89 years). The base component of the database at each age is an age-specific average MRI template. The average MRI templates are accompanied by segmented partial volume estimates for segmenting priors, and a common stereotaxic atlas for infant, pediatric, and adult participants. The database is available online ( |
Fillmore, P.T., Phillips-Meek, M., & Richards, J.E. (2015). Age-specific MRI brain and head templates for healthy adults from twenty through eighty-nine years of age. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience. Front. Aging Neurosci. doi: 10.3389/fnagi.2015.00044 | journal | Download | 2015 | This study created and tested a database of adult, age-specific MRI brain and head templates. The participants included healthy adults from 20 through 89 years of age. The templates were done in 5-year, 10-year, and multi-year intervals from 20 through 89 years, and consist of average T1W for the head and brain, and segmenting priors for GM, WM, and CSF. It was found that age-appropriate templates provided less biased tissue classification estimates than age-inappropriate reference data and reference data based on young adult templates. This database is available for use by other investigators and clinicians for their MRI studies, as well as other types of neuroimaging and electrophysiological research ( |
Emberson, L, Richards, J.E., Aslin, R. (2014). The infant occipital cortex responds to a predictive cross-modal stimulus. Paper presented at the International fNIRS conference, Toronto, CA October, 2014 | conference | Download | 2014 | |
Lee, K., Ding, X.P, Richards, J.E., Xie, W., & Fu, G. (2014). Neural correlates of own and other race recognition in preschoolers: A functional near infrared spectocopy (fNIRS) study. Paper presented at the International fNIRS conference, Toronto, CA October, 2014. | conference | 2014 | ||
Richards, J.E., and Stevens, M. (submitted). Central stimulus comprehensibility and distractibility in young children’s television viewing. | journal | 2014 | ||
Hunter, S.K., & Richards, J.E. (submitted). Development of eye movements in young infants in response to complex dynamic stimuli. | journal | 2014 | ||
Richards, J.E. (2014). Scalp locations projected to cortical anatomy for infant NIRS. Poster presented at the International Conference on Infant Studies, Berlin, Germany, July 2014. | conference | Download | 2014 | Introduction : 'Near-Infrared-Optical-Spectroscopy' (NIRS) has become a popular tool for neuroimaging in infant participants. NIRS measurement works by emitter/detector optodes placed on the scalp that measure reflected light from oxygenated / deoxygenated hemoglobin. The changes in oxygenated / deoxygenated hemoglobin reflect hemodynamic responses to changes in neural activity, and may be used as a functional neuroimaging tool. NIRS measurement occurs entirely on the scalp surface. The cortical anatomical areas generating the NIRS signal cannot be identified simply with external scalp measurements. Methods have been developed for adult participants that show the relation between external scalp locations and underlying cortical anatomy. The current study presents a comprehensive database of scalp-location-to-cortical-anatomy in infants from 3 to 12 months of age. The presentation also illustrates methods to identify cortical anatomical locations for NIRS optodes/channels in individual infant participants.
Xie, W., & Richards, J.E. (2014). The effects of interstimulus intervals on infant attention and face perception: An event-related potentials study. Poster presented at the International Conference on Infant Studies, Berlin, Germany, July 2014. | conference | Download | 2014 | Introduction. Sustained attention is one type of the endogenous attentional function that affects infant cognitive processes. Faces are socially significant and ubiquitous in humans’ daily lives. Both Infant sustained attention and face perception develop dramatically in the period of 3 to 6 months. Electroencephalograph (EEG) and Event-related Potentials (ERPs) have been used as measurements of cortical responses in both infant attention and face perception studies (e.g., the Nc, N290, P400). Interstimulus Interval (ISI) is the time period between the offset of one stimulus presentation and the onset of the next stimulus presentation. The effect of ISIs on infant sustained attention is still unknown. The relationship between infant attention development and face perception development has not been examined either. This study examined the effects of various ISIs on infant sustained attention and face perception. Infant face perception development and its relation to infant attention development were also investigated. Methods. Three types of ISIs were employed in this study. They were 400 -600 ms, 600 -1000 ms, and 1500 ms to 2000 ms. Three types of stimuli including female faces, infant faces, and objects will be used in this study. Infants at 3, 4.5, and 6 months of age will be recruited in the present study (N = 8). Electrocardiogram (ECG) and EEG data were recorded in this study. A high-density, 128-channel EEG recording system produced by the Electrical Geodesics Incorporated (EGI, Eugene, OR) was used for EEG recording. The The ERPs data were obtained from the EEG recordings, and three ERPs components are measured: Nc (attention), N290 and P400 (face processing). Results. Infants have larger N290 and P400 responses to faces than toys (Figure 1). Figure 1 also indicates that three months show similar N290 responses to faces and toys but have larger P400 responses with shorter latency to faces than toys. By contrast, six months show clear larger N290 and P400 responses to faces than toys. Figure 2 shows that infants have different cortical responses to faces in different attentional phases defined by their heart rate data. Specifically, the N290 and P400 response to faces is smaller in amplitude and slower in latency when infants are paying attention. In the three types of ISIs conditions infant have different N290 responses to stimuli: N290 responses to stimuli (faces and toys) increase as the ISIs increase (Figure 2). In addition, faces and objects presented within the short ISI condition did not elicit clear different N290 and P400 responses for 3-month-olds; however, faces and toys in the short ISI condition did cause clear different ERP responses for 6-month-olds. Discussion. Face-sensitive ERPs components (N290, P400) exhibit young infant distinct cortical responses to faces than objects. To our knowledge, this is the first study that possibly show larger P400 responses to faces than objects in 3- to 6-months infants. The findings of the N290 are consistent with previous research (e.g., Halit et al., 2003, 2004). Comparison of these ERPs between 3 and 6 months also indicates the development of infant face processing. Different patterns of ERPs responses in different attentional phases might suggest that infant attention has impact on their face processing. However, they might also due to unequal trials in different attentional phases. Another interesting finding is that short ISIs might be used in ERPs experiments with older infants; however, for young infants (e.g., 3 months), high rate presentations might not give them enough time to fully process target information. |
Richards, J.E. Boswell, C., Stevens, M., & Vendemia, J.M.C. (2015). Evaluating methods for constructing average high-density electrode positions. Brain Topography, 28, 70-86, doi 10.1007/s01548-014-0400-8 | journal | Download | 2014 | Accurate analysis of scalp-recorded electrical activity requires the identification of electrode locations in 3D space. For example, source analysis of EEG/ERP (electroencephalogram, EEG; event-related-potentials, ERP) with realistic head models requires the identification of electrode locations on the head model derived from structural MRI recordings. Electrode systems must cover the entire scalp in sufficient density to discriminate EEG activity on the scalp and to complete accurate source analysis. The current study compares techniques for averaging electrode locations from 86 participants with the 128 channel “Geodesic Sensor Net” (GSN; EGI, Inc.), 38 participants with the 128 channel “Hydrocel Geodesic Sensor Net” (HGSN; EGI, Inc.), and 174 participants with the 81 channels in the 10-10 configurations. A point-set registration between the participants and an average MRI template resulted in an average configuration showing small standard errors, which could be transformed back accurately into the participants’ original electrode space. Average electrode locations are available for the GSN (86 participants), Hydrocel-GSN (38 participants), and 10-10 and 10-5 systems (174 participants) |
Zieber, N., Richards, J.E., Tonnsen, B., Roberts, J.E. (2014). Neural correlates of face processing in infants at risk for Autism and infants with Fragile X Syndrome. Poster presented at the International Conference on Infant Studies, Berlin, Germany, July 2014. | conference | Download | 2014 | Distinct differences in the neural activation to faces have been documented in adults with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Specifically, this group exhibits significantly longer latencies of the N170 component (a right-lateralized ERP component over lateral posterior regions of the scalp occurring 170ms after stimulus onset) in response to faces than those exhibited by typical controls. Adults with ASD also fail to demonstrate a right hemisphere advantage for faces. In typically developing infants, two ERP components (N290, P400) have been found to be modulated by faces in a similar manner to the adult N170. Yet little research has examined whether this is the case in infants at high risk for developing autism spectrum disorders, and even fewer studies have compared face processing in ASIBs to other groups at high genetic risk for autism, such as infants with fragile X syndrome (the leading known heritable cause of autism). The current study sought to compare early differences in face perception between typically developing (TD) infants, high-risk infant siblings of children with ASD (ASIBS), and infants with Fragile X (FX) syndrome through the recording of event-related potentials (ERPs) to objects and faces at 12 months of age. The current study is the first to compare face-sensitive ERP components in FXS children. As a group these children are at high-risk for ASD outcome. We found the N290 component to be similar in typically developing, children with an older sibling diagnosed with ASD, and children with FXS/premutations. There were some laterality differences in the three groups, with the TDD infants showing a left face/toy distinction, and theother groups showing smaller laterality effects. The P400 seemed to be larger in the two at-risk groups. This may relflect an object-based preference for processing occurring at the P400 latencies. A compelling finding was that FXS children assessed at 12 months with the AOSI as showing multiple risk signs showed a larger Nc to the stranger than to the mother face, whereas both TDD and ASIB groups showed enhanced Nc response to the mother face. This could mean the early component (N290) more automatic components might not be strongly influenced by the risk factors, whereas the later component is response to processes of attention and cognitive processing. |
Lloyd-Fox, S., Richards, J.E., Blasi, A., Murphy, D., Elwell, C.E., & Johnson, M.H. (in press). Co-registering NIRS with underlying cortical areas in infants. Neurophotonics. | journal | Download | 2014 | Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) can localize functional responses to a greater degree than electroenchephalography (EEG), however it cannot provide information about underlying anatomy. Recently researchers have investigated the efficacy of channel placement, conducting spatial registration of NIRS channels to cortical anatomy in adults. The current work, investigated this issue with infants by co-registering NIRS and MRI data from 55 individuals. Our findings suggest that NIRS channels can be reliably co-registered with regions of interest in the frontal and temporal cortex of infants from 4 – 7months of age without the need for individual infant MRIs. We have generated a standardized scalp surface map of fNIRS channel locators to reliably locate cortical regions for NIRS developmental researchers. This map can be used to identify the inferior frontal gyrus (IFG), superior temporal sulcus (STS) region (which includes the superior and middle temporal gyri (MTG) nearest to the STS), MTG and temporal-parietal regions of 4-7 month infants. Future work will model data for the whole head, taking into account properties of light transport in tissue, for infants from 0 – 2 years of age. |
Zieber, N., & Richards, J.E. (2014). The developmental origins in infants’ ERP responses to faces and objects. Poster presented at the International Conference on Infant Studies, Berlin, Germany, July 2014. | conference | Download | 2014 | Specialized processing of faces begins early in life, yet we are just beginning to understand the neural underpinnings of the development of face expertise in infancy. Adults exhibit differential neural responses to faces as opposed to other classes of objects, evidenced by a larger N170 amplitude for faces than for objects. The N170 is a negative event-related potential (ERP) component occurring about 170ms post-stimulus onset, and research with infants has found two components that may be precursors to the adult N170. One of these components, the N290, is a negative deflection over posterior regions peaking at 290ms that is greater in amplitude for faces than visual noise (Halit, Csibra, Volein, & Johnson, 2004). In the first year of life, as infants acquire extensive exposure to faces, the N290 begins to differ in response to upright (as opposed to inverted) faces and to human (as opposed to monkey) faces (de Haan, Pascalis, & Johnson, 2002). However, few studies have examined whether changes occur in the morphology of the N290 that correspond to emerging expertise with faces as opposed to other objects. In the current study, infants’ ERPs were recorded while infants of three different ages (4.5, 6, and 8 months) passively viewed faces and objects (toys). We also tested 9- and 12-month-olds (N = 8, 20, respectively). Thirty-eight infants (14 4.5- month-olds, 12 6-month-olds, and 12 8-month-olds) participated in the study. Infants viewed a series of brief stimulus presentations (500 ms) of images of their own mother, another infant’s mother, their own toy, or another infant’s toy randomly interspersed across trials. High-density EEGs were recorded using an EGI 128-channel Geodesic Sensor Net. The EEG data was analyzed for groups of electrodes over occipito-temporal regions (e.g., around T5, T6, O1, O2, Oz) based upon previous infant studies that have found the N290 to be most prominent over these areas (de Haan et al., 2002). For each participant, ERP grand averages were computed for the time of the target onset, and the peak amplitude was derived using individualized time windows to capture each subject’s N290 The dependent measure was the mean amplitude of the N290 component. A main effect of age was found [F(2, 88)= 5.81; p < .005*], and the increase in the amplitude of the N290 from 4.5 to 7.5 months can be clearly seen in Figure 1. There was also a marginally significant effect of trial type [F(1,88)=3.26; p < .07], as the amplitude was larger for faces than for toys (but the interaction was not significant). Thus, the N290 amplitude was larger for faces than for toys (see Fig. 1), and increased in amplitude across the age groups. The current study documents a developmental change in the face-sensitive N290 corresponding to a time period when infants are developing expertise with faces. These studies suggest that, like adults, infants demonstrate special processing of faces compared to other objects, and that the N290 is similar to the N170 in that its amplitude is greater to faces than other objects. |
Xie, W., Richards, J.E., Lei, D., Lee, K., & Gong, Q. (2014). Structural MRI of Chinese brain development and comparison of the brain development trajectory between Chinese and U.S. children and adolescents. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience. 8:. 10.3389/fnsys.2014.00249 | journal | Download | 2014 | This current study investigated brain development for Chinese and American children and adolescents aged 8 to 16 years using structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques. Direct comparisons between Chinese and US children brain/head MR images were performed in order to explore similarities and differences in brain development trajectory between these two groups. Our results revealed both regional and age differences in both brain/head morphological and tissue level development between Chinese and US children. Chinese children brain and head were shorter, wider, and higher than US children. There were significant differences in the gray matter (GM) and white matter (WM) intensity between the two nationalities. Development trajectories for cerebral volume, GM, and certain brain structures were also distinct between these two populations. |
Emberson, L., Palmeri, H., Cannon, G., Richards, J.E., and Aslin, R.N (2013). Differences in repetition suppression across sensory systems in 6-month-olds: Using NIRS to compare infant and adult neural functio. Poster presented at the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, San Francisco, April 2013.. | conference | Download | 2013 | |
Tonnsen, B. L., Richards, J.E. & Roberts, J. E. (2013). Heart activity and visual attention in infants at risk for autism. Symposium presentation at the 46th Annual Gatlinburg Conference on Research in Developmental Disabilities, San Antonio, TX, March, 2013. | conference | 2013 | ||
Richards, J.E. (2013). Discussant for paper symposium, Getting more out of EEG: New inroads to the developing brain. Presented at the Society for Research in Child Development, Seattle, WA April, 2013 | conference | 2013 | ||
Cortical source analysis of infant spatial cueing. Hearing Interest Group, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC. March, 2013 | presentation | 2013 | ||
We know "What's inside a baby's head". Department of Psychology, University of Tennessed, March, 2013 | presentation | 2013 | ||
Cortical source analysis of infant spatial cueing. University of Tennessee, March, 2013 | presentation | 2013 | ||
Development of sustained attention in infants. Institute for Mind and Brain, University of South Carolina, April, 2013 | presentation | 2013 | ||
Zieber, N., & Richards, J.E. (2013). Developmental changes in the infant N290 in response to faces and toys. Poster presented at the Society for Research in Child Development, Seattle, WA April, 2013. | conference | Download | 2013 | > Specialized processing of faces begins early in life, yet we are just beginning to understand the neural underpinnings of the development of face expertise in infancy. Adults exhibit differential neural responses to faces as opposed to other classes of objects, evidenced by a larger N170 amplitude for faces than for objects. The N170 is a negative event-related potential (ERP) component occurring about 170ms post-stimulus onset, and research with infants has found two components that may be precursors to the adult N170. One of these components, the N290, is a negative deflection over posterior regions peaking at 290ms that is greater in amplitude for faces than visual noise (Halit, Csibra, Volein, & Johnson, 2004). In the first year of life, as infants acquire extensive exposure to faces, the N290 begins to differ in response to upright (as opposed to inverted) faces and to human (as opposed to monkey) faces (de Haan, Pascalis, & Johnson, 2002). However, few studies have examined whether changes occur in the morphology of the N290 that correspond to emerging expertise with faces as opposed to other objects. In the current study, infants’ ERPs were recorded while infants of three different ages (4.5, 6, and 8 months) passively viewed faces and objects (toys). Thirty-eight infants (14 4.5- month-olds, 12 6-month-olds, and 12 8-month-olds) participated in the study. Infants viewed a series of brief stimulus presentations (500ms) of images of their own mother, another infant’s mother, their own toy, or another infant’s toy randomly interspersed across trials. High-density EEGs were recorded using an EGI 128-channel Geodesic Sensor Net. The EEG data was analyzed for groups of electrodes over occipito-temporal regions (e.g., around T5, T6, O1, O2, Oz) based upon previous infant studies that have found the N290 to be most prominent over these areas (de Haan et al., 2002). For each participant, ERP grand averages were computed for the time of the target onset, and the peak amplitude was derived using individualized time windows to capture each subject’s N290. The dependent measure was the mean amplitude of the N290 component. A main effect of age was found [F(2, 88)= 5.81; p < .005*], and the increase in the amplitude of the N290 from 4.5 to 7.5 months can be clearly seen in Figure 1. There was also a marginally significant effect of trial type [F(1,88)=3.26; p < .07], as the amplitude was larger for faces than for toys (but the interaction was not significant). Thus, the N290 amplitude was larger for faces than for toys (see Fig. 1), and increased in amplitude across the age groups. The current study documents a developmental change in the face-sensitive N290 corresponding to a time period when infants are developing expertise with faces. These studies suggest that, like adults, infants demonstrate special processing of faces compared to other objects, and that the N290 is similar to the N170 in that its amplitude is greater to faces than other objects. |
Xie, W., Richards, J.E., Lee, K., Gong, Q., and Lei, D. (2013). The construction of MRI brain templates for Chinese children and adolescents from 8 years to 16 years of age. Paper presented at the SYNAPSE & SENC conference, Columbia, SC, March, 2013. | conference | Download | 2013 | A MRI brain template is a representation of human brain including anatomical information and provides a standard reference for assessment of brain structure and function (Ashburner & Friston, 1999). Brain templates are generated from the average of a group of subjects. Studies have shown that both developmental age and race have effects on brain morphology and structural variation (e.g., Gogtay et al., 2004; Lenroot & Giedd, 2006; Lee at al., 2005; Tang et al., 2010). For example, Tang et al. (2010) found that Chinese adults’ brains are generally wider, shorter, and rounder in shape than American adults’ brains. Thus, population-specific brain templates that provide finer brain information are beneficial to both structural and functional neuroscience studies. To date, age-specific templates have not been constructed for Chinese infants, children, or adolescents. In this study, we developed brain templates for 8, 10, 12, 14, and 16 year old Chinese children and adolescents using high quality magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and well-validated image analysis techniques. |
Schmidt, J., Henderson, J.M., Luke, S.G., & Richards, J.E. (2013). Co-registration of eye movements and event-related-potentials in reading. Poster presented at the Society for Psychophysiological Research, Firenze, Italy, October 2013. | conference | Download | 2013 | Eye-tracking has become a nearly ubiquitous tool that provides an online measure of information processing across a variety of tasks. Likewise, event-related potentials (ERPs) provide an online measure of neural processing. Recent work has attempted to combine these techniques and co-register the eye movement record with the electroencephalography (EEG) waveform, allowing for the analysis of ERPs time locked to fixation onset. However, an impediment has been eye-movement-related EEG artifacts(e.g. Dimigen, Sommer, Hohlfield, Jacobs, & Kliegl, 2011). Our method for co-registration uses Independent Components Analysis (ICA) to identify and remove the components resulting from eye movement activity. After removal, the residual EEG activity was reconstructed and analyzed for fixation related ERPs. The eye movement components were identified using three criteria: (1) the component loadings on the surface of the head were consistent with an eye movement; (2) source analysis localized the component to the eyes, and (3) the temporal activation of the component occurred at the time of the electrooculogram activity in the eye and differs for right and left eye movements. This method was tested in the context of a connected text reading paradigm in which observers read paragraphs of normal text or pseudo-text. In the normal text condition subjects read paragraphs, whereas in the pseudo-text control condition observers “read” through a font in which each letter was replaced by a geometric shape that preserved word location and word shapes but eliminated meaning (see Henderson & Luke, 2012). The corrected EEG waveform was aligned to word fixation onset and early results suggest P1 and N1 differences between text and pseudo-text conditions as well as trends towards frequency effects in the text condition. These results suggest that the co-registration of eye movements and ERPs can be successfully combined to investigate a wide variety of tasks. |
Schmidt, J., Henderson, J.M., Luke, S.G., & Richards, J.E. (2013). Co-registration of eye movements and event-related-potentials in reading. Poster presented at the Vision Science Society, Naples, FL May, 2013. | conference | 2013 | Eye-tracking has become a nearly ubiquitous tool that provides an online measure of information processing across a variety of tasks. Likewise, event-related potentials (ERPs) provide an online measure of neural processing. Recent work has attempted to combine these techniques and co-register the eye movement record with the electroencephalography (EEG) waveform, allowing for the analysis of ERPs time locked to fixation onset. However, an impediment has been eye-movement-related EEG artifacts(e.g. Dimigen, Sommer, Hohlfield, Jacobs, & Kliegl, 2011). Our method for co-registration uses Independent Components Analysis (ICA) to identify and remove the components resulting from eye movement activity. After removal, the residual EEG activity was reconstructed and analyzed for fixation related ERPs. The eye movement components were identified using three criteria: (1) the component loadings on the surface of the head were consistent with an eye movement; (2) source analysis localized the component to the eyes, and (3) the temporal activation of the component occurred at the time of the electrooculogram activity in the eye and differs for right and left eye movements. This method was tested in the context of a connected text reading paradigm in which observers read paragraphs of normal text or pseudo-text. In the normal text condition subjects read paragraphs, whereas in the pseudo-text control condition observers “read” through a font in which each letter was replaced by a geometric shape that preserved word location and word shapes but eliminated meaning (see Henderson & Luke, 2012). The corrected EEG waveform was aligned to word fixation onset and early results suggest P1 and N1 differences between text and pseudo-text conditions as well as trends towards frequency effects in the text condition. These results suggest that the co-registration of eye movements and ERPs can be successfully combined to investigate a wide variety of tasks. | |
Henderson, J.M., Luke, S.G., Schmidt, J., and Richards, J.E. (2013). Co-registration of eye movements and event-related potentioals in connected-text paragraph reading. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 7:28. 7:28. doi: 10.3389/fnsys.2013.00028 | journal | Download | 2013 | Eyetracking during reading has provided a critical source of on-line behavioral data informing basic theory in language processing. Similarly, event-related potentials have provided an important on-line measure of the neural correlates of language processing. Recently there has been strong interest in co-registering eyetracking and ERPs from simultaneous recording to capitalize on the strengths of both techniques, but a challenge has been devising approaches for controlling artifacts produced by eye movements in the EEG waveform. In this paper we describe our approach to correcting for eye movements in EEG and demonstrate its applicability to reading. The method is based on independent components analysis, and uses three criteria for identifying components tied to saccades: (1) component loadings on the surface of the head are consistent with eye movements; (2) source analysis localizes component activity to the eyes, and (3) the temporal activation of the component occurred at the time of the eye movement and differed for right and left eye movements We demonstrate this method’s applicability to reading by comparing ERPs time-locked to fixation onset in two reading conditions. In the text-reading condition, participants read paragraphs of connected text. In the pseudo-reading control condition, participants moved their eyes through spatially similar pseudo-text that preserved word locations, word shapes, and paragraph spatial structure, but eliminated meaning. The corrected EEG, time-locked to fixation onsets, showed effects of reading condition in early ERP components. The results indicate that co-registration of eyetracking and EEG in connected-text paragraph reading is possible, and has the potential to become an important tool for investigating the cognitive and neural bases of on-line language processing in reading. |
Richards, J.E. (2013). Cortical source analysis of ERP in infant spatial cueing. Poster presented at the Society for Research in Child Development, Seattle, WA April, 2013 | conference | Download | 2013 | Infants show covert orienting in a “spatial cueing” procedure, including facilitation and inhibition of return of RT, and enhancement of the P1 component of the ERP to target onset for the validly cued trials (P1 validity effect). Infant orienting to peripheral targets may be elicited covertly with pre-target spatial cueing, resulting in enhanced P1 event-related-potentials (ERP) and decreased reaction time to a peripheral target. The enhanced P1 has been attributed to generator sources in the lateral occipital / fusiform gyrus. This poster examines the effect of predictive cueing on these sources with fully predictive peripheral cues (covert “orienting”), cues predicting contralateral targets (covert “attention”), and non-predictive cues. Infants of 14 or 20 weeks of age were tested in a spatial cueing procedure. A central stimulus was presented until the infant fixated it, a cue was presented in the periphery for 300 ms, and then a “target” was presented on the same side as the cue (“valid”), on the opposite side of the cue (“invalid”), or a target was presented without a prior cue (“neutral”), and at short- or long- stimulus onset asychrony. Heart rate deceleration and the return of heart rate to a prestimulus level were used to define periods of attentiveness and inattentiveness. ERP averages were computed around the time of the target onset. A neurodevelopmental MRI database and “Finite Element Model” (FEM) head models were used for a realistic head model for source analysis. About half of the participants had a structural MRI, and the MRI from the participant or from an age-appropriate average MRI template was used for the head model. The cortical sources of the P1 validity effect was examined with current density reconstruction methods using sLORETA. Several posterior brain areas have been hypothesized to control the P1 validity effect in adults (e.g., lateral occipital cortex, fusiform gyrus, inferior-posterior temporal cortex). These and surrounding control areas (central occipital pole, superior parietal cortex, superior-posterior temporal cortex) were used with a “region of interest” (ROI) analysis to quantify current density in these regions as a function of experimental variables. ERP analyses showed an enhanced P1 on valid trials over invalid and neutral trials. This P1 component was enhanced if the infant was attentive, and primarily on short SOA trials. The enhanced P1 was larger for short SOAs, suggesting this was spatially-cued orienting rather than endogenous attention. The current density reconstruction analysis was used with the hypothesized posterior brain regions to quantify cortical current sources. The P1 facilitation occurred both in the in the lateral occipital cortex and the inferior temporal cortex. However, attention modulated the P1 validity effect for the current density only in the lateral occipital cortex. Surrounding areas and control areas did not show the current density as a function of these experimental variables. These results suggest that the lateral occipital cortex and the inferior temporal cortex are involved in the modulation of the P1 validity effect by attention. This study demonstrates the use of realistic head models for cortical source analysis of infant spatial attention. |
Tonnsen, B.L., Zieber, N., Roberts, J.E., & Richards, J.E. (2013). Visual preferences in infants at high-risk for autism: Behavioral and psychophysiological cross-group comparisons. Poster presented at the Society for Research in Child Development, Seattle, WA April, 2013 | conference | Download | 2013 | Introduction. Studies of infant siblings of children with autism (ASIBs) suggest atypical responses to faces (e.g. McCleery et al., 2009) and atypical patterns of face versus object preferences (e.g. Bhat et al., 2010). However, no published studies have compared visual processing in ASIBs to other groups at high genetic risk for autism, including infants with fragile X syndrome (FXS), the leading known heritable cause of autism. The present study examined behavioral and psychophysiological response to novel and familiar faces and toys across infants with FXS, ASIBs, and typically developing (TD) controls using a paired-comparison paradigm. Methods. Twenty-two infants (6 TD, 10 ASIB, 6 FXS) were tested at 12 months of age as part of an ongoing study. Infants viewed paired comparison trials of simultaneously-presented faces (mother, stranger) or toys (participant’s toy, unfamiliar toy). Preference scores were calculated as the proportion of looking time toward the unfamiliar stimulus. Infants also viewed brief presentations (500ms) of each stimulus for the purpose of measuring stimulus-onset event related potentials (ERPs) implicated in novelty (Nc) and face processing (N290, P400). Results. Behavioral data were analyzed using repeated measure analyses of variance (Figure 1). Within face trials, preference toward the stranger differed by group, F(2, 19)=6.80, p=.001, with FXS and ASIB groups showing less stranger preference than controls. Preference toward unfamiliar toys also differed by group, F(2, 19)=12.04, p<.001, with the FXS group showing less novelty preference than both TD and ASIB groups. Together, these behavioral data suggest a face-specific reduction in novelty preference in ASIBs and a more general reduction in novelty preference to both faces and toys in FXS. Visual inspection of ERP grand averages suggests atypical Nc patterns in both high risk groups (Figure 2). Both FXS and ASIB groups produced larger Nc components than controls, with the greatest amplitudes in the FXS group. All groups showed greater frontal Nc amplitude toward familiar versus unfamiliar toys. Although the control group produced a slightly greater central Nc amplitude toward the stranger versus mother, this pattern was reversed in high risk groups in which slightly greater responses were observed toward mothers versus strangers. The peaks of the Nc and N290 occurred later in response to faces in ASIBs, whereas peaks occurred later in response to objects for FXS (Nc) and TD (Nc and N290) groups. These findings may suggest a developmental lag in shifting preferential attention toward strangers versus mothers in ASIBs and FXS, as well as atypical Nc and N290 latencies associated with processing faces in ASIBs. Discussion. Atypical face processing is well-documented in autism and may be related to the socio-communicative deficits inherent to the disorder. Our data indicate both shared patterns of atypical face and object processing across ASIBs and FXS, as well as several face-specific patterns unique to ASIBs. Studying early markers of atypical visual processing across multiple high-risk groups may inform the latent heterogeneity of indicators, potentially contributing to early detection and intervention of efforts |
Richards, J.E. (2013). Cortical sources of ERP in the prosaccade and antisaccade eye movements using realistic source models. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, 7:27. doi: 10.3389/fnsys.2013.00027 | journal | Download | 2013 | The cortical sources of event-related-potentials (ERP) using realistic source models were examined in a prosaccade and antisaccade procedure. College-age participants were presented with a preparatory interval and a target that indicated the direction of the eye movement that was to be made. In some blocks a cue was given in the peripheral location where the target was to be presented and in other blocks no cue was given. In Experiment 1 the prosaccade and antisaccade trials were presented randomly within a block; in Experiment 2 procedures were compared in which either prosaccade and antisaccade trials were mixed in the same block, or trials were presented in separate blocks with only one type of eye movement. There was a central negative slow wave occurring prior to the target, a slow positive wave over the parietal scalp prior to the saccade, and a parietal spike potential immediately prior to saccade onset. Cortical source analysis of these ERP components showed a common set of sources in the ventral anterior cingulate and orbital frontal gyrus for the presaccadic positive slow wave and the spike potential. In Experiment 2 the same cued- and non-cued blocks were used, but prosaccade and antisaccade trials were presented in separate blocks. This resulted in a smaller difference in reaction time between prosaccade and antisaccade trials. Unlike the first experiment, the central negative slow wave was larger on antisaccade than on prosaccade trials, and this effect on the ERP component had its cortical source primarily in the parietal and mid-central cortical areas contralateral to the direction of the eye movement. These results suggest that blocked prosaccade and antisaccade trials results in preparatory or set effects that decreases reaction time, eliminates some cueing effects, and is based on contralateral parietal-central brain areas. |
Richards, J.E. (2013). Cortical sources of ERP in the prosaccade and antisaccade eye movements using realistic source models (Supplemental Information). Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, 7:27. doi: 10.3389/fnsys.2013.00027 | journal | Download | 2013 | The cortical sources of event-related-potentials (ERP) using realistic source models were examined in a prosaccade and antisaccade procedure. College-age participants were presented with a preparatory interval and a target that indicated the direction of the eye movement that was to be made. In some blocks a cue was given in the peripheral location where the target was to be presented and in other blocks no cue was given. In Experiment 1 the prosaccade and antisaccade trials were presented randomly within a block; in Experiment 2 procedures were compared in which either prosaccade and antisaccade trials were mixed in the same block, or trials were presented in separate blocks with only one type of eye movement. There was a central negative slow wave occurring prior to the target, a slow positive wave over the parietal scalp prior to the saccade, and a parietal spike potential immediately prior to saccade onset. Cortical source analysis of these ERP components showed a common set of sources in the ventral anterior cingulate and orbital frontal gyrus for the presaccadic positive slow wave and the spike potential. In Experiment 2 the same cued- and non-cued blocks were used, but prosaccade and antisaccade trials were presented in separate blocks. This resulted in a smaller difference in reaction time between prosaccade and antisaccade trials. Unlike the first experiment, the central negative slow wave was larger on antisaccade than on prosaccade trials, and this effect on the ERP component had its cortical source primarily in the parietal and mid-central cortical areas contralateral to the direction of the eye movement. These results suggest that blocked prosaccade and antisaccade trials results in preparatory or set effects that decreases reaction time, eliminates some cueing effects, and is based on contralateral parietal-central brain areas. |
Richards, J.E. (2013). Cortical sources of ERP I the prosaccade and antisaccade task using realistic source models. Poster presented at the Society for Psychophysiological Research, Firenze, Italy, October 2013. | conference | Download | 2013 | The cortical sources of event-related-potentials (ERP) using realistic source models were examined in a prosaccade and antisaccade task. College-age participants were presented with a preparatory interval and a target that indicated the direction of the eye movement that was to be made. In some blocks a cue was given in the peripheral location where the target was to be presented and in other blocks no cue was given. In Experiment 1 the prosaccade and antisaccade trials were presented randomly within a block; in Experiment 2 procedures were compared in which either prosaccade and antisaccade trials were mixed in the same block, or trials were presented in separate blocks with only one type of eye movement. There was a central negative slow wave occurring prior to the target, a slow positive wave over the parietal scalp prior to the saccade, and a parietal spike potential immediately prior to saccade onset. Cortical source analysis of these ERP components showed a common set of sources in the ventral anterior cingulate and orbital frontal gyrus for the presaccadic positive slow wave and the spike potential. In Experiment 2 the same cued- and non-cued blocks were used, but prosaccade and antisaccade trials were presented in separate blocks. This resulted in a smaller difference in reaction time between prosaccade and antisaccade trials. Unlike the first experiment, the central negative slow wave was larger on antisaccade than on prosaccade trials, and this effect on the ERP component had its cortical source primarily in the parietal and mid-central cortical areas contralateral to the direction of the eye movement. These results suggest that blocked prosaccade and antisaccade trials results in preparatory or set effects that decreases reaction time, eliminates some cueing effects, and is based on contralateral parietal-central brain areas. |
Lloyd-Fox, S., Wu, R., Richards J.E., Elwell, C.E., & Johnson, M.H. (2013). Cortical activation to action perception is associated with action production abilities in young infants. Cerebral Cortex. | journal | 2013 | The extent to which perception and action share common neural processes is much debated in cognitive neuroscience. Taking a developmental approach to this issue allows us to assess whether perceptual processing develops in close association with the emergence of related action skills within the same individual. The current study used functional near infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) to investigate the perception of human action in four to six month old human infants. In addition the infants’ manual dexterity was assessed. Results show that the degree of cortical activation, within the temporo-parietal junction (TPJ) region, to the perception of manual actions in individual infants correlates with their own level of fine motor skills. This association was not fully explained by either measures of attention or general developmental stage. We suggest that this striking concordance between the emergence of motor skills and related perceptual processing within individuals is consistent with experience-related cortical specialisation in the developing brain. | |
Phillips, M.C.,Richards, J.E., Stevens, M., & Connington, A. (2013). A stereotaxic MRI brain atlas for infant participants. Poster presented at the Society for Research in Child Development, Seattle, WA April, 2013 | conference | Download | 2013 | The study of infant brain development is hampered by the lack of tools for doing brain structural analysis with MRI. Adult neuroimaging work uses average MRI templates and stereotaxic atlases to identify brain anatomical locations. There are adult stereotaxic atlas MRI volumes that are used for automatic labeling of individual participant and group average brain areas, e.g., Talairach, Harvard-Oxford, “AAL”, LONI PBA40. Recent work has resulted in a neurodevelopmental MRI database of average MRI templates of average templates and segmented priors from 2 weeks through adulthood (citations omitted). The current study produced a stereotaxic atlas for each template age in the preschool range (2 weeks through 4 years) and compared the automatic registration/transformation of the average to individuals with manually identified brain areas. The ages came from the neurodevelopmental MRI average brain templates (3, 4.5, 6, 7.5, 9, 12, 15, 18, 24, 30, 36, 48 months). A stereotaxic atlas distributed with the FSL computer program, the MNI atlas, was used. This atlas identifies the major cortical lobes, cerebellum, and some subcortical regions. The atlas was modified to fit an average brain template based on 20-24 year olds with high-resolution 3T scans (T1W, 3T, 3D, 1x1x1mm resolution). This was done by affine registering the MNI average brain template to the 20-24 year old average brain template, then warping the atlas from the MNI to the 20-24 year old and manually modifying the atlas to fit the average template. The 20-24 year brain template was registered to infant age brain templates, and the atlas was warped to the brain templates for ages 3, 4.5, 6, 7.5, 9, and 12 months (templates based on T1W, 3D, 1x1x1mm resolution, N = 10 at each age). The transformed atlas was manually edited to fit precisely on the average template for each age. The resulting atlas has the cortical lobes (frontal, parietal, occipital, temporal, insula), two gyri (fusiform, cingulate), cerebellum, brainstem, thalamus, striatum, corpus callosum, and ventricles. Atlases were constructed with a “majority fit procedure” from 3 month atlas to 2 week template, and from 12 month atlas to 15, 18, 24, 30, 36, and 48 months. The atlases were tested by examining 4 individuals at each age with five manually identified areas (frontal, occipital, temporal, cerebellum, thalamus). The manually drawn areas were compared to registered/warped areas for the age-appropriate atlas, atlases from older infant ages, and adult atlases. There was a close fit between the manually identified and automatically labeled regions for the age-appropriate atlas (e.g., 3 mo individuals with 3 mo avg, DICE coefficient > .95; 12 mo individuals with 12 mo average, DICE coefficient > .97). The fit systematically decreased for older age atlases, and there was an expected poor fit with adult atlases (e.g., 3 or 6 mo with 20-24 year average, ~.85). These atlases allow the automatic identification of anatomical areas in infant MRI studies. They may be used to guide the development of more detailed stereotaxic atlases (e.g., “Harvard-Oxford” gryal and sulcal identification; “AAL” stereotaxic atlas; LONI PBA40 atlas). |
Henderson, J.M., Luke, S.G., Schmidt, J., & Richards, J.E. (2012). Co-registration of eye movements and ERPs in normal and mindless reading. Poster presented at the Society for the Neurobiology of Language, San Sebastian, Spain. October, 2012. | conference | 2012 | ||
Richards, J.E. (2012). Cortical source analysis of ERP in infant spatial cueing. Poster presented at the International Conference on Infant Studies, Minneapolis, MN. June, 2012. | conference | 2012 | ||
Richards, J.E., Stevens, M., & Connington, A. (2012). A stereotaxic MRI brain atlas for infant participants. Poster presented at the 3rd UK Paediatric Neuropsychology Symposium, University College London Institute for Child Health, London, England. April, 2012. | conference | 2012 | ||
Richards, J.E., Stevens, M., & Connington, A. (2012). A stereotaxic MRI brain atlas for infant participants. Poster presented at the International Conference on Infant Studies, Minneapolis, MN. June, 2012. | conference | 2012 | ||
Richards. J.E. (2012). Structural and functional neuroimaging in infants. Invited symposium, International Conference on Infant Studies, Minneapolis, MN. June 2012. | conference | 2012 | ||
Tonnsen, B.K., Richards, J.E., & Roberts, J.E. (2012). Experimental and parent-reported self-regulation in infants at high- and low-risk for autism. Poster presented at the 3rd UK Paediatric Neuropsychology Symposium, University College London Institute for Child Health, London, England. April, 2012. | conference | 2012 | ||
Phillips, M.C., Richards, J.E., & Sanchez, C. (2012). Age specific MRI brain and head templates for healthy adults form 20 through 89 years of age. Presented at the Hard Data Café, Department of Psychology, University of South Carolina, Spring, 2012. | conference | Download | 2012 | |
Tonnsen, B.L., Richards, J.E., Robinson, A.R., Deal, S. & Roberts, J. E. (2012). Visual attention in infants at high risk for autism: Comparing fragile X to autism siblings. Symposium presentation at the 13th International Fragile X Conference, Miami, FL, July, 2012. | conference | 2012 | ||
Tonnsen, B.K., Richards, J.E., & Roberts, J.E. (2012). Experimental and parent-reported self-regulation in infants at high- and low-risk for autism. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 54, Supplement 2, 19. (abstract) | journal | 2012 | ||
Richards, J.E., Stevens, M., & Connington, A. (2012). A stereotaxic MRI brain atlas for infant participants. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 54, Supplement 2, 9-10;. (abstract) | journal | 2012 | ||
McCleery, J.P., & Richards, J.E. (2012). Comparing realistic head models for cortical source locationization of infant event-related potentials. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 54, Supplement 2, 10.. (abstract) | journal | 2012 | ||
Papademetriou, M.D., Richards, J.E., Correira, T., Blasi, A., Lloyd-fox S., Johnson, M., & Elwell, C.E. (2012). Cortical mapping of 3D optical topography in infants. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 985. | journal | 2012 | ||
Brains for all the ages. 27th Annual Winter Conference on Current Issues in Developmental Psychobiology, Honolulu, Hawaii, Janurary, 2012. | presentation | 2012 | ||
Cortical source analysis of ERP in infant recognition and face/object perception. Marie Curie Visiting Professor program, Center for Brain and Cognitive Development, Birckbeck College, University of London, March, 2012. | presentation | 2012 | ||
Infant attention to “realistic” video stimuli. 27th Annual Winter Conference on Current Issues in Developmental Psychobiology, Honolulu, Hawaii, Janurary, 2012. | presentation | 2012 | ||
Structural and functional neuroimaging in infants. Invited symposium, International Conference on Infant Studies, Minneapolis, MN. June 2012. | presentation | 2012 | ||
McCleery, J.P., & Richards, J.E. (2012). Comparing realistic head models for cortical source locationization of infant event-related potentials. Poster presented at the 3rd UK Paediatric Neuropsychology Symposium, University College London Institute for Child Health, London, England. April, 2012. | conference | 2012 | Event-related potentials (ERPs) are highly useful for identifying and characterising neural mechanisms associated with different temporal stages of processing in infant participants. However, ERPs are currently limited in their ability to provide meaningful information regarding the neuroanatomical sources of these mechanisms. The major limiting factor in infant EEG/ERP source estimation has been the absence of realistic models of the intervening tissue (e.g., scalp, skull, cerebrospinal fluid) and brain structure. Here, we employ a unique database of infant head and brain models (Reference deleted) to examine the effects of variability in head/brain structure on cortical source estimation. We compare source analyses based on Magnetic Resonance Image (MRI) head and brain models that are either 1) the infant’s own; 2) an infant close in age with a similar size head; 3) an infant close in age with the most different size head; or 4) an arbitrarily chosen infant of a different age. We also assess average head/brain models for 1) infants the same age as the infant; 2) 12-month-olds; 3) 2-year olds; 4) 12-year olds; 5) 20- to 24-year olds; and 6) the Montreal Neurological Institute adult average (MNI-105). These MRI templates vary considerably in their degree of similarity to the participants’ actual head and skull at multiple levels, including the actual shape and location of the cortical structures. sLORETA current density reconstruction was used for all models, with sources restricted to the grey matter, using CURRY and EMSE computer programs. Finite Element Model (FEM), Boundary Element Model (BEM), and 3-shell spherical models were tested for all head/brain types. The optimal model was defined as the FEM model based on the infant’s own MRI. Region of Interest proportion analysis methods based upon identifiable sub-regions (e.g., medial-basal prefrontal cortex, ventral anterior cingulate cortex) were employed in order to quantify and compare the accuracy of each model to this optimal model. Sources for a commonly studied infant ERP component, the Nc, were analysed in two infants (4.5-month-old, 6-month-old), and sources for saccadic and pre-saccadic eye movements were analysed in three additional participants (4.6, 6.0, 7.5 mo). Overall, the models based on an MRI from an infant of the same age with the same head size, and models based on an average MRI from infants of the same age, produced the closest source estimate fits to the optimal model. Source estimates based on models of infants of the same age but with a very different sized head, or based on the average of infants of different ages, were much less accurate. Three-shell spherical models also produced generally unreliable results, whereas BEM and FEM models generally produced similar source estimates. Qualitative evaluation further supports the qualitative findings in that the use of MRIs of infants of different ages, or of infants of the same age with different head sizes, produced unreliable and sometimes spurious source estimations. These spurious estimates would have significant negative impact upon the interpretation of neural mechanisms. This study has clear implications for acceptable and optimal procedures for infant EEG/ERP source analysis. |
McCleery, J.P., & Richards, J.E. (2012). Comparing realistic head models for cortical source locationization of infant event-related potentials. Poster presented at the International Conference on Infant Studies, Minneapolis, MN. June, 2012. | conference | 2012 | Event-related potentials (ERPs) are highly useful for identifying and characterising neural mechanisms associated with different temporal stages of processing in infant participants. However, ERPs are currently limited in their ability to provide meaningful information regarding the neuroanatomical sources of these mechanisms. The major limiting factor in infant EEG/ERP source estimation has been the absence of realistic models of the intervening tissue (e.g., scalp, skull, cerebrospinal fluid) and brain structure. Here, we employ a unique database of infant head and brain models (Reference deleted) to examine the effects of variability in head/brain structure on cortical source estimation. We compare source analyses based on Magnetic Resonance Image (MRI) head and brain models that are either 1) the infant’s own; 2) an infant close in age with a similar size head; 3) an infant close in age with the most different size head; or 4) an arbitrarily chosen infant of a different age. We also assess average head/brain models for 1) infants the same age as the infant; 2) 12-month-olds; 3) 2-year olds; 4) 12-year olds; 5) 20- to 24-year olds; and 6) the Montreal Neurological Institute adult average (MNI-105). These MRI templates vary considerably in their degree of similarity to the participants’ actual head and skull at multiple levels, including the actual shape and location of the cortical structures. sLORETA current density reconstruction was used for all models, with sources restricted to the grey matter, using CURRY and EMSE computer programs. Finite Element Model (FEM), Boundary Element Model (BEM), and 3-shell spherical models were tested for all head/brain types. The optimal model was defined as the FEM model based on the infant’s own MRI. Region of Interest proportion analysis methods based upon identifiable sub-regions (e.g., medial-basal prefrontal cortex, ventral anterior cingulate cortex) were employed in order to quantify and compare the accuracy of each model to this optimal model. Sources for a commonly studied infant ERP component, the Nc, were analysed in two infants (4.5-month-old, 6-month-old), and sources for saccadic and pre-saccadic eye movements were analysed in three additional participants (4.6, 6.0, 7.5 mo). Overall, the models based on an MRI from an infant of the same age with the same head size, and models based on an average MRI from infants of the same age, produced the closest source estimate fits to the optimal model. Source estimates based on models of infants of the same age but with a very different sized head, or based on the average of infants of different ages, were much less accurate. Three-shell spherical models also produced generally unreliable results, whereas BEM and FEM models generally produced similar source estimates. Qualitative evaluation further supports the qualitative findings in that the use of MRIs of infants of different ages, or of infants of the same age with different head sizes, produced unreliable and sometimes spurious source estimations. These spurious estimates would have significant negative impact upon the interpretation of neural mechanisms. This study has clear implications for acceptable and optimal procedures for infant EEG/ERP source analysis. |
Sanchez, C.E., Richards, J.E., & Almli, C.R. (2012). Age-specific MRI brain templates for pediatric neuroimaging. Developmental Neuropsychology, 37, 379-399. | journal | Download | 2012 | The goal of this work was to create a database of pediatric, age-specific MRI brain and head templates for use by researchers for neuroimaging work with children. The participants included children from 4.5 through 24 years of age. The templates were done in 6 month intervals through 19.5 years, and consist of average T1W and T2W scans for the head and brain, and segmenting priors for GM, WM, and T2W-derived CSF. This database is available for use by other investigators and clinicians for their MRI studies, as well as other types of neuroimaging and electrophysiological research ( |
Mallin, B.A., & Richards, J.E. (2012). Peripheral stimulus localization by infants of moving stimuli on complex backgrounds. Infancy, 17, 692-714. | journal | Download | 2012 | This study examined the effect of attention in young infants on the saccadic localization of dynamic peripheral stimuli presented on complex and interesting backgrounds. Infants at 14, 20, and 26 weeks of age were presented with scenes from a “Sesame Street” movie until fixation on a moving character occurred, and then presented with scenes in which the character movement occurred in a new location. Localization of the moving character in the new location was faster when the infant was engaged in attention than when inattentive, for scenes in which the character moved from one location to another, or scenes in which the character stopped moving and characters in new locations began moving. Alternatively, localization of the character was slower during attention when the first character disappeared and a different character appeared in a new location. We also found a decrease in the linear component of the main sequence in the saccade characteristics over the three testing ages, and attention affected the main sequence for infants at the two oldest ages. These results partially replicate prior findings showing that attention to a focal stimulus affects localization of peripheral stimuli, but suggest that the nature of the stimuli being localized modifies the role of attention in affecting eye movements to peripheral stimuli. |
Sanchez, C.E., Richards, J.E., Schatz, J., & White, D. (2011). Age-Specific Pediatric Templates for Normalization and Segmentation of MRIs: An Example of Their Utility in a Pediatric PKU Sample. Society for Research in Child Development, April, 2011. | conference | 2011 | ||
Richards, J.E. (2011). Tools for Cortical Source Analysis of EEG and ERP for Infants and Young Children. Society for Research in Child Development, April, 2011. | conference | 2011 | ||
Reynolds, G.D., & Richards. J.E. (2011). Processing of Repeated and Non-Repeated Visual Stimuli in Infancy: Visual Preferences and Event-Related Potentials. Society for Research in Child Development, April, 2011. | conference | 2011 | ||
McCleery, J. P., Graham, K. A., Richards, J. E., Allen, H. A., Ceponiene, R., & Nielsen, D. (2011). Neural mechanisms of pre-lexical speech processing: A view through repetition suppression. Poster presented in session Language: Auditory, Comprehension, and Gene Studies, at the 41st Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience. Washington, D.C. November, 2011. | conference | 2011 | ||
McIlreavy, M., & Richards, J.E. (2011). Internal and External Attention in Infancy: Heart Rate Defined Classifications and Gamma Band Activity. Society for Research in Child Development, April, 2011. | conference | 2011 | ||
McIlreavy, M., & Richards, J.E. (2011). High-Density EEG in Infancy: Heart Rate Defined Sustained Attention and Inattention. Society for Research in Child Development, April, 2011. | conference | 2011 | ||
Apperly, I., McCleery, J., Surtees, A., Graham, K., & Richards, J.E. (2011). The cognitive basis and neural time-course of very simple visual perspective-taking. British Psychological Society, May, 2011. | conference | 2011 | ||
McCleery, J.P. Surtees, A., Graham, K.A., Richards, J.E., & Apperly, I.A. (2011). The neural and cognitive time-course of theory of mind. Journal of Neuroscience, 31, 12849-12854. | journal | Download | 2011 | |
Sanchez, C.E., Richards, J.E., & Almli, C.R. (2011). Neurodevelopmental MRI brain templates for children from 2 weeks to 4 years of age. Developmental Psychobiology. Doi:10. 1-02/dev20579; 57, 77-91. | journal | Download | 2011 | |
Neural basis of infant familiarity preferences (and novelty preferences). 26th Annual Winter Conference on Current Issues in Developmental Psychobiology, Herradura, Costa Rica, January, 2011. | presentation | 2011 | ||
What’s inside a baby’s head? Structural and functional brain development in infants. University of Brmingham, Birmingham, England, UK. April, 2011. | presentation | 2011 | ||
Richards, J.E. (2010). Infant attention, arousal, and the brain. In Oaks, L.M., Cashon, C.H., Casaola, M., & Rakison, D.H. (Eds). Infant Perception and Cognition: Recent advances, emerging theories, and future directions. NY: Oxford University Press. | chapter | Download | 2010 | |
Reynolds, G.D., Courage, M.L., & Richards, J.E. (2010). The development of attention. Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Psychology. NY: Oxford University Press. | chapter | 2010 | ||
What’s inside a baby’s head? Structural and functional brain development in infants. International Conference on Infant Studies, Baltimore, MD, March, 2010. | conference | 2010 | ||
A neurodevelopmental MRI database for infants. C.E. Sanchez, J.E. Richards, R. Almli, International Conference on Infant Studies, Baltimore, MD, March, 2010. | conference | 2010 | ||
Reynolds, G.D., Courage, M.L., & Richards, J.E. (2010). Infant attention and visual preferences: Converging evidence from behavior, Event-Related Potentials, and cortical source localization. Developmental Psychology, 46, 886-904. | journal | Download | 2010 | |
Richards, J.E. (2010). The development of attention to simple and complex visual stimuli in infants: Behavioral and psychophysiological measures. Developmental Review, 30, 203-219. | journal | Download | 2010 | |
Pimpek, T.A., Kikorian, H.L., Richards, J.E., Anderson, D.R., Lund, A.R., & Stevens, M. (2010). Video comprehensibility and attention in very young children. Developmental Psychology, 46, 1283-1293. | journal | Download | 2010 | |
Richards, J.E., Reynolds, G.D., & Courage, M.I. (2010). The neural bases of infant attendion. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 19, 41-16. | journal | Download | 2010 | |
Neural basis of infant familiarity preferences (and novelty preferences). McDonnell Research Group on Infant Cognitive Development, Barcelona Spain, December, 2010. | presentation | 2010 | ||
What’s inside a baby’s head? Structural and functional brain development in infants. (invited plenary address). International Conference on Infant Studies, Baltimore, MD, March, 2010. | presentation | 2010 | ||
Different ages, different stages: A neurodevelopmental age-based database of normal brain development for MRI. C.E. Sanchez, A.A. Basilakos, J.E. Richards, Society for Psychophysiological Research, Berlin, October 2009 | conference | 2009 | ||
Cortical sources of infant visual preferences. G.D. Reynolds, M.L. Courage, & J.E. Richards. Cognitive Neurosciences Society, San Francisco, March, 2009. | conference | 2009 | ||
Cortical sources of infant visual preferences. G.D. Reynolds, M.L. Courage, & J.E. Richards. Society for Psychophysiological Research, Berlin, October 2009. | conference | 2009 | ||
Different ages, different stages: A neurodevelopmental age-based database of normal brain development for MRI. C.E. Sanchez, A.A. Basilakos, J.E. Richards, Cognitive Neurosciences Society, San Francisco, March, 2009; | conference | 2009 | ||
Different ages, different stages: A neurodevelopmental age-based database of normal brain development for MRI. C.E. Sanchez, A.A. Basilakos, J.E. Richards, Society for Research in Child Development, Denver, March, 2009; | conference | 2009 | ||
Cortical sources of infant visual preferences. G.D. Reynolds, M.L. Courage, & J.E. Richards. Society for Research in Child Development, Denver, March, 2009; | conference | 2009 | ||
Sanchez, C.E., Basilakos, A.A., & Richards, J.E. (2009) Different ages, different stages: A neurodevelopmental age-based database of normal brain development for MRI. . Psychophysiology, 46, S81 (abstract). | journal | 2009 | ||
Reynolds, G.D., Courage, M., & Richards, J.E. (2009) Cortical sources of infant visual preferences. Psychophysiology, 46, S81 (abstract). | journal | 2009 | ||
A neurodevelopmental database / stereotaxic atlas for MR imaging of infants and children. 24th Annual Winter Conference on Current Issues in Developmental Psychobiology, St Croix, Virgin Islands, January, 2009. | presentation | 2009 | ||
Reynolds, G.D, & Richards, J.E. (2009). Cortical source analysis of infant cognition. Developmental Neuropsychology, 3, 312-329. | journal | Download | 2009 | Neuroimaging techniques such as positron emission topography (PET) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) have been utilized with older children and adults to identify cortical sources of perceptual and cognitive processes. However, due to practical and ethical concerns, these techniques cannot be routinely applied to infant participants. An alternative to such neuroimaging techniques appropriate for use with infant participants is high-density EEG recording and cortical source localization techniques. The current paper provides an overview of a method developed for such analyses. The method consists of four steps: 1) recording high-density (e.g., 128-channel) EEG. 2) Analysis of individual participant raw segmented data with independent component analysis (ICA). 3) Estimation of equivalent current dipoles (ECDs) that represent cortical sources for the observed ICA component clusters. 4) Calculation of component activations in relation to experimental factors. We discuss an example of research applying this technique to investigate the development of visual attention and recognition memory. We also describe the application of “realistic head modeling” to address some of the current limitations of infant cortical source localization. |
Richards, J.E. (2009). Attention in the brain and early infancy. In S.P. Johnson (Ed.), Neoconstructism: The new science of cognitive development. | chapter | Download | 2009 | The attention system of the young infant shows rapid development. This development has been hypothesized to be strongly influenced by changes in brain areas controlling attention processes. This chapter reviews some infant attention systems and shows how brain development affects the development of infant attention. An important advance in this research is the ability of researchers to measure brain activity with noninvasive methods in infant participants. Activity in the infant’s brain can be measured as the infant engages in attention, and development in brain and attention can be related. A goal of research in this area is to show the link between measures of infant brain development and measures of attention development. |
Courage, M.L, & Richards, J.E. (2008). Attention. In M.M. Haith and J.B. Benson (Eds.), Encyclopedia of infant and early childhood development (pps 106-117). Oxford, UK: Elsevier. | chapter | 2008 | ||
Reynolds, G.D., & Richards, J.E. (2008). Attention and early brain development. In Tremblay, R.E., Barr, R.G., Peters, R.DeV., & Boifin, M. (Eds.). Encyclopedia on Early Childhood Development (pps 1-5). | chapter | 2008 | ||
Video comprehensibility and attention in very young children. T. A. Pempek, D. Anderson, M. Stevens, & J.E. Richards, International Conference on Infant Studies, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, April, 2008. | conference | 2008 | ||
Infant sustained attention affects brain areas controlling covert orienting. J.E. Richards, International Conference on Infant Studies, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, April, 2008. | conference | 2008 | ||
What’s inside a baby’s head? J.E. Richards, International Conference on Infant Studies, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, April, 2008. | conference | 2008 | ||
Brain (and head) steretotaxic atlas for infants and children: Application to EEG / ERP cortical source analysis. Sloan-Kettering Vision Institute, San Francisco, CA. April, 2008. | presentation | 2008 | ||
What’s inside a baby’s head? . (invited presentation) J.E. Richards, International Conference on Infant Studies, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, April, 2008. | presentation | 2008 | ||
What’s inside a baby’s head? . (invited presentation) J.E. Richards, National Science Foundation, Washington DC, April, 2008. | presentation | 2008 | ||
What’s inside a baby’s head? Attention processes revealed by source analysis of EEG. 23rd Annual Winter Conference on Current Issues in Developmental Psychobiology, Cozumel, Mexico, January 2008. | presentation | 2008 | ||
What’s inside a baby’s head? Attention processes revealed by source analysis of EEG. . (invited presentation) Duke University, September, 2008. | presentation | 2008 | ||
Richards, J.E. (2008). Infant sustained attention affects brain areas controlling covert orienting. International Conference on Infant Studies, Vancouver. (PDF) | conference | Download | 2008 | Infants covertly move attention around in space without moving fixation. This is shown in the “spatial cueing” procedure in which a cue indicates the side of an upcoming target or is contralateral to the target (“valid” and “invalid”). Infants localize the target more quickly on valid trials than on invalid trials (“facilitation”), though at certain stimulus-onset-asychrony durations target localization may be delayed (“inhibition of return”). Several prior studies of infant participants with scalp-recorded event-related-potentials (ERP) find an enhancement of the first positive component (P1 component?) to target onset for the validly cued trials (P1 validity effect) and the cortical source for this component is the contralateral extrastriate occipital cortex and fusiform gyrus. The current study used heart-rate-defined attention phases to examine this effect under conditions of attention and inattention. The infants in this study were 14 or 20 weeks of age. A continuous spatial cueing procedure was used in which a stimulus was presented until the infant fixated it, a cue was presented in the periphery for 300 ms, and then a “target” was presented on the same side as the cue (“valid”), on the opposite side of the cue (“invalid”), or a target was presented without a prior cue (“neutral”). Heart rate was recorded continuously and heart rate slowing and the return of heart rate to a prestimulus level were used to define periods of attentiveness and inattentiveness. The EEG was recorded using 124 scalp channels and two eye movement channels. ERP averages were computed around the time of the target onset and immediately preceding the saccade towards the target. Cortical source analysis was used to identify the location and activation of the places in the cortex responsible for generating the P1 validity effect. Traditional ERP analyses showed a “validity effect” in which there was an enhanced P1 on valid trials over invalid and neutral trials. This P1 component was enhanced if the infant was attentive, and primarily on short SOA trials. Cortical source analysis was used to identify the cortical areas involved in this ERP effect. Two cortical sources could be identified that accounted for ERP activity occurring about 100 to 130 ms following target onset. The current sources were located in the extrastriate occipital cortex (BA 18, 19) and fusiform gyrus contralateral to the cue. This area was activated most highly for validly cued targets relative to either neutral trials (no cue) or invalidly cued targets (contralateral cue). The activity in these cortical locations was larger when the infant was attentive than when inattentive, and the activity level in these areas during attention was negatively correlated with reaction time (high amplitude cortical activation, short reaction time, facilitation of responding). These results suggest that the “P1 validity effect” in infants is due to short-latency enhancement of the secondary visual areas (“covert orienting”) rather than to feedback from higher cortical areas (“covert attention”). |
Richards, J.E. (2008). Attention in young infants: A developmental psychophysiological perspective. In C.A. Nelson & M. Luciana (Eds.), Handbook of developmental cognitive neuroscience. Cambridge, MA, US: MIT Press. | chapter | Download | 2008 | Attention changes dramatically in the period of infancy. Attention is selective and involves the focusing of cognitive processing on specific objects or tasks. Attention also has an arousal aspect, reflecting ehanced processing when attention is engaged. It is commonly thought that the development of attention is based heavily on the age-related changes in brain structures responsible for attention control. The present chapter will do three things. First, two types of brain systems that may be involved in attention and which show development will be reviewed. Second, psychophysiological measures that have been useful in the study of brain-attention relation development in infants will be presented. Finally, several studies will be examined that studied the development of infant attention with these psychophysiological methods. These experiments will be related to changes occurring in the neural systems underlying attention. |
Richards, J.E. (2008). What's inside a baby's head?. International Conference on Infant Studies, Vancouver. (PDF) | conference | Download | 2008 | Developmental psychologists studying infant cognitive development often use brain development as an explanation for cognitive development. Until recently it has been impossible to "look inside the baby's head" to determine brain developmental status. Neuroimaging techniques (MRI, PET) were limited to infants with medical indications, and a picture of the brain of the normally developing infant was not possible. Recently normally developing infants and children have had brain imaging with MRI. This includes early scattered reports of functional MRI (fMRI), the NIH MRI study of normal brain development, and my own use of 3T structural MRIs. These studies have resulted in very revealing findings about the nature of the infant brain and its relation to cognitive development,The current presentation will describe an approach to studying the brain-cognitive relation in infant development with realistic cortical source models of EEG/ERP. High-density EEG is recorded while infants participate in cognitive psychophysiological tasks (e.g., recognition memory; spatial cueing; hidden objects). These infants also have a structural (anatomical) MRI. A realistic model of the spatial topography of the materials in the baby's head is constructed. Equivalent current dipole models of the event-related potentials taken in the psychophysiological tasks give the location of the brain activity during the task; presumably these are tied to the psychological processes involved in the tasks. This neuroimaging technique gives location of the source of the activity, the time-course of the neural activity, and the relationship of the brain activity to the psychological processes involved in the task. The use of this technique with infants has shown several characteristics of infant's head and brain that are strikingly different from adults and older children (myelination; skull thickness; brain material impedances; relation between skull landmarks and underlying brain lobes). This technique also has proven beneficial in locating the brain correlates of psychological processes in the young infant. |
Pempekl, T.A., Kirkorian, H.L, Stevens. M., Lundl, A.F., Richards, J.E., & Anderson, D.R.(2008). Video comprehensibility and attention in very young children. . International Conference on Infant Studies, Vancouver. (PDF) | conference | Download | 2008 | Infants have increasingly become a target audience of digital media products. Yet, little is know about the extent to which very young children understand video. This study sought to determine the youngest ages at which infants discriminate between comprehensible and incomprehensible television content. Analysis of look length revealed that by 24 months of age, infants make this discrimination, looking longer at comprehensible video. Measures of heart rate support this finding insofar as heart rate deceleration (indicicative of engagement) was associated with look length. Thus, very young infants appear to be insensitive to language and even sequences presented via video. |
Richards, J.E. (2008). Developmental cognitive neuroscience of infant attention: Les Cohen festschrift. International Conference on Infant Studies, Vancouver. (PDF) | conference | Download | 2008 | This is a review of work reflecting similar trends in attention and DCN of attention vis-a-vis Leslie Cohen. |
Infant sustained attention affects brain areas controlling covert orienting. J.E. Richards, Society for Research in Child Development, Boston, April, 2007. | conference | 2007 | ||
Realistic head models for cortical source analysis in infant participants. J.E. Richards, Society for Research in Child Development, Boston, April, 2007. | conference | 2007 | ||
What’s inside a baby’s head? Sloan-Ketterling Eye Institute, San Francisco, CA, September, 2007. | presentation | 2007 | ||
Development of infant attention to multimodal stimuli: Relation between arousal and specific attention processes. Indiana University, January, 2007. | presentation | 2007 | ||
Does it matter that the infant’s mind is in its brain? And the brain is in a body? York University, November, 2007. | presentation | 2007 | ||
Richards, J.E. (2007). Infant sustained attention affects brain areas controlling covert orienting. Society for Research in Child Development, Boston. (PDF) | conference | Download | 2007 | Infants covertly move attention around in space without moving fixation. This is shown in the “spatial cueing” procedure in which a cue indicates the side of an upcoming target or is contralateral to the target (“valid” and “invalid”). Infants localize the target more quickly on valid trials than on invalid trials (“facilitation”), though at certain stimulus-onset-asychrony durations target localization may be delayed (“inhibition of return”). Several prior studies of infant participants with scalp-recorded event-related-potentials (ERP) find an enhancement of the first positive component (P1 component?) to target onset for the validly cued trials (P1 validity effect) and the cortical source for this component is the contralateral extrastriate occipital cortex and fusiform gyrus. The current study used heart-rate-defined attention phases to examine this effect under conditions of attention and inattention. The infants in this study were 14 or 20 weeks of age. A continuous spatial cueing procedure was used in which a stimulus was presented until the infant fixated it, a cue was presented in the periphery for 300 ms, and then a “target” was presented on the same side as the cue (“valid”), on the opposite side of the cue (“invalid”), or a target was presented without a prior cue (“neutral”). Heart rate was recorded continuously and heart rate slowing and the return of heart rate to a prestimulus level were used to define periods of attentiveness and inattentiveness. The EEG was recorded using 124 scalp channels and two eye movement channels. ERP averages were computed around the time of the target onset and immediately preceding the saccade towards the target. Cortical source analysis was used to identify the location and activation of the places in the cortex responsible for generating the P1 validity effect. Traditional ERP analyses showed a “validity effect” in which there was an enhanced P1 on valid trials over invalid and neutral trials. This P1 component was enhanced if the infant was attentive, and primarily on short SOA trials. Cortical source analysis was used to identify the cortical areas involved in this ERP effect. Two cortical sources could be identified that accounted for ERP activity occurring about 100 to 130 ms following target onset. The current sources were located in the extrastriate occipital cortex (BA 18, 19) and fusiform gyrus contralateral to the cue. This area was activated most highly for validly cued targets relative to either neutral trials (no cue) or invalidly cued targets (contralateral cue). The activity in these cortical locations was larger when the infant was attentive than when inattentive, and the activity level in these areas during attention was negatively correlated with reaction time (high amplitude cortical activation, short reaction time, facilitation of responding). These results suggest that the “P1 validity effect” in infants is due to short-latency enhancement of the secondary visual areas (“covert orienting”) rather than to feedback from higher cortical areas (“covert attention”). |
Richards, J.E. (2007). Realistic head models for cortical source analysis in infant participants. Society for Research in Child Development, Boston. (PDF) | conference | Download | 2007 | Cortical source analysis can identify cortical areas that are active during infant cognitive processing. This analysis uses high-density EEG recording and quantitative models that identify dipole sources inside the head to account for the EEG data. These sources can be related to the EEG activity in the time domain, to the experimental procedures, and to the cognitive processes occurring during the task. Cortical source analysis with infant participants has used adult models for the electrical and spatial characteristics of the head. The current poster will overview a method for using infant MRIs to develop realistic head models for infant participants for cortical source analysis. The method consists of several steps: 1) the MRI of a representative infant or the infant in the psychophysiological experiment must be obtained; 2) the head must be “segmented” with computer programs that analyze the MRI recording; 3) values for impedance for skull, scalp, CSF, and brain for infant participants must be estimated; 4) sufficient number of electrodes must be recorded; 5) realistic “forward” models using the spatial topography of the MRI must be computed. These steps allow the use of “realistic models” in computer programs that do cortical source analysis (e.g., “equivalent current dipole” analysis in BESA, or Source-Signal EMSE programs). This technique has been applied to cortical sources involve in infant spatial cueing, infant visual recognition memory, the response of infants to mother’s and stranger’s face, and EEG during object disappearance and appearance. The result of using realistic head models is illustrated in four findings. First, infant skull and scalp impedances (conductivity; resistance) are much lower than adults, so that using appropriate infant values results in cortical sources closer to the surface. Second, the number of recording channels affects cortical source analysis, with less than ~50 electrodes resulting in models that fit poorly and that mislocate the cortical source. Third, using realistic head models for areas of current leakage in the skull (sutures / seams between skull bones, partially closed fontenal) or for varying head characteristics (varying skull thickness, placement of brain with respect to skull landmarks) result in better fits and more appropriate locations of cortical sources. Finally, this is illustrated with a “representative MRI” approach in which a single MRI is used for all participants, and with an “individual MRI” approach in which the infant has both an anatomical MRI and participates in the psychophysiological experiment. |
Reynolds, G.D., & Richards, J.E. (2007). Infant heart rate: A developmental psychophysiological perspective. In L.A. Schmidt & S.J. Segalowitz (Eds.), Developmental Psychophysiology (pps 173-210). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Press. | chapter | Download | 2007 | Psychophysiology is the study of the relation between psychological events and biological processes in human subjects. The electrocardiogram (ECG) and heart rate (HR) have been commonly used measures throughout the history of psychophysiological research. Early studies found that stimuli eliciting differing emotional responses in adults also elicited HR responses differing in magnitude and direction of change from baseline (e.g., Darrow, 1929; Graham & Clifton, 1966; Lacey, 1959). Vast improvements in methods of measuring ECG and knowledge regarding the relationship between HR and cognitive activity have occurred. Heart rate has been particularly useful in developmental psychophysiological research. Researchers interested in early cognitive and perceptual development have utilized HR as a window into cognitive activity for infants before they are capable of demonstrating complex behaviors or providing verbal responses. Also, the relation between brain control of HR and the behavior of HR during psychological activity has helped work in developmental cognitive neuroscience. In this chapter, we address the use of the ECG and HR in research on human infants. We review research utilizing three ways in which HR has been used in this work: HR changes, attention phases defined by HR, and HR variability (particularly respiratory sinus arrhythmia). Topics we will focus on are: the areas of the brain that are indexed with these measures, developmental changes associated with these measures, and the relationship of these measures to psychological processes. Before covering research with infants, we will briefly review background information on the heart, the ECG and HR, and its relation to psychophysiology. |
Infant visual preferences within the modified-oddball ERP paradigm. G.D. Reynolds, M.Courage, & J.E. Richards, International Conference on Infant Studies, Kyoto, Japan, June, 2006. | conference | 2006 | ||
Television program comprehensibility and distractibity in 6- to 24-month-old children. M. Stevens & J.E. Richards, International Conference on Infant Studies, Kyoto, Japan, June, 2006. | conference | 2006 | ||
Infant visual preferences within the modified-oddball ERP paradigm. G.D. Reynolds, M.Courage, & J.E. Richards, Cognitive Neurosciences Society, San Francisco, April, 2006. | conference | 2006 | ||
Realistic head models for cortical source analysis in infant participants. J.E. Richards, International Conference on Infant Studies, Kyoto, Japan, June, 2006. | conference | 2006 | ||
Why are infants in-distractible during visual attention? First Hayward Endowment Annual Lecture, Department of Psychology, East Tennessee State University, April, 2006. | presentation | 2006 | ||
Infant visual preference, recognition memory, attention and the brain. Virginal Polytechnic University, October, 2006. | presentation | 2006 | ||
Infant visual preference, recognition memory, attention and the brain. Pennsylvania State University, October, 2006. | presentation | 2006 | ||
Richards, J.E. (2006). Realistic Head Models for Cortical Source Analysis in Infant Participants. Society for Researh in Child Development, Atlanta GA. (PDF) | conference | Download | 2006 | Cortical source analysis can identify cortical areas that are active during infant cognitive processing. This analysis uses high-density EEG recording and quantitative models that identify dipole sources inside the head to account for the EEG data. These sources can be related to the EEG activity in the time domain, to the experimental procedures, and to the cognitive processes occurring during the task. Cortical source analysis with infant participants has used adult models for the electrical and spatial characteristics of the head. The current poster will overview a method for using infant MRIs to develop realistic head models for infant participants for cortical source analysis. The method consists of several steps: 1) the MRI of a representative infant or the infant in the psychophysiological experiment must be obtained; 2) the head must be “segmented” with computer programs that analyze the MRI recording; 3) values for impedance for skull, scalp, CSF, and brain for infant participants must be estimated; 4) sufficient number of electrodes must be recorded; 5) realistic “forward” models using the spatial topography of the MRI must be computed. These steps allow the use of “realistic models” in computer programs that do cortical source analysis (e.g., “equivalent current dipole” analysis in BESA, or Source-Signal EMSE programs). This technique has been applied to cortical sources involve in infant spatial cueing, infant visual recognition memory, the response of infants to mother’s and stranger’s face, and EEG during object disappearance and appearance. The result of using realistic head models is illustrated in four findings. First, infant skull and scalp impedances (conductivity; resistance) are much lower than adults, so that using appropriate infant values results in cortical sources closer to the surface. Second, the number of recording channels affects cortical source analysis, with less than ~50 electrodes resulting in models that fit poorly and that mislocate the cortical source. Third, using realistic head models for areas of current leakage in the skull (sutures / seams between skull bones, partially closed fontenal) or for varying head characteristics (varying skull thickness, placement of brain with respect to skull landmarks) result in better fits and more appropriate locations of cortical sources. Finally, this is illustrated with a “representative MRI” approach in which a single MRI is used for all participants, and with an “individual MRI” approach in which the infant has both an anatomical MRI and participates in the psychophysiological experiment. |
Stevens, M. & Richards, J.E. (2006). Television program comprehensibility and distractibity in 6- to 24-month-old children. International Conference on Infant Studies, Kyoto, Japan. (PDF) | conference | 2006 | Distractibility during television viewing has been an important topic for those interested in children’s attention development. It has been hypothesized that extended looking during television viewing is controlled by a mechanism called “attentional inertia”. If attention is engaged by the television program, there is an increasing cognitive engagement that holds fixation toward the television for extended periods. The comprehensibility of the television program is an important determinant of whether cognitive engagement occurs. The present study examined the effect of the television program language comprehensibility in 6 to 24 month old children with a distraction procedure. | |
Reynolds, G.D., Courage, M., & Richards, J.E. (2006). Infant visual preferences within the modified-oddball ERP paradigm. International Conference on Infant Studies, Kyoto, Japan. (PDF) | conference | Download | 2006 | The modified-oddball paradigm has been used to measure ERP components associated with attention and recognition memory in infancy. Infants are familiarized with 2 stimuli and then exposed to brief presentations of three types of memory stimuli: frequent familiar, infrequent familiar, and infrequent novel. Recognition memory is inferred based on differential cortical responding to each of the memory stimulus types. A middle-latency negative ERP component over central leads labeled Negative Central (Nc) is assumed to reflect a general orienting response associated with attention. The Nc has been found to be greater in amplitude following novel stimulus presentations. Late slow waves proposed to reflect recognition memory include the negative slow wave (associated with novelty detection), and the positive slow wave (associated with an updating of recognition memory). A commonly used behavioral measure of recognition memory is the visual paired-comparison choice trial. Paired-comparison trials involve simultaneous presentation of a familiar and a novel stimulus. Recognition memory for the familiar stimulus is inferred when infants spend a greater proportion of time looking at the novel stimulus (i.e., demonstrate a novelty preference). No study to date has measured ERPs during paired-comparison trials because of the eye-movement artifacts produced during shifts between stimuli. One goal of the present study was to examine infant ERPs during paired-comparison trials by utilizing independent components analysis to identify and remove eye-movement components from the EEG data. A second goal was to examine the consistency between ERP components and behavioral correlates of attention and recognition memory by embedding paired-comparison trials within the modified-oddball paradigm. Infants 20, 26, and 32 weeks of age served as participants. Infants were familiarized with two stimuli prior to testing. Participants were then exposed to alternating blocks of paired-comparison trials and brief stimulus presentations. The paired-comparison trials and blocks of brief stimulus presentations were alternated in order to measure the infants’ visual preferences as the study progressed. Look durations during the paired-comparison trials were scored off-line to obtain novelty preference scores. Electroencephalographic recordings were made with a 126-channel system and ERP averages were made from -50 ms to 2000 ms around stimulus onset for brief stimulus exposures, and for the duration of the paired-comparison trials. Our ERP analysis focused on the Nc component. There was a significant effect of age on visual preference. The 26- and 32-week-olds preferred novel stimuli, whereas the 20-week-olds preferred familiar stimuli. In the ERP analysis of paired-comparison trials, greater amplitude Nc was found to the non-preferred stimulus. When infants demonstrated a novelty preference, Nc was greater in amplitude to the familiar stimulus (and vice versa). Results of the ERP analysis of brief stimulus presentations replicated past studies with greater amplitude Nc following novel stimulus presentations. These findings indicate that behavioral measures can be successfully integrated into ERP studies of infant cognitive development, although ERP and behavioral findings may not be entirely consistent. While infants demonstrated greater amplitude Nc to novel stimuli following brief stimulus presentations, greater amplitude Nc was found to familiar stimuli when look duration was indicative of a novelty preference. |
Courage, M.L., Reynolds, G.D., & Richards, J.E. (2006). Infants' visual attention to patterned stimuli: Developmental change and individual differences from 3- to 12-months of age. Child Development, 77, 680-695. | journal | Download | 2006 | To examine the developmental course of look duration as a function of age and stimulus type, infants aged 14-, 20-, 26-, 39-, and 52 weeks were shown static and dynamic versions of achromatic geometric stimuli, faces, and Sesame Street material for 20 seconds of accumulated looking. As duration of a look does not reflect a unitary attentional process but can be parsed according to corresponding heart-rate defined phases (i.e., stimulus orienting, sustained attention, attention termination), infants’ HR change was also measured. Analysis of the look duration data indicated that prior to 26 weeks, infants’ looks decreases linearly for all stimuli. For the older infants, look durations continued to decline for the geometric patterns but increased for the Sesame Street and face stimuli. On-line measures of heart-rate confirmed this greater engagement with the more complex stimulus types. Individual differences in look duration and baseline heart rate variability were independently related to stimulus type. Infants with short look durations and those with high heart rate variability showed larger HR decelerations in sustained attention to Sesame Street and face stimuli than to the achromatic geometric patterns. Infants with long look durations did not differ in their deceleration to the stimulus types and also spent more time in the phase of attention termination relative to phases of orienting and sustained attention. The results suggested that short lookers and those with high HRV showed greater engagement with complex stimuli that did long lookers and those with low HRV. |
What babies look at: Developmental trends and individual differences in infants’ attention to pattern. M. Courage, G.D. Reynolds, & J.E. Richards, Society for Research in Child Development, Atlanta, GA. April 2005. | conference | 2005 | ||
Television program comprehensibility and distractibity in 1- and 2-year-old children. J.E. Richards, Society for Research in Child Development, Atlanta, GA. April, 2005. | conference | 2005 | ||
Infant visual preferences within the modified-oddball ERP paragirm. G.D. Reynolds, M.Courage, & J.E. Richards, Society for Psychophysiological Research, Lisbon, Portugal, October, 2005. | conference | 2005 | ||
Infant visual preferences within the modified-oddball ERP paradigm. G.D. Reynolds, M.Courage, & J.E. Richards, Society for Research in Child Development, Atlanta, GA. April, 2005. | conference | 2005 | ||
Reynolds, G.D., Courage, M., & Richards, J.E. (2005) Infant visual preferences within the modified-oddball ERP paradigm. Psychophysiology, 42, S60 (abstract). | journal | 2005 | ||
EEG and ERP analysis using EGI. (one-day teaching workshop) Pennsylvania State University, April, 2005. | presentation | 2005 | ||
Spatial orienting and arousal in infant: Brain bases and development. Pennsylvania State University, April, 2005. | presentation | 2005 | ||
Richards, J.E. (2005). Attention. Entry in The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Child Development (282-286).. Cambridge Press. (PDF) | chapter | Download | 2005 | Attention may be defined as the selective enhancement of some behavior at the expense of other behavior. Writings on attention often cites William James, Principles of Psychology (1890), “…everyone know what attention is”. This is because we all have a commonsense notion of what attention is and that it is ubiquitous across all types of behavior (e.g., attention to objects, joint attention with others, social attention, motor skills). Attention is defined both as a specific psychological mechanism and as a characteristic of individual psychological behavior. Thus, in the developmental perspective there may be a separate cognitive process called “attention” that develops independent of other psychological behavior as well as attention development specific to behavior. Attention development is often linked to the development of brain areas that are involved in attention. |
Johnson, M.H., Griffin, R., Csibra, G., Halit, H., Farroni, T., de Haan, M., Baron-Cohen, S., & Richards, J.E. (2005). The emergence of the social brain network: Evidence from typical and atypical development. Development and Psychopathology, 17, 599-619. | journal | Download | 2005 | Several research groups have identified a network of regions of the adult cortex that are activated during social perception and cognition tasks. In this paper we focus on the development of this social brain network during early childhood and test aspects of a particular viewpoint on human functional brain development: “Interactive Specialisation”. Specifically, we apply new data analysis techniques to a previously published data set of event-related potential studies involving infants of 3, 4 and 12 months infants viewing faces of different orientation and direction of eye gaze. Using source separation and localisation methods, several likely generators of scalp recorded ERP are identified, and we describe how they are modulated by stimulus characteristics. We then review the results of a series of experiments concerned with perceiving and acting on eye gaze, before reporting on a new experiment involving young children with autism. Finally, we discuss predictions based on the atypical emergence of the social brain network. |
Richards, J.E. (2005). Localizing cortical sources of event-related potentials in infants’ covert orienting. Developmental Science, 8, 255-278. | journal | Download | 2005 | This study used cortical source analysis to localize the cortical sources of event-related-potentials (ERP) during covert orienting in infants aged 14 and 20 weeks. The infants were tested in a spatial cueing procedure. The reaction time to localize the target showed response facilitation for valid trials relative to invalid or neutral trials. High-density EEG (126 channels) was recorded during the task, and independent component analysis and equivalent current dipole analysis was used to locate the cortical sources of the EEG during the task. There was a larger P1 ERP component on the valid trials than the other trials (P1 validity effect), and this occurred due to activity in Brodmann’s areas 18 and 19. A presaccadic ERP component occurred over the frontal cortex (-65 ms) and was larger to a target in a cued location than in uncued locations. This effect was localized to the superior frontal gyrus on the inferior portion of the prefrontal cortex. Increases from 14 to 20 weeks in amplitude of the P1 validity effect and the presaccadic ERP could be modeled by an increase in activation in the corresponding cortical areas. |
Richards, J.E. (2004). Attention. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Child Development (282-286). Cambridge Press. | chapter | 2004 | ||
The convergence of electroencephalographic and heart rate measures of attention in infancy. G.D. Reynolds & J.E. Richards, International Society for Infancy Studies, Chicago, IL. April, 2004. | conference | 2004 | ||
Perspectives on infants’ visual attention: Developmental change and individual differences. J.E. Richards, International Society for Infancy Studies, Chicago, IL. April 2004. | conference | 2004 | ||
Looking at and interacting with comprehensible and incomprehensible Teletubbies. A. Frankenfield, J.E. Richards, T.A. Pempek, H.L. Kirkorian, & D.R. Anderson, International Society for Infancy Studies, Chicago, IL. April 2004. | conference | 2004 | ||
Infant visual attention: Peripheral localization of life-like video stimuli. C.R. Crane, B.A. Mallin, & J.E. Richards, Arizona Psychological Association, Tuscon, AZ. October, 2004. | conference | 2004 | ||
Infant peripheral stimulus localization of dynamic stimuli. B.A. McKinney & J.E. Richards, International Society for Infancy Studies, Chicago, IL. April 2004. | conference | 2004 | ||
Infant localization of visual and dynamic peripheral stimuli. J.L. Moore, J.F. Stephens, B.A. McKinney, & John E. Richards, Southeastern Psychological Association, Atlanta, GA. March, 2004. | conference | 2004 | ||
Developmental and individual differences in infants’ attention as a function of stimulus characteristics. M. Courage, G.D. Reynolds, & J.E. Richards, International Society for Infancy Studies, Chicago, IL. April 2004. | conference | 2004 | ||
Cortical source localization of infant visual attention and recognition memory. G.D. Reynolds & J.E. Richards, International Society for Infancy Studies, Chicago, IL. April 2004. | conference | 2004 | ||
A quantitative method to use high-density EEG recordings to localize cortical sources of infant cognitive activity. J.E. Richards, International Society for Infancy Studies, Chicago, IL. April 2004. | conference | 2004 | ||
Developmental cognitive neuroscience of sustained attention in infants. Department of Psychology, Emory University, February, 2004. | presentation | 2004 | ||
Converging measures of infant attention. The John Merck Fund Summer Institute on the Biology of Developmental Disabilities. Princeton University, July, 2004. | presentation | 2004 | ||
Why are infants in-distractible during visual attention? Department of Psychology, Emory University, February, 2004. | presentation | 2004 | ||
Recognition memory and attention in infants. 5th Annual Frontiers in Neuroscience Research Day, Medical University of South Carolina, March, 2004. | presentation | 2004 | ||
Richards, J.E. (2004). Development of covert orienting in young infants. In L. Itti, G. Rees, & J. Tsotsos (Eds.), Neurobiology of attention (Chapter 14, pp. 82-88). Academic Press / Elsevier. | journal | Download | 2004 | Adults can shift attention to different regions of space without moving the eyes, i.e., covert orienting of attention. Covert orienting implies that information processing may occur for stimuli in peripheral locations. The purpose of the present chapter is to review evidence that infants in the first six months of life are able to shift attention throughout space covertly. These studies show that there is an increasing efficiency from birth to six months with which infant shift spatial attention. Some cortical areas that may be involved in the development of spatial attention will be suggested. |
Richards, J.E. (2004). The development of sustained attention in infants. In M.I. Posner (Ed.), Cognitive neuroscience of attention (Chapter 25, pp 342-356). Guilford Press.. | chapter | Download | 2004 | Attention may be characterized by its selectivity and intensity. The selective aspect of attention narrows the focus of information processing from a wide range of available stimuli, thoughts, and responses, to a single aspect of the environment, or a selected set of stimulus-response activities. The intensity aspect of attention improves the quality of information processing once the information processing focus is narrowed. This results in improvements in the quality of the cognitive activities involved in the attentive behavior. This latter aspect of attention is often called sustained attention. Infants show increases in sustained attention over the first year of life. In this chapter some research will be reviewed that illustrates the development of sustained attention in young infants. |
Frankenfield, A., Richards, J.E., Pempek, T.A., Kirkorian, H.L., & Anderson, D.L. (2004) Looking at and interacting with comprehensible and incomprehensible Teletubbies. International Society for Infancy Studies, Chicago, IL. | conference | 2004 | Attention to television by preschool children is related to program comprehensibility. Comprehension, in turn, is dependent on two important cognitive abilities - understanding of language and understanding of event sequences. There is no question that by age 3 children comprehend TV made for them, but increasingly, TV programs and videos are being made for children 2 and under. This experiment uses a procedure developed by Anderson et al. (1981) to determine whether very young children discriminate comprehensible from incomprehensible versions of Teletubbies. At this time, data have been collected and analyzed for 24-month-olds. We are collecting data from 18-month-olds, 12-month-olds, and 6-month-olds. Participants were 25, 24-month-old children. Each infant viewed one of two 40-minute videos of Teletubbies containing normal segments of the show, as well as distortions of the same segments. Twelve of the subjects viewed backward speech distortions, while thirteen viewed distortions created through random rearrangement of camera shots. Each child sat on his/her parent's lap approximately 30" from the television screen. The children were free to play with toys, watch the television, or interact with their parent. Videotapes of the sessions were coded for looks at the television and interactions with the show. A mixed-model ANOVA indicated that children looked at normal more than distorted segments, but the effect was smaller and only marginal for backward speech. The results for random edit were complicated by strong order effects, with children receiving the normal segment first watching normal more than distorted, and those receiving distorted first paying low but equal amounts of attention. A between-subjects analysis of the first trial data of mean look length and mean percent looking indicated that subjects viewing the normal segments had greater attention than those subjects viewing the distorted segments. Analysis of interactions supported the effect of comprehensibility with children interacting more during normal segments. There was a surprising negative relationship between prior experience with Teletubbies and attention to the show. Children who had not previously viewed Teletubbies paid more attention to normal segments than to distorted versions. However, if children had prior experience with the show, they paid equal (but lower) attention to both the normal and distorted segments. 24-month-olds behaviorally discriminated comprehensible from incomprehensible Teletubbies, but only if they hadn't seen the program before. For this age group, familiarity may overwhelm the importance of comprehensibility. It is an open question at this time whether younger children will discriminate comprehensibility at all. | |
Reynolds, G.D. & Richards, J.E. (2004). Cortical source localization of infant visual attention and recognition memory. International Society for Infancy Studies, Chicago, IL. | conference | 2004 | Early studies of the development of recognition memory in infants demonstrated a negative component over central leads (Nc) with greater amplitude in event-related potentials following presentations of a novel stimulus than presentations of a familiar stimulus. In contrast, subsequent investigations utilizing a familiarization phase prior to stimulus exposure found that Nc amplitudes do not vary significantly following novel versus familiar stimulus presentations. Recent research has demonstrated that attention affects ERPs associated with recognition memory. The present study investigated the effects of familiarization and attention on electrophysiological correlates of recognition memory in infants. Seventy infants in the following three age groups were used as participants: 20, 26, and 32 weeks of age. Two familiarization groups were utilized: familiarization and familiarization control. Infants in the familiarization group were familiarized with two stimuli that were used during testing, infants in the familiarization control group were familiarized with two stimuli that were not used in subsequent testing. Following the familiarization phase, infants were exposed to a modified-oddball paradigm with presentations of three types of memory stimuli: frequent familiar, infrequent familiar, and infrequent novel. Electroencephalographic recordings were made with a 124-channel system and ERP averages were made from -50 ms to 2000 ms around stimulus onset. The ERP were quantified with spatial independent components analysis, and equivalent current dipoles" were estimated to locate cortical sources of the ERP components. Heart rate was measured as an index of attention. A negative component (Nc) was found to occur about 500 ms after stimulus onset. The cortical source of this component was located in areas of frontal cortex including the middle frontal gyrus inferior frontal gyrus and anterior cingulate cortex. Infants in the familiarization group demonstrated greater amplitude Nc components following novel stimulus presentations than familiar stimulus presentations. The familiarization control group did not display differences in the amplitude of Nc for stimulus type. Nc amplitude was greater during periods of attention than during periods of inattention. Age differences were found in late slow wave components for memory stimulus type. These findings suggest that familiarization attention and stimulus type impact ERPs associated with recognition memory in infants. | |
Richards, J.E., & Anderson, D.R. (2004). Attentional inertia in children’s extended looking at television. Advances in Child Development and Behavior, 32, 163-212.. | journal | Download | 2004 | In this chapter we consider sustained visual attention in children and adults. We focus on children’s looking at television, but we also consider sustained play with toys. Our work indicates that sustained looking at television or during play reveals attentional processes that have not been apparent in standard experimental studies of attention to static visual displays. In the child’s typical environment, attention is drawn to interesting, informative, and important aspects of the real world. The sensory and cognitive properties of such objects are often meaningful to the child and incorporate movement and change over time. We believe that often television programs and movies, and probably play with toys, mimic these types of stimuli and reveal patterns of attention that are not typically found in laboratory studies. In the present chapter, we focus on a phenomenon we call attentional inertia. Attentional inertia is a progressive increase in the attentional engagement as a look is sustained. In this chapter, we are primarily concerned with what happens once a look is initiated; why are looks subsequently sustained or terminated? We will review past work that shows attentional inertia during television and toy play, examine changes in the distribution of looks to television using data from a wide range of ages, and examine two quantitative models that account for extended looking during television viewing. |
Reynolds, G.D. & Richards, J.E. (2004). The convergence of electroencephalographic and heart reat measures of attention in infancy. International Society for Infancy Studies, Chicago, IL. | conference | 2004 | In two recent studies conducted in our laboratory, we have utilized heart rate (HR) and electroencephalographic (EEG/ERP) measures simultaneously with infant participants. These studies examined the effects of attention (measured with visual fixation and HR) on electrophysiological correlates of attention and recognition memory. In both studies, infants at ages 4.5, 6, and 7.5 months were presented with a “Sesame Street” movie that elicited periods of attention and inattention, and computer-generated stimuli were presented overlaid on the movie for 500 ms. Infants were familiarized with two stimuli that were used during testing. Following familiarization, infants were exposed to a modified oddball paradigm with presentations of three types of memory stimuli: frequent familiar (FF), infrequent familiar (IF), and infrequent novel (IN). ERP averages were made from -50 ms to 2000 ms around stimulus onset, and the heart rate data was parsed into HR-defined attention phases. This design resulted in three experimental conditions: age (4.5, 6, and 7.5 months), stimulus type (FF, IF, and IN), and attention (stimulus orienting, sustained attention, and attention termination). In the first study, the EEG was recorded from twenty locations. Topographical ERP scalp potential maps were calculated. An ERP component labeled the “Nc” (Negative Central, about 450 - 550 ms after stimulus onset) was larger during attention than inattention and increased in magnitude over the three testing ages during attention. Late slow waves in the ERP (from 1000 to 2000 ms post-stimulus onset) consisted of a positive slow wave in response to the infrequent familiar stimulus at all three testing ages. The late slow wave in response to the infrequent novel stimulus during attention was a positive slow wave for the 4.5 month old infants, to a positive-negative slow wave for the 6 month old infants, and a negative slow wave for the 7.5 month old infants. These results show attention facilitates the brain response during infant recognition memory and show that developmental changes in recognition memory are closely related to changes in attention. In the second study, two familiarization groups were utilized: familiarization and familiarization control. Infants in the familiarization group were familiarized with two stimuli that were used during testing, infants in the familiarization control group were familiarized with two stimuli that were not used in subsequent testing. EEG recordings were made with a 124-channel system. The ERP were quantified with spatial independent component analysis, and "equivalent current dipoles" were estimated to locate cortical sources of the ERP components. A negative component (Nc) was found to occur about 500 ms after stimulus onset. The cortical source of this component was located in the anterior cingulate gyrus. Differences in amplitude of Nc were found across groups during attentive states but not during periods of inattention. Late slow wave components were demonstrated that varied in temporal and spatial morphology with stimulus type. These findings suggest that familiarization, attention, and stimulus type impact ERPs associated with recognition memory in infants. Furthermore, the use of HR as a means of controlling for attentiveness in infants during stimulus presentation may serve to increase effect sizes found in studies utilizing EEG recordings. | |
Richards, J.E. (2004). A quantitative method to use high-density EEG recordings to localize cortical sources of infant cognitive activity. International Society for Infancy Studies, Chicago, IL. | conference | 2004 | Many models of infant cognitive development hypothesize that changes in cognition (attention, memory, face processing, language) are based upon the development of specific neural systems. Such cognitive neuroscience models have been tested in adults and older children with neuroimaging techniques such as PET and fMRI. However, the application of such techniques to infant participants is either unethical (e.g., PET) or impractical (e.g., fMRI). An alternative to such neuroimaging techniques is the use of high-density EEG recording and cortical source analysis. The current poster will overview a method being developed for such analyses with infant participants. The method consists of four steps: 1) recording of EEG activity with high-density (64- or 128-channel) EEG system. The use of the high-density EEG / ERP gives the resolution necessary to localize cortical sources of ERP activity. 2) analysis of individual participant raw segmented data with independent components analysis (ICA) or principal components analysis (PCA). The raw segmented data is analyzed rather than ERP averages, allowing the separation of cortical sources by experimental factors later in the analysis. The component analysis results in loadings that represent topographically-organized scalp sources. These scalp sources, particularly those from ICA, contain any single-source components generating the EEG. 3) identification of clusters of components with similar topographical loadings; 4) estimation of equivalent current dipole (ECD), i.e., cortical location. The ECD estimation is done on the components coming from individual participants, and are seeded by an ECD from the grand average of the cluster groups. 5) calculation of component activations in relation to experimental factors. whose loadings may be used to acquire single-source ECD models. The activations of the clustered component groups shows the experimental validity of the cortical sources identified in the ICA. This technique has been applied to cortical sources involved in infant spatial cueing, infant visual recognition memory, and the responses of young infants to face-stimuli. For example, the cortical source of the P1 validity effect in young infants during a spatial cueing task was shown to be located in the extrastriate occipital cortex and ventral fusiform gyrus. The “Nc” component occurring in response to the presentation of a brief visual stimulus had its cortical source in the prefrontal cortex, including the anterior cingulate. These results show that scalp-recorded EEG/ERP may help identify brain areas involved in infants’ cognitive development. The application of the high-density EEG recording and the methods for cortical source localization give researchers a tool to verify neurodevelopmental models of infant development. | |
Richards, J.E. (2004). Recovering dipole sources from scalp-recorded event-related-potentials using component analysis: Principal component analysis and independent component analysis. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 54, 201-220. | journal | Download | 2004 | Principal components analysis (PCA) and independent component analysis (ICA) were examined in their ability to recover cortical sources from simulated data. Datasets of EEG segments were generated that contained cortical sources that were temporally overlapping or non-overlapping, and cortical sources with varying degree of spatial orthogonality. For temporal overlapping cortical sources, both PCA and ICA resulted in components that required multiple-source equivalent current dipole models. The spatially overlapping cortical sources affected the PCA method more than ICA, resulting in single PCA components in which all nonorthogonal cortical sources were represented. For both PCA and ICA, dipole models with fixed-location dipoles successfully accounted for most of the variance in the component weights, even when the spatial or temporal overlap of the generating sources required multiple-dipole models. |
Courage, M., Reynolds, G.D., & Richards, J.E. (2004). Developmental and individual differences in infants' attention as a function of stimulus characteristics. International Society for Infancy Studies, Chicago, IL. | conference | 2004 | There is evidence that the duration of infants' looks (e.g., mean or peak look length) during habituation and other familiarization procedures decreases with age across the first year of life. This has generally been attributed to increased speed and/or efficiency in information processing with age. Moreover, individual differences in these same look-duration measures within age have been observed in several research labs (e.g., Colombo and colleagues; Rose and colleagues). These data indicate that "short" lookers compared to "long" lookers encode information more quickly (i.e., with briefer, more broadly distributed fixations), show higher novelty preferences (i.e., better recognition) on immediate and delayed tests, require less time to shift from processing global to local pattern information, disengage fixation from a stimulus more quickly, and show higher performance on tests of language and cognition in childhood. Longer look duration is ostensibly less mature and is typical of very young infants, as well as those who are at risk for developmental delay (e.g., preterm infants, infants with Down syndrome). However, most of these data have been based in infants' attention to static, two-dimensional, black and white patterned stimuli. In contrast, research in which infants' attention to dynamic, colorful, and complex stimuli (e.g., television material, novel toys) has been observed indicates that look duration often increases with age (e.g., Richards and colleagues; Ruff, Oakes and colleagues). This is especially likely when infants' heart rate and/or facial _expression and manual examination indicate that they are engaged in sustained or focused attention. One goal of the study reported here was to examine developmental and individual differences in infants' look duration to stimuli that vary in their configuration, complexity, and movement characteristics. Five groups of infants aged 14, 20, 26, 39, and 52 weeks were the participants. The infants were presented with 8 stimuli for 20 seconds of accumulated looking to each one. The stimuli were: a still frame of a woman's face, the same face in conversation (no sound), static and dynamic versions of a black and white matrix of dots, static and dynamic versions of a black and white geometric pattern, a single still frame from a Sesame Street video and a dynamic clip from the same video. The series of stimuli were presented twice. Each infant's heart rate was assessed during a 2 minute baseline periods immediately before the first and second series of stimulus presentations. Heart rate was also measured throughout the stimulus presentations. The results showed that for all stimulus types there was a significant decrease in look duration (peak look, mean look) from 14 to 26 weeks followed by one of two general patterns of look duration from 39 to 52 months (a) a continued decrease or a plateau -- for the achromatic geometric and the face stimuli or (b) a significant increase -- for the Sesame Street stimuli. This latter pattern is inconsistent with the traditional model of a linear decrease in look duration across the first postnatal year but is consistent with models of infant attention in which measures of look duration have been shown to increase with age sometime after 6 months. Patterns of individual differences in look duration and heart rate variability were complexly interrelated with these general developmental trends. In conclusion, the results of this study support the view that the development of infants' attention to visual stimuli is not a unitary process but may follow a multiphasic course (e.g., Colombo et al., 1999) in which look duration reflects the maturation of different cognitive and attentional processes over time. | |
Infant attention and cortical sources of ERP for recognition of briefly presented visual stimuli. J.E. Richards, Society for Research in Child Development, Tampa, FL. April, 2003. | conference | 2003 | ||
The impact of familiarization on elecrtrophysiological correlates of recognition memory in infants. G. Reynolds & J.E. Richards, Cognitive Neuroscience Society, New York, NY. March, 2003. | conference | 2003 | ||
Recovering cortical dipole sources from scalp-recorded event-related-potentials using component analysis: Principal component analysis and independent component analysis. J.E. Richards, Cognitive Neuroscience Society, New York, NY. March, 2003. | conference | 2003 | ||
Differential heart-rate activity in infants to uni- and multimodal events. R.P. Cooper & J.E. Richards, Society for Research in Child Development, Tampa, FL. April, 2003. | conference | 2003 | ||
Richards, J.E. (2003). Cortical sources of event-related-potentials in the prosaccade and antisaccade task. Psychophysiology, 40, 878-894. | journal | Download | 2003 | The cortical sources of event-related-potentials (ERP) were examined in the prosaccade and antisaccade task in college-age participants. Participants were presented with an antisaccade or prosaccade task with a cue that indicated the spatial location of the target, a cue that indicated the type of eye movement, or no cue. A principal component analysis of the target-related ERP showed a contingent negative variation, parietal activity, and extrastriate occipital activity. An overt spatial cue resulted in extrastriate activity localized in Brodmann’s area 19 whereas a covert cue results in activity in area 19 or 37. The presaccadic ERP activity primarily consisted of a contralateral positive potential and ipsilateral negative potential, which appears to be a result of activity in Brodmann’s areas 8, 10, and 11. These analyses suggest that several areas of the cortex and multiple psychological processes are involved in the control of eye movements in the antisaccade and prosaccade task. |
Richards, J.E. (2003). Development of attentional systems. In M. De Haan & M.H. Johnson (Eds.), The cognitive neuroscience of development (pp 73-98). East Sussex, UK: Psychology Press | chapter | Download | 2003 | The development of visual attention depends on developmental changes in the brain areas controlling attention. Some models are reviewed that hypothesize parallel developmental changes in visual attention and the brain, particularly in human infants. The applicability of these models is examined with experiments using psychophysiological measures (electroencephalogram (EEG), event-related potentials (ERP), heart rate) that are controlled by the hypothesized brain areas. This chapter emphasizes the need for using relatively direct measures of brain activity in addition to behavioral measures in the empirical examination of neurodevelopmental models of visual attention. |
Richards, J.E. (2003). Attention affects the recognition of briefly presented visual stimuli in infants: An ERP study. Developmental Science, 6, 312-328. | journal | Download | 2003 | This study examined the effect of attention in infants on the ERP changes occurring during the recognition of briefly presented visual stimuli. Infants at ages 4.5, 6, and 7.5 months were presented with a “Sesame Street” movie that elicited periods of attention and inattention, and computer-generated stimuli were presented overlaid on the movie for 500 ms. One stimulus was familiar to the infants and was presented frequently, a second stimulus was familiar but presented infrequently, and a set of 14 novel stimuli were presented infrequently. An ERP component labeled the “Nc” (Negative Central, about 450 - 550 ms after stimulus onset) was larger during attention than inattention and increased in magnitude over the three testing ages during attention. Late slow waves in the ERP (from 1000 to 2000 ms post-stimulus onset) consisted of a positive slow wave in response to the infrequent familiar stimulus at all three testing ages. The late slow wave in response to the infrequent novel stimulus during attention was a positive slow wave for the 4.5 month old infants, to a positive-negative slow wave for the 6 month old infants, and a negative slow wave for the 7.5 month old infants. These results show attention facilitates the brain response during infant recognition memory and show that developmental changes in recognition memory are closely related to changes in attention. |
Hunter, S.K., & Richards, J.E. (2003). Peripheral stimulus localization by 5- to 14-week-old infants during phases of attention. Infancy, 4,1-25. | journal | Download | 2003 | This study examined the effect of attention in young infants on the saccadic localization of peripheral stimuli. Infants ranging in age from 5 to 14 weeks were tested using a peripheral stimulus detection paradigm. The presence of a central fixation stimulus decreased detection probability, particularly if attention was engaged with the central stimulus. Peripheral stimulus localization usually was accomplished with a single eye movement. When localization was accomplished by multiple eye movements, corrective saccades occurred most frequently, and fixed-amplitude hypometric saccades occurred less frequently. A change in the "main sequence" was found from 5 to 11 weeks of age, and this decrease was independent of attention. |
Cortical source analysis of ERP of individual participants in psychophysiological experiments. J.E. Richards, Society for Psychophysiological Research, Washington, D.C. October, 2002. | conference | 2002 | ||
Cortical sources of ERP for infants' recognition of briefly presented visual stimuli. J.E. Richards, Society for Psychophysiological Research, Washington D.C.. October, 2002. | conference | 2002 | ||
Cortical sources of the P1 / N1 validity effect in spatial cueing in young infants. J.E. Richards, International Society for Infancy Studies, Toronto, CA. April, 2002. | conference | 2002 | ||
Developmental changes in the main sequence using interesting visual stimuli. B. McKinney, E. Lewis, V. Wills, & J.E. Richards, International Society for Infancy Studies, Toronto, CA. April, 2002. | conference | 2002 | ||
Differential heart-rate activity in infants to uni- and multimodal events. R.P. Cooper & J.E. Richards, Society for Psychophysiological Research, Washington, D.C. October, 2002. | conference | 2002 | ||
Getting distracted from the main task: Infants and preschoolers watching TV! J.E. Richards, International Society for Infancy Studies, Toronto, CA. April, 2002. | conference | 2002 | ||
Richards, J.E. (2002). Cortical sources of ERP for infants' recognition of briefly presented visual stimuli. Psychophysiology, 37, S70 (abstract). | journal | 2002 | ||
Richards, J.E. (2002). Cortical source analysis of ERP of individual participants in psychophysiological experiments. Psychophysiology, 37, S69 (abstract). | journal | 2002 | ||
Why are infants in-distractible during visual attention? Department of Psychology, Washington University, January, 2002. | presentation | 2002 | ||
Principal components analysis of event-related-potentials for cortical source analysis. Birbeck College, University of London, London, England, September 2002. | presentation | 2002 | ||
Neuroimaging in infants using ERP. Birbeck College, University of London, London, England, September, 2002. | presentation | 2002 | ||
Localizing cortical areas involved in cognitive function in infants: Perspectives from spatial cueing. Duke University, October, 2002. | presentation | 2002 | ||
Brain bases of attention-directed eye movements in infants. James S. McDonnell Foundation, Workshops on Infant Cognition, Venice, Italy, March, 2002. | presentation | 2002 | ||
Richards, J.E. (2002). Cortical sources of the P1 / N1 validity effect in spatial cueing in young infants. International Society for Infancy Studies, Toronto, CA. | conference | 2002 | Infants have been shown to covertly move attention around in space without moving fixation. This is shown in the “spatial cueing” procedure in which a cue indicates the side of an upcoming target (“valid trial”), or is contralateral to the target (“invalid trial’). Infants localize the target more quickly if the cue and target are in the same location than when not (“facilitation”), though at certain stimulus-onset-asychrony durations target localization may be delayed (“inhibition of return”). Two prior studies have shown with scalp-recorded event-related-potentials (ERP) that there is an enhancement of the first positive component to target onset for the validly cued target. However, these studies were done with relative few electrodes (e.g., 10-20 system) and can not be used to infer the cortical sources for these ERP effects. The present study identifies cortical activity related to spatial cueing using 128-channel EEG recording. The infants in this study were 14 or 20 weeks of age. A spatial cueing procedure was used in which a central stimulus was presented for two seconds and a “cue” stimulus was then presented in the periphery for 300 ms. Subsequently, a “target” stimulus was presented on the same side of the cue or the opposite side of the cue. Control trials were included in which a target was presented without a previous cue. The EEG was recorded with a “high-density” system using 124 scalp channels and two eye movement channels. The EEG was used to make event-related-potential averages around the time of the target onset and immediately preceding the saccade towards the target. Traditional ERP analyses showed a “validity effect” in which there was an enhanced P1 ERP component to the target on the same side as the cue, compared to the P1 amplitude on the contralateral side or on control trials. “Brain electrical source analysis” (BESA, cortical source analysis) was used to identify the cortical areas involved in this ERP effect. Cortical areas were identified that were hypothesized to be involved in this effect, an electrical current source was hypothesized at that location, an electrical scalp distribution based on that cortical current source was generated, and the hypothesized and actual electrical distributions were compared. Two cortical sources could be identified that accounted for ERP activity occurring about 100 to 130 ms following target onset. First, there was a current source located around the calcarine fissure, in the primary visual cortex (Brodmann area 17). This activity was unrelated to the validity of the target and occurred whenever a target appeared. Second, there was a current source located in the fusiform gyrus (Brodmann area 19). This area was activated most highly for validly cued targets relative to either control trials (no cue) or invalidly cued targets (contralateral cue). This result suggests that the “P1 validity effect” in infants may be due to the enhancement of the “ventral stream” for processing objects rather than a function of “spatial attention”. | |
Richards, J.E. (2002). Getting distracted from the main task: Infants and preschoolers watching TV! International Society for Infancy Studies, Toronto, CA. | conference | 2002 | The “distractibility” phenomenon is characterized as a competition between a central task and a competing secondary task. Several studies have shown that when young children are watching interesting TV programs that they engage in extended looking indicating increasing attention engagement. This looking is accompanied by increased memory for scenes, relative indistractiblity from looking away from the TV, heart rate changes indicating progressive attention engagement, and increased comprehension of TV content. Watching TV is a “primary task” to which attention is directed and irrelevant secondary events are ignored. Recently, it was shown that infants and young preschoolers, ages 6 to 26 months, are harder to distract from a children’s movie (“Follow that Bird”) when looking and heart rate measures indicated attention is directed to the television. There were two findings. First, the longer a look was in progress, the longer the distraction latency and the less likelihood that the distractor was localized. Second, the heart rate changes occurring at the time of distractor onset moderated this influence. The period immediately before distractor onset had a larger sustained lowered heart rate for the trials on which the children continued looking at the center TV monitor than for the trials on which the children looked to the distractor. There were some effects in that study that suggested the older age children (18, 24 months) also were less distractible during “comprehensible” movies than during “incomprehensible” computer-generated patterns. Alternatively, 6 and 12 month old infants were equally attentive to movie and computer-generated patterns. Currently, the effect of TV program comprehensibility on distractibility is being examined with two kinds of stimuli. First, normal movie-like presentations (e.g., “Follow that Bird”) are presented or movies with scrambled sequences are shown. It is hypothesized that infants from 6 to 24 months will not distinguish these sequences because of an inability to follow the thematic elements of the movie. Alternatively, normal movies with backward speech, foreign language, scrambled speech, or scrambled intrascene sequences should be less comprehensible than either normal sequenced or scrambled sequence movies for older infants for whom language comprehension is advanced enough to appreciate the language elements of the presentation. The level of attention to the movie is examined by recording heart rate changes and determining if infants and young preschoolers are distracted by stimuli presented on peripheral TV monitors. Three general conclusions come from these studies. First, the basic patterns of distraction from the “main task” are established early in life, as early as 6 months of age. This is shown by the regular relation between visual attention engagement and distraction, and patterns of heart rate change and distraction. Second, the underlying distraction processes are modified by elements external to distractibility. These two studies show that the comprehensibility of the stimuli affects distraction parameters. Finally, these studies show the applicability of the distraction procedure and recording of heart rate changes in the study of attention in the early preschool period. | |
Richards, J.E. (2002). Cortical source analysis of ERP of individual participants in psychophysiological experiments. Society for Psychophysiological Research, Washington, D.C. | conference | 2002 | The identification of cortical sources of event-related potentials (ERP) can be used to study psychologically-related brain activity with non-intrusive measures in traditional psychophysiological tasks. These analyses usually are done on measures averaged over a group of many participants. This presentation will show some of the techniques necessary for analyzing this in individual participants. Its use will be illustrated in a study of antisaccade-related presaccadic-ERP in children and adults, and identification of cortical sources in infant participants. There are four steps necessary for analyzing cortical sources for individual participants. First, knowledge of individual's head structure is necessary to correlate scalp-recorded ERP with brain structure. This may be accomplished via structural MRIs of individuals, or by "warping" external head measurements on individuals to representative brain topographies (representative or "average" MRI, stereotaxic atlas). Second, numerical techniques quantify the ERP for the individual. This may be participant-based grand averages. The methods include spatial component analysis (independent component analysis, principal component analysis), which can result in measures of component activation for a single participant or single trials. Third, a variety of source techniques exist that may be used to locate the cortical source of the scalp-recorded ERP. These include numerical methods and commercial computer packages. Finally, the locations found in the source analysis must be related to the cortical structures for that individual. | |
Richards, J.E., & Hunter, S.K. (2002). Testing neural models of the development of infant visual attention. Developmental Psychobiology, 40, 226-236. | journal | Download | 2002 | There have been several models of the development of infant visual attention that have used information about neural development. Most of these models have been based on non-human animal studies and have relied on indirect measures of neural development in human infants. This paper discusses methods for studying a “neurodevelopmental” model of infant visual attention using indirect and direct measures of cortical activity. We concentrate on the effect of attention on eye movement control and show how animal-based models, indirect measurement in human infants, and direct measurement of brain activity inform this model. |
Cooper, R.P, & Richards, J.E. (2002). Differential heart-rate activity in infants to uni- and multimodal events. Society for Psychophysiological Research, Washington, D.C. (PDF). | presentation | Download | 2002 | This investigation compared visual and heart-rate defined attention in infants to multimodal displays. To date, 37 infants (14 to 26-weeks-old) saw and/or heard 9 events (twice, for a total of 18 trials) in a semi-random sequence: (1) visual only (geometric form, adult-directed face, infant-directed face), (2) auditory only (music, AD voice, ID voice), and (3) visual+auditory (geometric form+music, AD face+voice, ID face+voice). ECG was recorded using Ag-AgCl electrodes and digitized at 1 KHz. Interbeat intervals were calculated during prestimulus and poststimulus periods (for each trial). Trial duration was determined by two successive periods of HR deceleration/acceleration, or 60 seconds (whichever came first). There was a significant effect of event type on percent HR deceleration/trial length (F(8, 566)=2.09, p<.04), with the longest decelerations on ID face+voice trials (M =.65,SD=.23). This measure was < .60 for the other stimulus events. Also, a significant main effect of event type on percent visual attention/trial length was found (F(8,652)=11.81,p<.001), with the largest amount of looking on geometric+music trials (38%) and ID face+voice trials (36%) compared to all other stimulus events. Although infants looked the least on auditory alone trials (all < 20%), they were as attentive (defined by HR deceleration) on these trials as to visual alone. These results suggest that visual and auditory events are not equal in their ability to direct and maintain infants’ attention, with most attention generated by female ID multimodal interactions. |
McKinney, B., Lewis, E., Wills, V., & Richards, J.E. (2002). Developmental changes in the main sequence using interesting visual stimuli. International Society for Infancy Studies, Toronto, CA.. | conference | 2002 | This study examined the quantitative characteristics of infant saccadic eye movements in infants from 17 to 26 weeks of age. The “main sequence” is a linear relation between saccade velocity and amplitude. The main sequence relation is generated by the brainstem areas that control oculomotor nerves. In this study the main sequence was examined when infants made a saccade from an initial stimulus to a distractor stimulus in the display. Change in heart rate, which is an index of attention, and the experimentally defined stimuli were examined together. Infants ranging in age from 17 to 26 weeks (total N = 12) were presented with experimentally defined stimuli in a Sesame Street movie. The segmented scenes consisted of random scenes shown as filler and one of five scene changes: calibration, movement combinations, location switch, location/character switch, and additions. The scene changes were initiated by a button press by the experimenter when the infant was looking at the correct location. Once the infant attended to the initial stimulus, a button was pressed which presented the second scene. This was followed by another button press once the infant attended to the second stimulus. This occurred for 55 s trial lengths. The electrooculogram was used to measure saccadic eye movements and the electrocardiogram was used to measure heart rate and heart rate phases. The fastest velocity of the saccade and the total amplitude of the saccade were quantified. The main sequence relation between saccade velocity and amplitude was found in this study. That is, the velocity of the saccade was positively correlated with the amplitude of the saccade. The effect of attention on the main sequence relation was also examined. The decreased main sequence slopes for all ages during sustained attention were significantly different from the slopes during stimulus orienting and attention termination. There was not a significant difference between the slopes for the heart rate phase types, stimulus onset and attention termination. During sustained attention, the main sequence slopes show that there is a difference between the oldest age group (26 weeks) and the younger ages (17 and 20 weeks). However, the slopes for 17 and 20 week olds were not significantly different during this phase type. Finally there were no real differences in main sequence slopes among the age groups during attention termination. These changes in main sequence slopes across phase types for the three age groups support the theory that the visual system continues to develop postnatally. These findings suggest that attention promotes the main sequence relation in infants. | |
Richards, J.E. (2002). Cortical sources of ERP for infants' recognition of briefly presented visual stimuli. Society for Psychophysiological Research, Washington D.C. (PDF) | conference | Download | 2002 | Young infants show ERP component responses to briefly presented visual stimuli dependent on stimulus familiarity and probability. Some components (e.g., "Nc") represent simple orienting to the stimulus, whereas other components (late slow wave) are affected by recognition memory. This study examined these ERP components in infants from 20 to 32 weeks using high-density EEG recording to quantify cortical sources of these components. Twenty infants were presented with a Sesame Street recording that was replaced with a familiar stimulus presented frequently ("FF"; 60% probability) or infrequently ("IF"; 20% probablity), and novel stimuli presented infrequently ("IN"; 20% probablity). Heart rate was used to assess the infant's attention to the Sesame Street recording at the time of the brief stimulus presentation (attentive or inattentive). EEG was recorded with a 124-channel system (EGI) and ERP averages were made from -50 ms to 2000 ms around stimulus onset. The ERP were quantified for each participant with spatial principal component (PC) analysis, clustered with other participant's PCs, and "equivalent current dipoles" were estimated for averaged PC loadings and individual participant loadings to locate cortical sources of the ERP components. There were three findings. First, a spatial PC representing broad frontal-central negativity was active at about 500 ms following the brief stimulus presentation ("Nc" component). This activity was larger if the infant was in an attentive state. The size of the Nc component did not differ for the IN, IF, and FF stimuli. The cortical source of this component was located in the anterior cingulate gyrus (Brodmann area 33). Second, a PC reflecting scalp activity over the parietal scalp showed late slow wave activity (750 to 1600 ms). This cortical activity did not occur for the FF stimuli, was negatively activated for the IN stimuli and positively activated for the IF stimuli. It was present primarily on presentations in which the infant was attentive, but did occur to a lesser degree when the infant was inattentive but still fixating toward the monitor. The cortical source of this activity was the superior parietal lobe (Brodmann area 7). Third, at about the same time as the second component, there was a activation of a PC broadly spaced over central and parietal-central leads (800 to 1500 ms). This activity occurred only for the IN stimuli, and was unaffected by attention. Its cortical source was located in the posterior portion of the cingulate gyrus (Brodmann area 23). These results identify cortical sources of recognition memory activity in young infants. They suggest that the affect of attention is to enhance the cortical areas involved in "stimulus orienting" and those involved in recognition memory. |
Extended visual fixation and distractibility during television viewing in the early preschool years. J.E. Richards, Society for Research in Child Development, Minneapolis, MN, April, 2001. | conference | 2001 | ||
Using high-density EEG recording to localize cortical sources of infant attention.. J.E. Richards, Society for Research in Child Development, Minneapolis, MN, April, 2001. | conference | 2001 | ||
Richards, J.E. (2001). Attention in young infants: A developmental psychophysiological perspective. In C.A. Nelson & M. Luciana (Eds.), Developmental cognitive neuroscience (pp. 321-338) Cambridge, MA, US: MIT Press. | chapter | Download | 2001 | Attention changes dramatically in the period of infancy. Attention is selective and involves the focusing of cognitive processing on specific objects or tasks. Attention also has an arousal aspect, reflecting ehanced processing when attention is engaged. It is commonly thought that the development of attention is based heavily on the age-related changes in brain structures responsible for attention control. The present chapter will do three things. First, two types of brain systems that may be involved in attention and which show development will be reviewed. Second, psychophysiological measures that have been useful in the study of brain-attention relation development in infants will be presented. Finally, several studies will be examined that studied the development of infant attention with these psychophysiological methods. These experiments will be related to changes occurring in the neural systems underlying attention. |
Richards, J.E., and Turner, E.D. (2001). Distractibility during extended viewing of television in the early preschool years. Child Development, 72, 963-972. | journal | Download | 2001 | Distractibility during extended visual fixations in children from 6 months to 2 years of age was examined. A children's movie ("Sesame Street" movie, "Follow that Bird") was presented for a minimum of 20 min while fixation was videotaped and heart rate was recorded. Distractors (computer-generated patterns or another “Sesame Street” movie) were presented on an adjacent TV screen. Consistent with prior research with older preschool aged children, the latency to turn toward the distractor was a function of the length of the look occurring before the distractor onset. The heart rate at the time immediately before distractor onset had a larger sustained lowered heart rate for the trials on which the children continued looking at the center TV monitor than for the trials on which the children looked to the distractor. This pattern of distractibility suggests attention increases over the course of a look toward the television and that heart rate changes reflect this increase in attention.. |
Frick, J., & Richards, J.E. (2001). Individual differences in recognition of briefly presented visual stimuli. Infancy, 2, 331-352. | journal | Download | 2001 | Infants' recognition memory has been shown to be related to individual differences in look duration and level of heart period variability. This study examined the effect of individual differences in these two measures on infants' recognition of briefly presented visual stimuli using a paired-comparison recognition-memory paradigm. A sample of 35 full-term infants was studied longitudinally at 14, 20, and 26 weeks of age. Recognition memory for briefly presented stimuli was tested in six experimental conditions, with delays corresponding to different heart rate-defined phases of attention. The 20- and 26-week-old infants, and infants with high levels of heart period variability, generally showed more recognition memory for briefly presented visual stimuli. Further, greater amounts of recognition memory were demonstrated when stimuli were presented during sustained attention. The results do not provide support for broad individual differences in recognition memory for briefly presented visual stimuli. The results do indicate that stimulus and procedural factors may be more important for the study of individual differences in infant visual attention than has previously been suggested. |
Richards, J.E. (2001). Cortical indices of saccade planning in infants. Infancy, 2, 123-133 | journal | Download | 2001 | This paper briefly reviews the development of cortical involvement in saccadic eye movement in young infants. A distinction between reflexive and voluntary saccadic eye movements is made and developmental changes in the neural systems controlling these eye movements are discussed. Cortical indices of saccade planning in adults have been measured using scalp-recorded "event-related-potential" (ERP). Event-related-potential measurement may provide a manner in which reflexive and voluntary saccadic eye movements may be distinguished in infants. Three studies are introduced that used ERP measures to infer saccade planning in young infants, and two short papers comment on these studies. |
Richards, J.E. (2001). Cortical indices of saccade planning following covert orienting in 20-week-old infants. Infancy, 2, 135-157 | journal | Download | 2001 | This study examined scalp-recorded "event-related-potential" (ERP) indices of saccade planning in 20-week-old infants. A spatial cueing procedure was used in which the infants were presented with a central fixation stimulus and a peripheral cue. A peripheral target followed the cue on the ipsilateral or contralateral side of the cue. The procedure resulted in covert orienting of attention in these participants, reflected in behavioral (e.g., response facilitation or inhibition of return depending on cue-target stimulus-onset-asynchrony) and ERP (P1 facilitation to ipsilateral target) indices of covert orienting of attention. A presaccadic ERP potential occurred over the frontal cortex about 50 ms before the saccade onset that was largest when the saccade was to a target in a cued location. A presaccadic ERP potential occurred about 300 ms before the saccade onset that was largest for the saccades toward the cued location whether the target was present or not. These results suggest that saccade planning occurs in infants at this age and that this saccadic planning is controlled by cortical systems. |
The effect of attention on the recognition of brief visual stimuli in infants: An ERP study. J.E. Richards, Society for Psychophysiological Research, San Diego, CA, October, 2000. | conference | 2000 | ||
The effect of attention on the recognition of brief visual stimuli: An ERP study. J.E. Richards, International Conference for Infancy Studies, Brighton, England, July 2000. | conference | 2000 | ||
The development of covert attention to peripheral targets and its relation to attention to central visual stimuli. J.E. Richards, International Conference for Infancy Studies, Brighton, England, July 2000. | conference | 2000 | ||
Developmental changes in the “main sequence” relation in infant saccades. S.K. Hunter & J.E. Richards, International Society for Infancy Studies, Brighton, England, July, 2000. | conference | 2000 | ||
The effect of cueing on presaccadic ERP for pro- and anti-saccades. J.E. Richards, Society for Psychophysiological Research, San Diego, CA, October, 2000. | conference | 2000 | ||
Richards, J.E. (2000). The effect of cueing on presaccadic ERP for pro- and anti-saccades. Psychophysiology, 37. (abstract). | journal | 2000 | ||
Richards, J.E. (2000). The effect of attention on the recognition of brief visual stimuli in infants: An ERP study. Psychophysiology, 37. (abstract). | journal | 2000 | ||
Saccade planning in adults and infants: Brain control of voluntary movement. Department of Psychology, Virginia Polytechnic University, March, 2000. | presentation | 2000 | ||
Studying the mind by examining the brain. Department of Psychology, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, February, 2000. | presentation | 2000 | ||
Development of attention in young infants: Some “arousing” studies. Sackler Institute Meeting, New Orleans, LA, February, 2000. | presentation | 2000 | ||
Lansink, J.M., Mintz, S., & Richards, J. E.. (2000). The distribution of infant attention during object examination. Developmental Science. 3, 163-170. | journal | Download | 2000 | The distribution of attention during toy play was studied in 6-, 9-, and 12-month old infants. Heart rate and behavioral measures of attention were collected as the infants interacted with either a single object or multiple objects. The first look often consisted of a sequence of casual inspection (casual attention), active examination of the toy (focused attention), casual inspection, and then a look away; fixations were initiated with casual attention and terminated during casual attention. Subsequent fixations consisted of such sequences, or a single episode of casual inspection (casual attention). On some episodes the infants would cycle between casual and focused attention several times before looking away. Heart rate-defined sustained attention occurred more frequently at the transition from the first casual attention to focused attention and during the cycling between casual and focused attention. The proportion of time spent in sustained attention during this cycling was found to increase across the three testing ages. A look away from the object was usually preceded by a behavioral judgement of casual attention accompanied by heart-rate-defined inattention. |
Richards, J.E. (2000). Localizing the development of covert attention in infants using scalp event-related-potentials. Developmental Psychology, 36, 91-108. | journal | Download | 2000 | This study examined covert shifts of attention in infants aged 14, 20, and 26 weeks of age, using scalp-recorded event-related-potentials (ERP). The infants were presented with a central fixation stimulus, and a peripheral cue stimulus was presented. A target followed the cue on the ipsilateral or contralateral side of the cue. The ERP was calculated from a 10-20 recording montage. The reaction time to localize the target showed covert attention shifts (e.g., response facilitation or inhibition of return depending on cue-target stimulus-onset-asynchrony). There was a larger P1 ERP component when the cue was presented on the ipsilateral side than when it was presented on the contralateral side, or on control trials. Presaccadic ERP potentials were larger to the target when it was in the cued location than when it was in uncued locations, suggesting that infants expected the target in that location. There were increases from 14- to 26-weeks of age in the amount of inhibition of return, post target onset P1 effect, and in the presaccadic ERP potentials. These results suggest that cortical development is related to the development of covert orienting of attention and saccade planning in infants in this age range. |
Richards, J.E. (2000). Development of multimodal attention in young infants: Modification of the startle reflex by attention. Psychophysiology, 37, 65-75. | journal | Download | 2000 | This study examined the effect of level of attention engagement to compound auditory-visual stimuli on the modification of the startle blink reflex in young infants. Infants at 8, 14, 20, or 26 weeks of age were presented with interesting stimuli that had both audio and visual components. After stimulus onset, at delays defined by heart rate changes known to be associated with sustained attention or attention disengagement, blink reflexes were elicited by visual or auditory stimuli. Blink amplitude was enhanced when the infants were engaged in attention to the foreground auditory-visual stimuli relative to control trials with no foreground patterns. This enhancement of the blink amplitude increased from 8 to 26 weeks of age. There was no significant difference in the attention-enhancement effect between the visual and auditory blink stimuli. In distinction to selective modality enhancement when single modality stimuli are presented, these results show that these multimodal stimuli engage both visual and auditory attention systems in this age range.. |
Richards, J.E., & Cronise, K. (2000). Extended visual fixation in the early preschool years: look duration, heart rate changes, and attentional inertia. Child Development, 72, 602-620 | journal | Download | 2000 | Visual fixation in infants from 6 months to 2 years of age was examined for its fit to the theory of "attentional inertia". A children's movie ("Sesame Street" movie, "Follow that Bird") or an extended audiovisual stimulus (computer-generated patterns) was presented for a minimum of 20 min while fixation was videotaped and heart rate (HR) was recorded. Consistent with attentional inertia theory, fixations toward the stimuli had a lognormal distribution, HR decreased over the course of a look, and HR returned to prestimulus levels immediately prior to look offset. Older children (18 months, 24 months) showed a distinction in the parameters describing the lognormal distribution for the "Sesame Street" movie and the audiovisual patterns, whereas younger children (6 months, 12 months) responded similarly to the two stimulus types. Fixation patterns of children in this age range suggest attention increases over the course of a look, and parameters consistent with attentional inertia theory differentially develop in this age range.. |
Los indices cortezas del los saccades planeados despues de “Covert Orienting” in los infantes que tengan 20 semanas. J.E. Richards, Congreso Latinamericano Neuropsychologica, Varadero, Cuba, October, 1999. | conference | 1999 | ||
Cortical indices of saccade planning following covert orienting in 20-week-old infants. J.E. Richards, Society for Psychophysiological Research, Granada, Spain, October, 1999. | conference | 1999 | ||
Development of extended visual fixation in early childhood. J.E. Richards, Society for Research in Child Development, Albuquerque, NM, April, 1999. | conference | 1999 | ||
Development of multimodal attention in young infants: Modification of the startle reflex by attention. J.E. Richards, Society for Psychophysiological Research, Granada, Spain, October, 1999. | conference | 1999 | ||
Richards, J.E. (1999). Cortical indices of saccade planning following covert orienting in 20-week-old infants. Psychophysiology, 36, S95 (abstract). | journal | 1999 | ||
Richards, J.E. (1999). Development of multimodal attention in young infants: Modification of the startle reflex by attention. Psychophysiology, 36, S95 (abstract). | journal | 1999 | ||
Richards, J. E., & Holley, F.B. (1999) Infant attention and the development of smooth pursuit tracking. Developmental Psychology,35, 856-867. | journal | 1999 | ||
Development of attention in young infants: Some “arousing” studies. International Society of Developmental Psychobiology, Miami, FL, October, 1999. | presentation | 1999 | ||
Richards, J.E., & Holley, F.B. (1999). Infant attention and the development of smooth pursuit tracking. Developmental Psychology, 35, 856-867. | journal | Download | 1999 | The effect of attention on smooth pursuit and saccadic tracking was studied in infants at 8, 14, 20, and 26 weeks of age. The infants were presented with a small rectangle moving in a sinusoidal pattern at speeds ranging from 4 to 24 deg/sec in either the horizontal or vertical direction. Attention level was distinguished with a recording of heart rate changes known to be related to sustained attention or inattentiveness. There was an increase across these four ages in overall stimulus tracking, the gain of the smooth pursuit eye movements over the stimulus movement, and in the amplitude of compensatory saccades at faster tracking speeds. One age change was an increase in the preservation of smooth pursuit tracking ability as stimulus speed increased. A second developmental change was the increasing tendency during attentive tracking for infants to shift from smooth pursuit to saccadic tracking when the stimulus speed increased to the highest velocities. This study shows that attention has a large effect on eye movements used during stimulus tracking in young infants and that the development of smooth pursuit and targeted saccadic eye movements is closely related to the development of sustained attention in this age range. |
Theoretical implications of infant distractiblity in selective attention. J.M. Lansink & J.E. Richards, International Society for Infancy Studies, Atlanta, GA, April, 1998. | conference | 1998 | ||
Localizing the development of covert attention in infants using scalp event-related-potentials. J.E. Richards, International Society for Infancy Studies, Atlanta, GA, April, 1998. | conference | 1998 | ||
Peripheral stimulus localization during visual attention in 5-, 8-, 11-, and 14-week old infants. S.K.Hunter & J.E. Richards, International Society for Infancy Studies, Atlanta, GA, April, 1998. | conference | 1998 | ||
Individual differences in infants' recognition of briefly presented visual stimuli. J.E. Frick & J.E. Richards, International Society for Infancy Studies, Atlanta, GA, April, 1998. | conference | 1998 | ||
Frick, J.E., & Richards, J.E. (1998). Individual differences in infants' recognition of briefly presented visual stimuli. Infant Behavior and Development, 21. (abstract). | journal | 1998 | ||
Richards, J.E. (1998). Localizing the development of covert attention in infants using scalp event-related-potentials. Infant Behavior and Development, 21. (abstract). | journal | 1998 | ||
Richards, J.E. (1998). Focusing on visual attention. Early Development and Parenting, 7, 153-158. | journal | 1998 | ||
Lansink, J.M, & Richards, J.E. (1998). Theoretical implications of infant distractibility in selective attention. Infant Behavior and Development, 21. (abstract). | journal | 1998 | ||
Hunter, S.K., & Richards, J.E. (1998). Peripheral stimulus localization during visual attention in 5, 8, 11, and 14-week old infants. Infant Behavior and Development, 21. (abstract). | journal | 1998 | ||
Richards, J.E., & Lansink, J.M. (1998). Distractibility during visual fixation in young infants: The selectivity of attention. In C. Rovee-Collier, L. Lipsitt, & H. Hayne (Eds.), Advances in Infancy Research (Volume 13, pp. 407-444). Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishing Co. | chapter | 1998 | Attention is a cognitive process with which we focus information processing activity on specific objects and exclude other objects from consideration. The selective aspect of attention enhances the intensity of cognitive processing on the object or location to which attention is directed. The selectivity of visual attention often involves spatial selectivity. Fixation is directed to one portion of the visual field and attention is directed to objects in that part of the visual field. Alternatively, some objects in the visual field of fixation may be selected and others ignored. The "selective" and "intensity" aspects of attention have been discussed in recent reviews of infant attention development (Berg & Richards, 1997; Richards & Hunter, 1998; Ruff & Rothbart, 1996). In infants, the selectivity and intensity aspects of attention have been measured with distraction paradigms. If the infant is actively attending to a specific object in a part of the visual field (selectivity), and intense cognitive processing is occurring (intensity), then the infant should not be distractible by events occurring in other parts of the visual field. Richards (1987) did the first systematic manipulation using this paradigm. Three- to six-month-old infants were presented with a visual pattern on a TV screen that elicited large heart rate changes. The heart rate changes were presumed to indicate that stimulus orienting or active attention engagement was occurring. A visual stimulus was presented in the periphery, and the latency to direct fixation towards the stimulus was measured. The latency to be distracted by the peripheral stimulus was longer if the heart rate changes were still occurring (attention engaged) than if heart rate had returned to its prestimulus level (attention disengaged). Thus, infant distractibility is inversely related to attentive engagement. This chapter will do three things. First, we will summarize briefly three models of attention that have emphasized attention's selectivity. In this section we will present a model based on the neurophysiological development in infants that reflects one aspect of distractibility research. Second, we will review some research using distractibility as a measure of infant attention. We also will emphasize the methods that have been used to measure distractibility during engaged attentive activity in young infants. Third, we will present recent findings from our own work showing the locus of attention's selectivity, and the generality of selectivity. | |
Richards, J.E., & Hunter, S.K. (1998). Attention and eye movement in young infants: Neural control and development. In J.E. Richards (Ed.), Cognitive neuroscience of attention: A developmental perspective (pp. 131-162). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. | chapter | Download | 1998 | Infant attention shows rapid development from 2 to 6 months of age. In particular, attention seems to change from exogenous controlled fixation to individual voluntary control of sustained attention. At the same time, several eye movement systems are showing rapid development. These include the smooth pursuit system, having a "functional" origin at 2 months and dramatic improvement through six months, "visual capture" at 2 months to endogenous control fixation by six months. These changes in eye movement, controlled by developing neural systems, intersect the development in sustained attention. In this chapter I will discuss how the parallel development of the eye movement control systems and attention systems leads to attention-influenced eye movement patterns in the first six months. |
Richards, J.E. (1998). Cognitive neuroscience of attention: A developmental perspective. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. | book | 1998 | Introduction The book will cover physiological bases of attention, including research on primates, theoretical models of brain systems that control guided eye movements during attention, a neuropsychological approach to attention and pre-attentive processes, and object-based attention. The book will also present developmental cognitive neuroscience models of attention. These developmental models will include both infant and child models, will include infant peripheral stimulus localization, object-segregation, object concept and attention, and covert attention. | |
Hicks, J.M., & Richards, J.E. (1998). The effects of stimulus movement and attention on peripheral stimulus localization by 8- to 26-week-old-infants. Infant Behavior and Development, 21, 571-589. | journal | Download | 1998 | Peripheral stimulus localization in infants occurs infrequently during sustained attention to a focal stimulus, and occurs more frequently when no focal stimulus is present, or if a focal stimulus is present but is unattended. This study examined the effect of stimulus movement on localization probability and latency during attention and inattention. Forty infants, 10 each at 8, 14, 20, and 26 weeks of age were presented with a central stimulus. Then, a peripheral stimulus was presented (static or dynamic checkerboard) during attention or inattention to the central stimulus. Stimulus movement did not affect localization probability. Infants localized the dynamic peripheral stimulus more quickly than the static peripheral stimulus, particularly when there was no focal stimulus. Signal detection analysis showed that sensitivity to the peripheral stimulus increased over this age range along with a decrease in the bias against responding. The effects of attention were on response bias, and sensitivity to stimulus movement was independent of attention phase. These results are consistent with a model of attention affecting the localization response to the peripheral stimulus but not affecting the sensitivity of the sensory and perceptual pathways for peripheral stimuli. |
Kelly, S.J., & Richards, J.E. (1998). Heart rate orienting and respiratory sinus arrhythmia development in rats exposed to alcohol or hypoxia. Neurotoxicology and Teratology, 20, 193-202. | journal | Download | 1998 | The effect of alcohol exposure and hypoxia on the heart rate orienting response and RSA development was studied in preweanling rats. Rats were artificially reared from postnatal days 4 through 12 and either exposed to alcohol (5 g/kg/day) or hypoxia (two 15-min episodes/day) from postnatal days 4 to 10. Control groups consisted of artificially reared and normally reared rats not exposed to alcohol or hypoxia. The heart rate and respiration was recorded at baseline and during repeated exposures to auditory and visual stimuli every other day from postnatal day 13 through 21. The hypoxia group showed an enhanced heart rate orienting response to the auditory stimuli on postnatal days 17 and 19 compared to the other three groups, which did not differ from each other. The baseline interbeat interval increased over this period of time and there was a large increase in respiratory sinus arrhythmia from postnatal day 15 to 21. The alcohol and hypoxia rats showed significantly less of an increase in respiratory sinus arrhythmia on postnatal days 19 and 21. All rats showed a greater response to the auditory stimuli than to the visual stimuli on postnatal days 17 and 19 and all groups showed equivalent habituation to both stimuli within a session. The results suggest that respiratory sinus arrhythmia and the heart rate response to stimuli may not be strongly related during this developmental stage in the rat and that hypoxia but not alcohol exposure alters attentional processes for auditory stimuli as measured by the heart rate orienting response. |
Richards, J.E. (1998). Focusing on visual attention. Early Development and Parenting, 7, 153-158. | journal | Download | 1998 | This article reviews Chapter 3 concerning visual attention in Mark Johnson's Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience book. The book covers the field of visual attention with an illustrative approach to how brain development influences the development of visual attention in infants. There are some limitations of this chapter. One limitation is the limited range of topics and depth of studies that are covered, probably due to space limitations. It also is apparent from this chapter that direct manipulations of infant brain systems during development are lacking in this field, and direct measures of brain activity in infants would be helpful in the study of attention. This chapter, and the book in general, provides a useful introduction to this newly emerging field of cognitive developmental neuroscience. |
Richards, J.E. (1998). Development of selective attention in young infants: Enhancement and attenuation of blink startle reflex by attention. Developmental Science,1, 45-51 | journal | Download | 1998 | This study examined the effect of level of attention engagement on the modification of the blink reflex in young infants. Infants at 8, 14, 20, or 26 weeks of age were presented with interesting visual or auditory stimuli. At delays defined by changes in heart rate known to be associated with sustained attention or attention disengagement, blink reflexes were elicited by visual or auditory blink reflex stimuli. Blink amplitude varied according to the level of attention, and the match between the foreground and blink reflex stimulus. If the infant was attending to the foreground stimulus, a blink reflex stimulus in the same modality resulted in enhanced blink reflex magnitude. A blink reflex stimulus the other modality resulted in an attenuated blink reflex magnitude. If attention was not engaged with the foreground stimulus, this modulation of the blink reflex did not occur. This selective modality effect showed an increasing tendency to occur between 8 and 26 weeks of age. These results show that selective attention to modalities increases over this age range. |
Localizing infant covert attention with scalp ERP's. J.E. Richards, Society for Psychophysiological Research, Cape Cod, MA. October, 1997. | conference | 1997 | ||
Localizing infant covert attention with scalp ERP's. J.E. Richards, Cognitive Neurosciences Society, Boston, MA. April, 1997. | conference | 1997 | ||
Heart rate and behavioral measures of infant attention during toy play. J. Lansink, J.E. Richards, and S. Mintz, Society for Research in Child Development, Washington, D.C. April, 1997. | conference | 1997 | ||
Attentional inertia in infants and preschool aged children. K. Cronise, M.R. Sylvia, & J.E. Richards, Society for Research in Child Development, Washington, D.C. April, 1997. | conference | 1997 | ||
Richards, J.E. (1997). Localizing infant covert attention with scalp ERP's. Psychophysiology, 34. (abstract). | journal | 1997 | ||
The development of sustained attention in infants. Department of Psychology, University of Alabama at Birmingham, March, 1997. | presentation | 1997 | ||
Richards, J. E. (1997). "Effects of attention on infants' preference for briefly exposed visual stimuli in the paired-comparison recognition-memory paradigm." Dev Psychol 33(1): 22-31. | journal | 1997 | his study examined the effect of attention on 3- to 6-month-olds responses to briefly exposed visual stimuli. In Study I, stimuli presented at 2.5 or 5.0 s resulted in a familiarity preference in a subsequent paired-comparison procedure. A novelty preference was found with 10.0- or 20.0-s exposure durations. In Study 2, a Sesame Street movie elicited heart-rate-defined attention phases and stimuli replaced Sesame Street during sustained attention, attention termination, or 5.0 s following attention termination. For 20 and 26-week-olds. Stimuli presented for 5.0 s during sustained attention resulted in a novelty preference similar to that found when exposure time was 20.0 s. The duration of stimulus exposure during sustained attention in the familiarization phase was positively correlated with the preference for the novel stimulus in the paired-comparison procedure. Thus, processing of briefly presented visual stimuli differs depending on the type of attention in which the infant is currently engaged. | |
Kelly, S.J., & Richards, J.E. (1997). Development of heart inter-beat interval variability in preweanling rats: Effects of exposure to alcohol and hypoxia. Physiology and Behavior, 61, 231-241. | journal | Download | 1997 | The effect of alcohol exposure and hypoxia on the development of heart rate and heart inter-beat interval (IBI) variability was studied in preweanling rats. Rats were artificially reared from postnatal day (PD) 4 through 12 and either exposed to alcohol (5 g/kg/day) or hypoxia (two 15 min episodes/day) from PD 4 to 10. Control groups consisted of artificially reared and normally reared rats not exposed to alcohol or hypoxia. The heart rate and respiration was recorded for 20 min sessions every other day from PD 5 through 21. Inter-beat intervals and measures of their variability caused by respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) were computed from the recordings. There was a steady decline in average IBI across this age range. There was little change in RSA from PD 5 to 15, followed by a large increase in RSA level from PD 15 to 21. The alcohol and hypoxia rats showed significantly less of an increase in RSA level on PD 19 and 21. Large bradycardias in heart rate occurred in all groups on PD 5, 9, and 17, and were more prevalent in rats exposed to alcohol or hypoxia. These data suggest that neural control of the chronotropic functions of the heart undergoes major changes in the late preweanling stage and the changes in neural control are slowed by hypoxia or alcohol exposure during the early postnatal period. |
Richards, J.E. (1997). Localization of peripheral stimuli by infants: Age, attention and individual differences in heart rate variability. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 23, 667-680. | journal | Download | 1997 | The effect of attention to a focal stimulus on 3 to 6 month old infants’ peripheral stimulus localization was examined in this study. Fixation was engaged on a central visual stimulus and a stimulus was presented in the periphery after discrete time intervals (0 to 12 s) or until changes in heart rate (HR) occurred. Peripheral stimulus localization occurred less frequently when a significant HR deceleration had occurred (sustained attention) than when HR had returned to its prestimulus level (attention termination). Infants with high HR variability levels were less likely to be distracted by the peripheral stimulus during sustained attention than low HR variability infants. A signal detection analysis showed that response bias was altered by attention, and that during inattention high HR variability infants were more likely to shift fixation away from the central stimulus independent of the peripheral stimulus presence. These data suggest that infant attention affects decision processes for continuing focal stimulus fixation rather than affecting peripheral stimulus discriminability. |
Richards, J.E., & Hunter, S.K. (1997). Peripheral stimulus localization by infants with eye and head movements during visual attention. Vision Research. 37, 3021-3035 | journal | Download | 1997 | The effect of attention to a focal stimulus on 14, 20 and 26-week-old infant's peripheral stimulus localization with eye and head movements was examined in this study. Fixation was engaged on a stimulus in the central visual field and a stimulus was presented in the periphery immediately or after a delay. Peripheral stimulus localization occurred less frequently near the beginning of fixation and when a significant heart rate deceleration had occurred (sustained attention), compared with when no focal stimulus was present or after heart rate had returned to prestimulus level (attention termination). Localization was accompanied by head movements on more than twothirds of the trials, and the likelihood of head movements was positively associated with stimulus eccentricity. The saccades to localize the peripheral stimulus had unusually high velocities in the attention conditions for the two older aged groups relative to their saccades in inattentive conditions. There were unusual "localizing head movements" in the attention conditions in the absence of loc~lizing saccades or changes in fixation for the two older age groups. Infant attention modulates eye movement characteristics of infants. These data also support the hypothesis that eye and head mow.~ment systems are relatively independent in the infant, and that eye-head relations during infant attention may be different from during inattention. |
Richards, J.E. (1997). Effects of attention on infants' preference for briefly exposed visual stimuli in the paired-comparison recognition-memory paradigm. Developmental Psychology, 33, 22-31. | chapter | Download | 1997 | The effects of attention on 3 to 6 month old infants' responses to briefly exposed visual stimuli were examined in two studies. In Study 1, infants were exposed to stimuli ranging in duration from 2.5 to 20 s. Stimuli presented at 2.5 or 5.0 s resulted in a "familiarity preference" in a subsequent paired-comparison procedure, whereas a "novelty preference" was found with 10 or 20 s exposure durations. In Study 2, a recording of a Sesame Street movie was used to elicit heart rate defined attention phases. Stimuli replaced Sesame Street for 2.5 or 5.0 s, during heart-rate defined sustained attention, attention termination, or 5 s following attention termination. For 20 and 26 week old infants, stimuli presented for 5.0 s during sustained attention resulted in shortened fixation times on the previously exposed stimulus and a "novelty preference" effect similar to that found when the exposure time was 20 s in length. The duration of stimulus exposure occurring during sustained attention in the familiarization phase was positively correlated with the preference for the novel stimulus in the paired-comparison procedure. Stimuli presented during attention termination resulted in familiarity preference in a subsequent paired-comparison procedure. Thus, processing of briefly presented visual stimuli is markedly different depending on the type of attention in which the infant is currently engaged. Some mechanisms for infants' acquisition of stimulus information are suggested. |
Berg, W.K, & Richards, J.E. (1997). Attention across time in infant development. In P.J. Lang, R.F. Simons, and M.T. Balaban (Eds), Attention and orienting: Sensory and motivational processes (pp. 347-368). Mahway, NJ: Erlbaum. | journal | Download | 1997 | The process of reacting to the events transpiring in our environment is a complex one involving many steps. The type of attention response to make at any one time - orienting versus defensive responses, selective versus nonselective, for example - must first be determined. This determination is made in conjunction with the modulation and sequencing of a set of responses over time, often with later responses being altered as a result of information gathered in the initial analysis. The evidence is growing that infants demonstrate such contingently programmed sequences of analysis, but that these behaviors undergo developmental changes in the first months of life. It is this chapter's purpose to illustrate these results, particularly as they are evidenced in the relation between cardiac activity and cognitive development. |
Lansink, J.M., & Richards, J.E. (1997). Heart rate and behavioral measures of attention in 6-, 9-, and 12-month-old infants during object exploration. Child Development, 68, 610-620. | journal | Download | 1997 | This study examined the effect of heart rate and behavioral measures of attention on distractibility of 6-, 9-, and 12-month old infants. The infants were presented with a toy, and a distractor was presented while they attended to the toy. The distractor was presented during heart rate changes indicating sustained attention or attention termination, or during periods of time when behavioral ratings indicated the infant was in focused or casual attention. There were longer distraction latencies during attentional engagement as defined by heart rate changes or behavioral ratings than for periods of inattention. Infants had the longest distraction latencies when heart rate and behavior measures were congruent with respect to attention engagement (heart rate deceleration and focused attention). Conversely, latencies were shortest for congruent values of inattention (heart rate acceleration and casual attention). Infant information processing may be greatest when a heart rate deceleration occurs simultaneously with an episode of focused attention. |
Richards, J.E., & Gibson, T.L. (1997). Extended visual fixation in young infants: Look distributions, heart rate changes, and attention. Child Development. 68, 1041-1056. | journal | Download | 1997 | Visual fixation in infants from 3 to 6 months of age was examined for its fit to the theory of "attentional inertia". This theory posits that during the progression of a look there is increasing attention toward the stimulus and an "inertia" to continue fixation. An extended audiovisual stimulus was presented for 20 min to infants while fixation was videotaped and heart rate (HR) was recorded. Consistent with the attentional inertia theory, fixations toward the stimulus had a lognormal distribution. Hazard functions describing these distributions showed a decreasing conditional probability of looking away with increases in fixation duration. Fixation onset and stimulus changes occurring within a fixation were accompanied by HR deceleration. The average HR level continued to decrease over the duration of a fixation and returned to prestimulus level immediately prior to the fixation offset. Infant fixation has characteristics similar to fixation in children and adults, and attention appears to increase over the course of a look in young infants. |
Attentional inertia in 14, 20, and 26 week infants. J.E. Richards & T.L. Gibson, International Society for Infancy Studies, Providence, RI. April, 1996. | conference | 1996 | ||
Stimulus movement and peripheral stimulus localization by 20- and 26-week-old infants. J. Hicks & J.E. Richards, International Society for Infancy Studies, Providence, RI. April, 1996. | conference | 1996 | ||
Stimulus movement and peripheral stimulus localization by 20- and 26-week-old infants. J. Hicks & J.E. Richards, Society for Psychophysiological Research, Vancouver, BC, Canada. October, 1996. | conference | 1996 | ||
Physiological and behavioral measures of attention in 6-, 9-, and 12-month-old infants during toy play. J. Lansink & J.E. Richards, International Society for Infancy Studies, Providence, RI. April, 1996. | conference | 1996 | ||
Invited Symposium: Infant attention development: Perspectives from cognitive neuroscience. J.E. Richards, International Society for Infancy Studies, Providence, RI. April, 1996. | conference | 1996 | ||
Attentional inertia in 14, 20, and 26 week infants. J.E. Richards & T.L. Gibson, Society for Psychophysiological Research, Vancouver, BC, Canada. October, 1996. | conference | 1996 | ||
Smooth pursuit and saccadic tracking eye movements are affected by attention in young infants. J.E. Richards & F. Holley, International Society for Infancy Studies, Providence, RI. April, 1996. | conference | 1996 | ||
Physiological and behavioral measures of attention in 6-, 9-, and 12-month-old infants during toy play. J. Lansink & J.E. Richards, Society for Psychophysiological Research, Vancouver, BC, Canada. October, 1996. | conference | 1996 | ||
Richards, J.E., & Holley, F. (1996). Smooth pursuit and saccadic tracking eye movements are affected by attention in the young infant. Infant Behavior and Development, 19. (abstract). | journal | 1996 | ||
Richards, J.E., & Gibson, T.L. (1996). Attentional inertia in 14, 20, and 26 week old infants. Psychophysiology, 33. (abstract). | journal | 1996 | ||
Richards, J.E., & Gibson, T.L. (1996). Attentional inertia in 14, 20, and 26 week old infants. Infant Behavior and Development, 19. (abstract). | journal | 1996 | ||
Richards, J.E. (1996). Infant attention development: Perspectives from cognitive neuroscience. Infant Behavior and Development, 19. (abstract). | journal | 1996 | ||
Lansink, J., & Richards, J.E. (1996). Physiological and behavioral measures of attention in 6-, 9-, and 12-month-old infants during toy play. Psychophysiology, 33. (abstract). | journal | 1996 | ||
Lansink, J., & Richards, J.E. (1996). Physiological and behavioral measures of attention in 6-, 9-, and 12-month-old infants during toy play. Infant Behavior and Development, 19. (abstract). | journal | 1996 | ||
Hicks, J., & Richards, J.E. (1996). Stimulus movement and peripheral stimulus localization by 20- and 26-week-old infants. Psychophysiology, 33. (abstract). | journal | 1996 | ||
Hicks, J., & Richards, J.E. (1996). Stimulus movement and peripheral stimulus localization by 20- and 26-week-old infants. Infant Behavior and Development, 19. (abstract). | journal | 1996 | ||
Why don't infants look at peripheral stimuli? Infancy Group, Human Frontiers Science Program, Kings College, Cambridge University, Cambridge, England, September, 1996. | presentation | 1996 | ||
The development of sustained attention in infants. Department of Psychology, Virginia Polytechnic University, October, 1996. | presentation | 1996 | ||
Sustained attention in the infant's first year. Cognitive Development Unit, Medical Research Council, University College, London, England, September, 1996. | presentation | 1996 | ||
Smooth pursuit and saccadic tracking eye movements are affected by attention in young infants. J.E. Richards & F. Holley, Society for Psychophysiological Research, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. October, 1995. | conference | 1995 | ||
Development of heart rate, RSA, and heart rate orienting in rat pups: A model for Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and Respiratory Distress Syndrome? J.E. Richards & S.J. Kelley, Society for Psychophysiological Research, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. October, 1995. | conference | 1995 | ||
Richards, J.E., & Kelly, S.J. (1995). Development of heart rate, RSA, and heart rate orienting in rat pups: A model for Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and Respiratory Distress Syndrome? Psychophysiology, 32, S62. (abstract) | journal | 1995 | ||
Richards, J.E., & Holley, F. (1995). Smooth pursuit and saccadic tracking eye movements are affected by attention in young infants. Psychophysiology, 32, S63. (abstract). | journal | 1995 | ||
Richards, J.E. (1995). Reliability of respiratory sinus arrhythmia, in 14, 20, and 26 week old infants. Infant Behavior and Development, 18, 155-161. | journal | 1995 | ||
Sustained attention in infants. Midlands Technical College, Psychology Seminar Series, March, 1995. | presentation | 1995 | ||
Richards, J.E. (1995). Reliability of respiratory sinus arrhythmia, in 14, 20, and 26 week old infants. Infant Behavior and Development, 18, 155-161. | journal | Download | 1995 | Measures of respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) in R-R intervals were calculated from a five minute recording of 3 to 6 month old full-term infants. The reliability of the measures was estimated with Cronbach's a for sampling durations of 5, 15, 25, or 60 seconds, for single or multiple samples from each of the five baseline periods. Reliability of RSA was good (> .8) for samples of 25 seconds or greater, but decreased with smaller sampling durations. The sensitivity of the measures in detecting an age effect between 14, 20, and 26 week old infants correlated positively with the reliability of the measure. This study suggests that reliability of RSA measures in young infants is acceptable. |
Richards, J.E. (1995). Infant cognitive psychophysiology: Normal development and implications for abnormal developmental outcomes. In T.H. Ollendick & R.J. Prinz (Eds.), Advances in Clinical Child Psychology (Vol 17, pps 77-107). New York: Plenum Press. | chapter | Download | 1995 | Psychophysiology may be defined as "the study of relations between psychological manipulations and resulting physiological responses, measured in the living organism, to promote understanding of the relation between mental and bodily processes" (Andreassi, 1989). The main impetus of psychophysiology is to relate psychological behavior to underlying physiological systems. Psychophysiology is also the study of parallel relations between psychological behavior and physiological systems. Psychophysiological research typically uses non-invasive recording methods and human subjects. Cognitive psychology is the study of behavior such as attention, memory, information processing, thinking, and language. Cognitive psychophysiology uses physiological functions to study these functions. The present chapter reviews some studies of infant cognitive development that have used psychophysiological models. The focus will be on those research models in which the infant's cognitive development is thought to be inextricably related to the development of the physiological system. |
Infants' recognition of briefly presented visual stimuli as a function of attention status. John E. Richards, International Society for Infant Studies, Paris, France. June, 1994. | conference | 1994 | ||
Development of selective attention in infants from 8 to 26 weeks of age: Evidence from central-peripheral attention systems. Society for Psychophysiological Research, Atlanta, GA. October, 1994. | conference | 1994 | ||
Richards, J.E. (1994). Baseline respiratory sinus arrhythmia and heart rate responses during sustained visual attention in preterm infants from 3 to 6 months of age. Psychophysiology, 31, 235-243. | journal | 1994 | ||
Richards, J.E. (1994). Infants' recognition of briefly presented visual stimuli as a function of attention status. Infant Behavior and Development, 17 (May), 895. (abstract) | journal | 1994 | ||
Development of selective attention in infants from 8 to 26 weeks of age: Evidence from central-peripheral attention systems. Workshop honoring Frances Graham, Society for Psychophysiological Research, October, 1994. | presentation | 1994 | ||
Development of attention in young infants to television and objects. Children's Televisions Workshop, New York, NY. March, 1994. | presentation | 1994 | ||
Richards, J.E. (1994). Baseline respiratory sinus arrhythmia and heart rate responses during sustained visual attention in preterm infants from 3 to 6 months of age. Psychophysiology, 31, 235-243. | journal | Download | 1994 | Three groups of preterm infants were studied longitudinally at 14, 20, and 26 weeks of age (corrected for gestational age). The groups included infants with no perinatal medical complications, those with mild respiratory problems requiring ventilatory assistance, and those with respiratory distress syndrome. Baseline heart rate and respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) were recorded for 5 min, and heart rate was also recorded while the infants engaged in sustained visual attention to stimuli presented on video monitors. The heart rate response during stimulus orienting and sustained attention was smaller in those infants with respiratory distress syndrome than in the other preterm infants and in comparison with the response seen in full-term infants in previous research. Magnitude of RSA was positively correlated with the attention responses irrespective of the preterm group assignment. There was greater stability in baseline heart rate and RSA for the preterm infants than has been found with fullterm infants. These data suggest that the cardiorespiratory functioning of the preterm infant indexes a stable individual difference characteristic that is correlated with heart responses during sustained attention, and heart rate attention systems may be damaged in the high-risk preterm infant. Descriptors: Infant heart rate, Respiratory sinus arrhythmia, Preterm infants, Respiratory distress syndrome, Sustained attention |
Infant blink reflexes as a function of visual attention status. J.E. Richards, Society for Psychophysiological Research, Munich, Germany. October, 1993. | conference | 1993 | ||
Infant blink reflexes as a function of visual attention status. J.E. Richards, Society for Research in Child Development, New Orleans, LA, March, 1993. | conference | 1993 | ||
Richards, J.E. (1993). Infant blink reflexes as a function of visual attention status. Psychophysiology, 30. (abstract). | journal | 1993 | ||
Theoretical issues in psychophysiological research: Cognitive and perceptual development. Conference on Psychophysiology as a Theoretical Science, National Institute of Mental Health, Washington, D.C., March, 1993. | presentation | 1993 | ||
Infant selective attention development....In the blink of an eye! Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC. September, 1993. | presentation | 1993 | ||
Developmental cognitive neuroscience with human infants. School of Medicine, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC. August, 1993. | presentation | 1993 | ||
Individual differences in infant visual attention and cardio-respiratory indices of "vagal tone". J.E. Richards, Society for Psychophysiological Research, San Diego, CA. October, 1992. | conference | 1992 | ||
Development of the relation between attention systems in early infancy. J.E. Richards, Society for Psychophysiological Research, San Diego, CA. October, 1992. | conference | 1992 | ||
The development of the relation between attention systems in early infancy. John E. Richards, International Society for Infant Studies, Miami, FL. May, 1992. | conference | 1992 | ||
Infant peripheral visual stimulus localization as a function of central attention status. John E. Richards, International Society for Infant Studies, Miami, FL. May, 1992. | conference | 1992 | ||
Richards, J.E. (1992). The development of the relation between attention systems in early infancy. Infant Behavior and Development, 15 (May), 121. (abstract) | journal | 1992 | ||
Richards, J.E. (1992). Infant peripheral visual stimulus localization as a function of central attention status. Infant Behavior and Development, 15 (May), 651. (abstract) | journal | 1992 | ||
Richards, J.E. (1992). Individual differences in infant visual attention and cardio-respiratory indices of "vagal tone". Psychophysiology, 29, S59. (abstract) | journal | 1992 | ||
Richards, J.E. (1992). Development of the relation between attention systems in early infancy. Psychophysiology, 29, S13. (abstract) | journal | 1992 | ||
Richards, J.E., & Casey, B.J. (1992). Development of sustained visual attention in the human infant. In B.A. Campbell, H. Hayne, & R. Richardson (Eds.), Attention and information processing in infants and adults: Perspectives from human and animal research (pps. 30-60). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. | chapter | Download | 1992 | Many investigators have posited that infant attention consists of multiple components or processes (Cohen, 1972, 1973; Richards, 1987; Ruff, 1986a). The components of infant attention occur sequentially. Cognitive activity differs during these components, and during each component the infant processes stimulus information differently. The idea of attention phases, or components of attention, occurs in the literature on adult cognition. Many researchers examining adult cognition (e.g., Posner & Boies, 1971; Posner & Cohen, 1982; Robinson & Peterson, 1986) have postulated distinct components of attention in adult cognitive activity. The theoretical models of attention components posit that attention phases may be distinguished by their utilization of cognitive processing resources. Behavioral measures or physiological arousal can be used to assess resource utilization. An example of a behavioral measure is the "dual-task" procedure (see Siddle & Spinks, this volume). Performance Or) a "primary" task and a "secondary" task (often a probe) may require the same processing resources. Allocating resources to either the primary or secondary task reduces the level of resources available for the other task. The degradation of performance on the other task is a measure of the level of resource allocation to the original task. Active cognitive processing also affects physiological systems. The amount of cognitive resources allocated is thought to be proportional to the extent of physiological responses Oennings, 1986; Kahneman, 1973). Many physiological systems (e.g., heart rate, pupil dilation, respiration, skin conductance response) correlate with resource allocation Oennings, 1986). This chapter reviews research showing that infant attention consists of multiple components, emphasizing individual and developmental differences in sustained attention. Two concerns are emphasized. First, behavioral measures can be used to distinguish components of infant attention. Second, heart rate (100m.) changes during visual fixation closely parallel the behavioral measures. The distinction of attention components in infants relies on a multioperational definition using both behavior and HR. |
The conceptualization and measurement of attention in infant and young children (conversation hour). Chair: Holly Ruff. Society for Research in Child Development. Seattle, WA. April, 1991. | conference | 1991 | ||
Sustained visual attention in preterm infants from 3 to 6 months of age. J.E. Richards, Society for Research in Child Development. Seattle, WA. April, 1991. | conference | 1991 | ||
Peripheral visual stimulus localization as a function of central stimulus attention status in young infants. J.E. Richards, Society for Psychophysiological Research., Chicago IL. October, 1991. | conference | 1991 | ||
Infant eye movements during peripheral visual stimulus localization as a function of central stimulus attention status. J.E. Richards, Society for Psychophysiological Research., Chicago IL. October, 1991. | conference | 1991 | ||
Richards, J.E. (1991). Infant eye movements during peripheral visual stimulus localization as a function of central stimulus attention status. Psychophysiology, 28, S4. (abstract) | journal | 1991 | ||
Richards, J.E. (1991). Peripheral visual stimulus localization as a fucntion of central stimulus attention status in young infants. Psychophysiology, 28, S46. (abstract) | journal | 1991 | ||
Richards, J.E., & Casey, B.J. (1991). Heart rate variability during attention phases in young infants. Psychophysiology, 28, 43-53. | journal | 1991 | ||
Development of sustained attention and distractibility in early infancy. Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY. November, 1991. | presentation | 1991 | ||
The development of visual attention in young infants. Russell Research Award Lecture Series, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC. September, 1991. | presentation | 1991 | ||
The development of sustained attention in young infants. Graduate Center of the City University of New York, New York, NY. November, 1991. | presentation | 1991 | ||
Casey, B.J., & Richards, J.E. (1991). A refractory period for the heart rate response in infant visual attention. Developmental Psychobiology, 24, 327-340. | journal | 1991 | A refractory period for the heart rate (HR) response of 14-,20-, and 26-week-old infants to second stimulus onset and primary stimulus offset during termination of visual attention was investigated. A stimulus that elicited a significant HR deceleration was presented. Following the return of HR to prestimulus level, a second stimulus occurred or the first stimulus ended at time delays of 0, 3, 6, and 9 s. If the second stimulus occurred at 0 or 3 s after HR returned to its prestimulus level, the HR response was smaller than the initial HR orienting response (OR). A usual HR OR resulted by waiting 6-9 s after the return of HR to prestimulus level. A significant offset response occurred only for the 6-sec delay. Active inhibition of vagal cardiac activity during attention termination may cause the observed refractory period in the HR response, which appears to last from 3-6 s following sustained attention. | |
Richards, J.E., & Casey, B.J. (1991). Heart rate variability during attention phases in young infants. Psychophysiology, 28, 43-53. | journal | Download | 1991 | Heart rate variability during visual attention was studied in infants who were tested crosssectionally at 14, 20, or 26 weeks of age. They were presented with a recording of a Sesame Street program on a TV screen. After heart rate had decelerated below the prestimulus level and then returned to prestimulus level, a computer-generated pattern replaced the Sesame Street display. Heart rate variability changed throughout attention. The change consisted of a decrease in variability during attention and a return to prestimulus levels approximately five seconds following attention termination. The heart rate and variability responses are consistent with a model of parasympathetic vagal influence on the heart in which vagal firing is increased during sustained attention and is inhibited during attention termination. DESCRIPTORS: Heart rate variability, Visual attention, Infants, Vagal influence. |
Infant visual recognition memory performance as a function of heart rate defined phases of attention. J.E. Richards & B.J. Casey, Society for Psychophysiological Research, Boston, MA. October, 1990. | conference | 1990 | ||
Sustained visual attention in preterm infants from 3 to 6 months of age. J.E. Richards, Society for Psychophysiological Research, Boston, MA. October, 1990. | conference | 1990 | ||
Infant visual recognition memory performance as a function of heart rate defined phases of attention. J.E. Richards & B.J. Casey, International Conference on Infant Studies, Montreal, Canada, April, 1990. | conference | 1990 | ||
Development of visual sustained attention in infants. J.E. Richards, Fifth International Congress of Psychophysiology, Budapest, Hungary. July, 1990. | conference | 1990 | ||
Richards, J.E., & Casey, B.J. (1990). Infant visual recognition memory performance as a function of heart rate defined phases of attention. Psychophysiology, 27, S58. (abstract) | journal | 1990 | ||
Richards, J.E. (1990). Sustained visual attention in preterm infants from 3 to 6 months of age. Psychophysiology, 27, S57. (abstract) | journal | 1990 | ||
Richards, J.E., & Casey, B.J. (1990). Infant visual recognition memory performance as a function of heart rate defined phases of attention. Infant Behavior and Development, 13, 585. (abstract) | journal | 1990 | ||
Heart rate defined phases of infant visual information processing. Langfield Lecture Series, Princeton University, June, 1990. | presentation | 1990 | ||
Modulating heart rate changes in older infants. Fifth International Congress of Psychophysiology, Budapest, Hungary. July, 1990. | presentation | 1990 | ||
The effects of attention on infant behavior in the paired-comparison paradigm. Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY. June, 1990. | presentation | 1990 | ||
Short-term reliability of measures of R-R interval variability in healthy, full-term 14, 20, and 26 week old infants. J.E. Richards, Society for Psychophysiological Research, New Orleans, LA, October, 1989. | conference | 1989 | ||
OS/2, multi-tasking, and psychophysiological experimentation. J.E. Richards, Society for Psychophysiological Research, New Orleans, LA, October, 1989. | conference | 1989 | ||
Heart rate and reaction time as indices of automatic and controlled processing in children, B.J. Casey & J.E. Richards, Society for Psychophysiological Research, New Orleans, LA, October, 1989. | conference | 1989 | ||
A refractory period for the heart rate response in infant visual attention. B.J. Casey & J.E. Richards, Society for Research in Child Development, Kansas City, April, 1989. | conference | 1989 | ||
Casey, B.J., & Richards, J.E. (1989). Heart rate and reaction time as indices of automatic and controlled processing in children. Psychophysiology, 26, S18. (abstract). | journal | 1989 | ||
Richards, J.E. (1989). OS/2, multi-tasking, and psychophysiological experimentation. Psychophysiology, 26, S50. (abstract) | journal | 1989 | ||
Richards, J.E. (1989). Short-term reliability of measures of R-R interval variability in healthy, full-term 14, 20, and 26 week old infants. Psychophysiology, 26, S51. (abstract). | journal | 1989 | ||
Discussant, Conference on Physiological Basis of Higher Mental Functions, National Institutes of Child Health and Human Development, Philadelphia, PA. May, 1989. | presentation | 1989 | ||
Richards, J.E. (1989). Development and stability in heart-rate-defined, visual sustained attention in 14, 20, and 26 week old infants. Psychophysiology, 26. 422-430. | journal | Download | 1989 | Infants were studied at 14, 20, and 26 weeks of age in a longitudinal design. They were presented with varying and complex patterns on a TV screen. Two-thirds of the presentations were accompanied by a stimulus in the periphery delayed in time from the onset of fixation on the central stimulus. As in previous research, the infants were not as easily distracted by the interrupting stimulus when the presentation occurred at the point of maximal heart rate deceleration as when the presentation occurred at the end of the heart rate response. Infants with large amounts of respiratory sinus arrhythmia (i.e., heart rate variability) in a baseline recording were less distractible during the deceleration-defined trials than were infants with low amounts of respiratory sinus arrhythmia. Intra-individual patterns of development in respiratory sinus arrhythmia over the testing ages were closely paralleled by patterns of heart rate responding during sustained attention. Individual differences in baseline levels of heart rate and respiratory sinus arrhythmia were more stable than individual differences in sustained attention. The stability of attention responses over age may be mediated by the stability of the physiological system (e.g., heart rate, respiratory sinus arrhythmia, etc.), and by the within-age relation of attention to heart rate variability. DESCRIPTORS: Attention, Heart rate, Infants, Respiratory sinus arrhythmia. |
Richards, J.E., & Cameron, D. (1989). Infant heart rate variability and behavioral-developmental status. Infant Behavior and Development, 12, 45-58. | journal | Download | 1989 | Physiological recordings of heart rate (HR)and HRvariability were taken in a baseline recording of infants at 14, 20, and 26 weeks of age. The measures included HRmean,HR standard deviatian, and respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA). The Bayley Developmental Examwas given at 26 weeks of age for one group and at 26 and 52 weeks of age for a second group. Parental report of temperament was obtained with the Infant Temperament Questionnaire at 26 weeks of age. The Bayley Mental Development Index (MDI) was significantly correlated with concurrently recorded HRlevel and standard deviation of HR. The approach subscale of the temperament rating was consistently positively carrelated with RSA at each of the baseline recording ages, whereas the other temperament measures were inconsistently associated with physiological measures. Stability of the HRvariability measures was associated with concurrent developmental level, as well as good developmental outcome at 12 months. These results support the position that variability in HR may be indexing important physiological phenomena which are strongly associated with the developmental status of the young infant. |
Richards, J.E. (1989). Sustained visual attention in 8-week-old infants. Infant Behavior and Development, 12, 425-436. | journal | Download | 1989 | Sustained visual attention was studied in 8-week-old infants. The infants were presented with varying and complex patterns on a TV monitor. At a delay from the onset of fixation on this stimulus, a similar pattern was presented on an adjacent TV monitor within the infant's field of vision. This secondary stimulus was presented when heart rate slowed significantly below prestimulus level, when the heart rate returned to prestimulus level, or at 3 or 7 s following the onset of the first stimulus. The infants were less easily distracted by the secondary stimulus when heart rate was lower than prestimulus level than when it had returned to prestimulus levels. The amount of heart rate slowing on the heart rate deceleration trials was significantly correlated with baseline amplitude of respiratory sinus arrhythmia (Le., heart rate variability). Distraction time was positively correlated with heart rate variability on heart rate deceleration and heart rate acceleration trials. These results replicate the measurement of sustained attention in older infants and extend the study of the development of sustained attention earlier in life. However, there may be a dissociation between behavioral and physiological indices of sustained attention which become more closely associated in the next 2 to 3 months. |
Heart rate variability during attention phases in young infants: A model of vagal parasympathetic changes during attention. J.E. Richards & B.J. Casey, Society for Psychophysiological Research, San Francisco, CA, October, 1988. | conference | 1988 | ||
Symposium: The use of respiratory sinus arrhythmia as a psychophysiological measure of vagal parasympathetic cardiac control. J.E. Richards, Society for Psychophysiological Research, San Francisco, CA, October, 1988. | conference | 1988 | ||
HR-defined phases of visual information processing in infants. J.E. Richards, & B.J. Casey, International Conference on Infancy Studies, Washington, D.C., April, 1988. | conference | 1988 | ||
Development and stability in visual sustained attention in young infants. J.E. Richards, International Conference on Infancy Studies, Washington, D.C., April, 1988. | conference | 1988 | ||
A refractory period for the heart rate response in infant visual attention. B.J. Casey & J.E. Richards, Society for Psychophysiological Research, San Francisco, CA, October, 1988. | conference | 1988 | ||
Casey, B.J., & Richards, J.E. (1988). A refractory period for the heart rate response in infant visual attention. Psychophysiology, 25, 439. (abstract) | journal | 1988 | ||
Richards, J.E., & Casey, B.J. (1988). Heart rate variability during attention phases in young infants: A model of vagal parasympathetic changes during attention. Psychophysiology, 25, 427-429. (abstract) | journal | 1988 | ||
Casey, B.J., & Richards, J.E. (1988). Development and stability in visual sustained attention in young infants. Infant Behavior and Development, 11. (abstract) | journal | 1988 | ||
Richards, J.E., & Casey, B.J. (1988). HR-defined phases of visual information processing in infants. Infant Behavior and Development, 11. (abstract) | journal | 1988 | ||
Assessment of respiratory sinus arrhythmia and developmental psychophysiology. Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA. June, 1988. | presentation | 1988 | ||
Development of sustained attention in 3 to 6 month olds. Department of Psychology, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA. May, 1988. | presentation | 1988 | ||
Richards, J.E. (1988). Heart rate offset responses to visual stimuli in infants from 14 to 26 weeks of age. Psychophysiology, 25, 278-291. | journal | Download | 1988 | Heart rate offset responses to visual stimuli were studied in infants tested cross-sectionally at 14,20, and 26 weeks of age. In Experiments 1 and 2, offset responses were measured in each infant following visual stimuli presented with three procedures. The fixed interval method consisted of stimulus presentations of 7 s in duration. The infant control method consisted of stimulus presentations which were terminated when the infant looked away from them. The interrupted stimulus method consisted of stimulus presentations which were terminated when the infant looked away toward an interrupting, secondary stimulus. In Experiment 3 these procedures were compared with two procedures in which stimulus termination occurred at the point of heart rate deceleration or the return of heart rate toward prestimulus level. The stimuli in Experiment 1 were checkerboard patterns, in Experiment 2 were complex and varying stimuli, and in Experiment 3 were either TV stimuli or an overhead light. The offset responses were similar for the fixed interval and infant control methods, and consisted of brief heart rate decelerations. The magnitude of the heart rate response was generally small (1.5 to 2 bpm), with the largest heart rate response being 4 bpm. The pre-offset heart rate response was similar for the infant control and interrupted stimulus and heart rate acceleration trials, with heart rate showing a return to prestimulus levels immediately preceding subject-controlled fixation termination. Infants with high levels of respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) measured during a 5- min baseline showed larger heart rate offset responses than did lowRSA infants. These results call into question the interpretation of heart rate offset responses in the context of Sokolov's model of the orienting response. However, the offset paradigm is useful in the study of subject-controlled attention processes. DESCRIPTORS: Infancy, Heart rate, Offset response, Respiratory sinus arrhythmia, Visual attention. |
Richards, J.E. (1988). Heart rate changes and heart rate rhythms, and infant visual sustained attention. In P.K. Ackles, J.R. Jennings, and M.G.H. Coles (Eds.), Advances in psychophysiology (Vol. 3, pp. 189-221). Greenwich, CT: JAI Press. | chapter | Download | 1988 | Pay attention to me! A recalcitrant child in the "terrible twos" often hears this admonishment from her parents. This admonishment shows that parents assume that children at young ages can direct their attention in a voluntary fashion and respond to verbal instructions. But what about getting a much younger child to "pay attention"? When do children first begin to attend to the sights and sounds of their world? When can a child direct its attention voluntarily to interesting stimuli? Parents often use special methods to elicit attention in young infants, e.g., cooing, making faces, playing, and even talking to infants. This parental behavior implicitly assumes that the infant is able to direct her attention to specific stimuli at a very early age. When does an infant start attending to environmental stimulation? How does one attract the attention of an infant? What types of things do they prefer to look at, and for how long? These are questions that psychologists have asked for several years about the attentional processes of infants. Moreover, attention to a stimulus is one indicator that the infant can discriminate the stimulus from its surroundings or from previous stimuli. Therefore, various measures of attention have been used as dependent variables in studies of psychological processes in the infant. Psychophysiologists have contributed to the study of infant attention in several Ways. Most notably, however, was the discovery by psychophysiologists that heart rate (HR) is closely associated with attention in infants. Thus, many studies of infant attention have used HR responses in behavioral tasks as a measure of ongoing attention. |
Casey, B. J., & Richards, J. E. (1988). Sustained visual attention in young infants measured with an adapted version of the visual preference paradigm. Child Development, 59, 1515-1521. | journal | Download | 1988 | Phases of infant visual attention were studied using a visual preference procedure that was modified to be similar to a "dual-task," interrupted stimulus procedure. Infants were tested in a cross-sectional design at 14, 20, or 26 weeks of age. The infants were presented with varying and complex TV patterns on a TV monitor. At a delay from the onset of fixation on this stimulus, a similar pattern was presented on an adjacent TV monitor within the infant's field of vision. This secondary stimulus was presented either when heart rate (HR) decelerated significantly below prestimulus level or when the HR returned to prestimulus level. These 2 conditions correspond to sustained attention and attention termination when phases of visual attention. The infants were less easily distracted by the secondary stimulus when HR was lower than prestimilus level then when it had returned to prestimulus levels. The amount of HR slowing on the HR deceleration trials increased over this age range, suggesting a developmental increase in sustained attention across this age range. The HR response at the time the infant looked at the secondary stimulus was different for the 2 delay conditions and differed from the HR response at primary stimulus onset. These results confirm the existence of distinct phases of attention during the visual preference procedure and suggest a refinement of the use of simple fixation time as a measure of infant attention with this procedure. |
HR-defined phases of visual information processing in infants. J.E. Richards, & B.J. Casey, Society for Psychophysiological Research, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October, 1987. | conference | 1987 | ||
Sustained visual attention in young infants measured with an adapted version of the visual preference paradigm. B.J. Casey & J.E. Richards, Society for Psychophysiological Research, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October, 1987. | conference | 1987 | ||
Development and stability in visual sustained attention in young infants. J.E. Richards, Society for Psychophysiological Research, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October, 1987. | conference | 1987 | ||
Richards, J.E. (1987). Development and stability in visual sustained attention in young infants. Psychophysiology, 24, 608. (abstract) | journal | 1987 | ||
Casey, B.J., & Richards, J.E. (1987). Sustained visual attention in young infants measured with an adapted version of the visual preference paradigm. Psychophysiology, 24, 583. (abstract) | journal | 1987 | ||
Richards, J.E., & Casey, B.J. (1987). HR-defined phases of visual information processing in infants. Psychophysiology, 24, 608. (abstract) | journal | 1987 | ||
Richards, J.E. (1987). Infant visual sustained attention and respiratory sinus arrhythmia. Child Development, 58, 488-496. | journal | Download | 1987 | Infants were studied cross-sectionally at 14, 20, and 26 weeks of age. They were presented with varying and complex patterns on a TV screen. Two-thirds of the presentations were accompanied by an "interrupting stimulus" in the periphery delayed in time from the onset of fixation on the central stimulus. The infants were not easily distracted from looking at the central stimulus when the presentation of the interrupting stimulus occurred at the point of maximal heart rate (HR) deceleration. However, if the presentation occured at the end of the HR response, the infants were easily distracted. Infants with large amounts of respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA; i.e. HR variability) in a baseline recording were less distractible during the deceleration-defined trials than were infants with low amounts of RSA. High-RSA infants also showed larger HR deceleration on these trials than did the low-RSA infants. These results are consistent with a model positing that sustained HR lowering during visual fixation is an index of active attention and that RSA is an index of voluntary, sustained attention in infants. |
Infant developmental status and heart rate and heart rate variability. J.E. Richards & D. Cameron, Society for Psychophysiological Research, Montreal, Canada, October, 1986. | conference | 1986 | ||
Symposium: Quantitative methods for assessing respiratory sinus arrhythmia. J.E. Richards, Society for Psychophysiological Research, Montreal, Canada, October, 1986. | conference | 1986 | ||
Infants are not distractible during physiologically defined periods of sustained attention. J.E. Richards, International Conference on Infant Studies, Los Angeles, CA., April, 1986. | conference | 1986 | ||
Power spectral analysis quantification of respiratory sinus arrhythmia. J.E. Richards, Society for Psychophysiological Research, Montreal, Canada, October, 1986. | conference | 1986 | ||
Richards, J.E. (1986). Power spectral analysis quantification of respiratory sinus arrhythmia. Psychophysiology, 23, 414. (abstract) | journal | 1986 | ||
Richards, J.E. (1986). Infants are not distractible during physiologically defined periods of sustained attention. Infant Behavior and Development, 9, 300. (abstract) | journal | 1986 | ||
Richards, J.E., & Cameron, D. (1986). Infant developmental status and heart rate and heart rate variability. Psychophysiology, 23, 455-456. (abstract) | journal | 1986 | ||
Richards, J.E., Parmelee, A.H., & Beckwith, L. (1986). Spectral analysis of infant EEG and behavioral outcome at age five. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 64, 1-11. | journal | Download | 1986 | Power spectral and discriminant analysis techniques were used to compare EEG records obtained at term and at 3 months past term from 5 groups of varying risk and developmental outcome. The groups were: (1) healthy full-terms; (2) healthy pre-terms with normal outcomes; (3) sick pre-terms with normal outcomes; (4) sick pre-terms with delayed development; (5) sick pre-terms with later neurological problems. The EEG samples recorded at term were identified as belonging to the correct subject group at 52-70% accuracy, 20% being chance for 5 groups. The accuracy varied with the 4 classes of EEG patterns used. The individual subjects were also classified into their correct groups with few exceptions. Similar success was obtained with EEG samples selected from recording at 3 months past term. The predominant power spectral discriminating features were changes in intra- and inter-hemispheric coherence, and increased power, particularly in the middle and higher frequency range. Thus, computer analyses of EEG samples, using features not readily identified visually, differentiated risk from non-risk infants and also differentiated infants with substantial neonatal medical complications who have good or poor developmental outcomes. Keywords: EEG, High-risk Infants, Preterm Infants, Power Spectral Analysis |
Heart rate offset response to visual stimuli in young infants. J.E. Richards, Society for Psychophysiological Research, Houston, TX., October, 1985. | conference | 1985 | ||
Infants are not distractible during physiologically defined periods of sustained attention. J.E. Richards, Society for Psychophysiological Research, Houston, TX., October, 1985. | conference | 1985 | ||
Respiratory sinus arrhythmia and infant attention. J.E. Richards & M.L. Turner, Society for Research in Child Development, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, April, 1985. | conference | 1985 | ||
Richards, J.E. (1985). Infants are not distractible during physiologically defined periods of sustained attention. Psychophysiology, 22, 572. (abstract) | journal | 1985 | ||
Richards, J.E. (1985). Heart rate offset response to visual stimuli in young infants. Psychophysiology, 22, 610. (abstract) | journal | 1985 | ||
Richards, J.E. (1985). The development of sustained visual attention in infants from 14 to 26 weeks of age. Psychophysiology, 22, 409-416. | journal | Download | 1985 | The development of sustained visual allention was examined in Infants cross-seclionally at 14, 20, and 26 weeks of age. lIearl rate, hearl rate variablllt)., and respiralory sinus arrhythmia were measured in a S-min baseline period. Two methods for measuring ,'isual altention "'Cre used. The "infanl conlrol" method consisted of checkerboard presentations which were terminated when Ihe infanllooked awa)' from Ihem. The "interrupled slimulus" method consisted of a blinking panel in addition 10 the checkerboard palterns in order to altempt to actively terminate the lixation. The visual and cardiac responses during the inlerrupled stimulus method "'ere more highly correia led ".lth baseline respiratory sillus arrhylhmia than were the responses during the infant conlrol trials. The long latenc)' hearl rale responses during Ihe inlerrupled stimulus Irials showed a developmenlal change toward more mature response pallerns from 141026 weeks of age. It ma)' be concluded that: I) sllstained allenlion, measured with Ihe inlerrupled slimulus method, increases from 14 to 26 ,,'eeks of age; and 2) haseline respiralory sinus arrhylhmia is correlated with suslained allenlion respllnses and Iheir developmenl. DESCRIPTORS: Infancy, I leart rale, Resplralory sinus arrhylhmia, Visual allenlion, Suslained allention. |
Richards, J.E. (1985). Respiratory sinus arrhythmia predicts heart rate and visual responses during visual attention in 14 and 20 week old infants. Psychophysiology, 22, 101-109. | journal | Download | 1985 | The prediction oCcardiac attentional responses by respiratory sinus arrhythmia was tested in inCants at 14 and at 20 weeks oCage. Heart rate, heart rate variability, and respiratory sinus arrhythmia were measured in a 5-min baseline period. Respiration and heart rate responses were recorded during the habituation oCinfant visual attention. The level oCrespiratory sinus arrhythmia in the baseline was significantly correlated with the cardiac deceleration, especially in the 20-weekold inCants. The relationship between cardiac and respiratory responses during attention was stronger in the 20-week-olds, paralleling the increase in respiratory sinus arrhythmia at this age. Visual fixation durations were also significantly correlated with measures oCheart rate variability Cromthe baseline. These results imply that cardiac variability not only predicts the level oCcardiac attentional responsivity, but may be useCulin the indexing oCindividual differences in the responsivity oCmore general attentional systems. DESCRIPTORS: Heart rate, Respiratory sinus arrhythmia, Visual attention, InCants. |
The development of sustained visual attention in infants from 14 to 26 weeks of age. J.E. Richards, Southeastern Conference in Human Development, Athens, GA., April, 1984. | conference | 1984 | ||
The interrupted stimulus method for measuring sustained attention in infants from 14 to 26 weeks of age. J.E. Richards, Society for Psychophysiological Research, Milwaulkee, WI., October, 1984. | conference | 1984 | ||
Structural models of infant heart rate and respiration and their relationship to visual and heart rate responses during attention. J.E. Richards & M.L. Turner, Society for Psychophysiological Research, Milwaulkee, WI., October, 1984. | conference | 1984 | ||
Richards, J.E., & Turner, M.L. (1984). Structural models of infant heart rate and respiration and their relationship to visual and heart rate responses during attention. Psychophysiology, 21, 595. (abstract) | journal | 1984 | ||
Richards, J.E. (1984). The interrupted stimulus method for measuring sustained attention in infants from 14 to 26 weeks of age. Psychophysiology, 21, 594-595. (abstract) | journal | 1984 | ||
Respiration and respiratory sinus arrhythmia predict cardiac and visual responses during visual attention in 14 to 20 week olds. J.E. Richards, Society for Psychophysiological Research, Asilomar, CA., September, 1983. | conference | 1983 | ||
Classifying risk-outcome groups with spectral analysis of infant EEG patterns. J.E. Richards and A.H. Parmelee, Society for Research in Child Development, Detroit, MI., April, 1983. | conference | 1983 | ||
The role of respiration in cardiac and visual attention responses in 14 and 20 week olds. J.E. Richards, Society for Research in Child Development, Detroit, MI., April, 1983. | conference | 1983 | ||
Richards, J.E. (1983). Respiration and respiratory sinus arrhythmia predict cardiac and visual responses during visual attention in 14 to 20 week olds. Psychophysiology, 20, 464. (abstract) | journal | 1983 | ||
Richards, J.E., & Rader, N. (1983). Affective, behavioral, and avoidance responses on the visual cliff: Effect of crawling onset age, crawling experience, and testing age. Psychophysiology, 20, 633-642. | journal | Download | 1983 | Two visual cliff experiments with human infants are reported that were designed to determine relationships among cardiac responses, avoidance and other behavioral responses, and developmental factors. The developmental factors considered were age at crawling onset, age at testing, and amount of crawling experience. In Experiment 1, infants were given either 30 or 60 days of crawling experience following crawling onset. In Experiment 2, infants were tested at either 9 or 12 months of age and crawling onset age was recorded. Infants were tested using a crawling avoidance procedure and the placing procedure that has been established for heart rate responses. Crawling onset age was the best predictor of avoidance behavior. Heart rate response was also a significant predictor of visual cliff avoidance, and was found to be related to testing age, especially for late crawlers. Looking down behavior was also found to distinguish crawling avoidance and crossing of the deep side of the cliff apparatus. These results, it is argued, suggest that fear is not the primary determinant of avoidance behavior on the visual cliff, but does contribute to avoidance at later ages. DESCRIPTORS: Infants, Visual cliff, Heart rate, Development. |
Discriminating children of differing perinatal risk and five year behavioral outcome with spectral analysis of infant EEG patterns. J.E. Richards and A.H. Parmelee, Society for Psychophysiological Research, Minneapolis, MINN., October, 1982. | conference | 1982 | ||
Richards, J.E., Reeves, J., & Shapiro, D. (1982). Prediction of individual differences in a blood pressure biofeedback task with spectral analysis of baseline physiological measures. Psychophysiology, 19, 300-301. (abstract) | journal | 1982 | ||
Richards, J.E. (1982). A comparison of heart rate and heart period with real-time units in time-series spectral analysis. Psychophysiology, 19, 343. (abstract) | journal | 1982 | ||
Richards, J.E., & Parmelee, A.H. (1982). Discriminating children of differing perinatal risk and five year behavioral outcome with spectral analysis of infant EEG patterns. Psychophysiology, 19, 581. (abstract) | journal | 1982 | ||
Prediction of individual differences in a blood pressure biofeedback task with spectral analysis of baseline physiological measures. J.E. Richards, J. Reeves, and D. Shapiro, Society for Psychophysiological Research, Washington, D.C., October, 1981. | conference | 1981 | ||
Infants use of a bridge to cross a visual cliff. N. Rader, D. Spiro, and J.E. Richards, Western Psychological Association, Los Angeles, CA., April, 1981. | conference | 1981 | ||
A comparison of heart rate and heart period with real-time units in time-series spectral analysis. J.E. Richards, Society for Psychophysiological Research, Washington, D.C., October, 1981. | conference | 1981 | ||
Richards, J.E., & Rader, N. (1981). Behavioral and cardiac response on the visual cliff in human infants. Psychophysiology, 18, 164. (abstract) | journal | 1981 | ||
Richards, J.E. (1981). Analyzing repeated physiological measures with multivariate ANOVA. Psychophysiology, 18, 148. (abstract) | journal | 1981 | ||
Richards, J.E., & Rader, N. (1981). Crawling onset age predicts visual cliff crossing in human infants. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 7, 382-387. | journal | Download | 1981 | Two experiments are reported that tested the effects of crawling-onset age, the amount of crawling experience, and testing age on avoidance of the deep side of a visual cliff apparatus by human infants. In Experiment 1, 49 infants ranging in age from 7 to 13 mo. were tested on the visual cliff after I or 2 mo. of crawling experience. Discriminant analysis revealed that crawling-onset age, and not crawling experience., discriminated between those infants who crossed and those infants who avoided the apparent drop-off. Infants who crossed the deep side were infants with an early crawling-onset age. In Experiment 2, 40 infants were tested on a visual cliff apparatus, half at 9 and half at 12 mo. of age. Discriminant analysis again found that crawling-onset age discriminated between infants who crossed and infants who would not cross the deep side, whereas testing age alone did not. These res\llts call into question the idea that experience crawling is critical in inducing visually guided avoidance behavior in infants. It is argued that the crawling-onset age effect occurs because crawling during the tactile phase of infancy interferes with later visual control of locomotion. |
Crawling onset age predicts visual cliff crossing in human infants. J.E. Richards and N. Rader, International Conference on Infant Studies, New Haven, CONN., April, 1980. | conference | 1980 | ||
Analyzing repeated physiological measures with multivariate ANOVA. J.E. Richards, Society for Psychophysiological Research, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, October, 1980. | conference | 1980 | ||
Behavioral and cardiac response on the visual cliff in human infants. J.E. Richards and N. Rader, Society for Psychophysiological Research, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, October, 1980. | conference | 1980 | ||
Crawling onset age predicts visual cliff crossing in human infants. J.E. Richards and N. Rader, Western Psychological Association, Honolulu, HA., May, 1980. | conference | 1980 | ||
Rader, N., Bausano, M., & Richards, J.E. (1980). On the nature of the visual-cliff-avoidance response in human infants. Child Development, 51, 61-68. | journal | 1980 | ||
Richards, J.E. (1980). The statistical analysis of heart rate data: A review emphasizing infancy data. Psychophysiology, 17, 153-166. | journal | Download | 1980 | Heart rate is a dependent variable used widely in psychological and psychophysiological research. Several statistical problems arise in the analysis of heart rate data, many of them specific to inCancy research. The present paper discusses the problems of a statistically appropriate cardiac measure, the Law of Initial Values, the problem of differential variability in heart rate scores, and the use oCmultivariate statistical methods in analyzing heart rate data. Special attention is given to those problems and solutions which have potential application to the analysis of infant heart rate data. A ftowchart is presented which may guide the researcher in the appropriate use oCthe several statistical techniques reviewed in this paper. DESCRIPTORS: Heart rate, Heart rate statistical analysis, Infant heart rate, Statistical analysis, Infancy. |
Effects of modeled response novelty and social reinforcement on infant imitation. J.E. Richards and W.R. Smith, Western Psychological Association, San Diego, April, 1979. | conference | 1979 | ||
On the nature of the visual cliff response in human infants. N. Rader, M. Bausano, J. Richards, and U. Viswanathan, Society for Research in Child Development, San Francisco, CA., March, 1979. | conference | 1979 |